North East Hampshire Patient Participation Group Meeting
North East Hampshire Patient Participation Group Meeting
Meeting Details
Title: North East Hampshire Patient Participation Group Meeting
Date: 2nd May 2012 Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Venue: Rushmoor Borough Council, Farnborough GU14 7JU
Meeting No: 06
Lead GP for the North East Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group / Dr. Olive Fairbairn / √Head of Communications and Engagement / Mel McKeown / √
Hampshire Link / Frank Rust / √
PPG Chairman / John Debenham / √
PPG CCG Representative / Donald Hepburn / √
PPG Secretary / John Baxter / √
Director of Public Health for Hampshire PCT (Guest Speaker) / Dr Ruth Milton / √
Alexander House Surgery / Audrey Goodale / √ / Monteagle Surgery / Duncan Peacock / √
Branksomewood Healthcare Centre / Tba / - / North Camp Surgery / Colin Masters / √
Crondall New Surgery / Sharon Blackburn / A / Oaklands Practice / Tba
The Border Practice / Denis Shepherd
Peter Smith / √ / Richmond Surgery / Donald Hepburn
Rikki Willis / √
Fleet Medical Centre / Wolfgang Hamann
Robert Davis / √
√ / Princes Gardens Surgery / Ron Baker
Emma Thompson / A
Giffard Drive Surgery / Marilyn Saker
Robert Mellor / √ / Southwood Medical Centre / John Baxter / √
Hartley Corner Surgery / Anne Strong / √ / Southlea Group Practice / Wendy Joseph / A
Jenner House Surgery / Brian Jupp
Jacqui Suggs / √
√ / Victoria Practice / Peter Williams
Mayfield Medical Centre / Eric Mead
Mark Miller
Nicola Jones
Martyn Marsh / Wellington Practice / Tba
Milestone Surgery / John Debenham
Ian Scott / √ / Downing Street Surgery / Tba
O’Donell Surgery / Harry Baker / √ / The Ferns Medical Practice / Steven Clark
Fiona Sparke / A
Bourne Surgery / Tba / Farnham 5 / Tba
A = Apologies sent
1.0 Welcome and Introductions
2.0 CCG Updates
2.1 CCG Update - Dr. Olive Fairbairn
2.2 Dr Ruth Milton, Director of Public Health for Hampshire PCT
2.3 Report back from previous CCG meeting – Donald Hepburn
3.0 Sub-Group Updates
3.1 Missing PPG Representatives
3.1.1 Sub-Group Update – Ron Baker / Emma Thompson
4.0 Any Other Business
4.1 Nomination Vice Chair and Deputy Secretary
5.0 Date of Next Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting
1.0 Welcome and Introductions
The meeting opened with an introduction of those present.
2.0 CCG Updates
2.1 CCG Update - Dr. Olive Fairbairn
No additional updates other then to introduce Dr Ruth Milton, who had kindly offer to present to the group.
2.2 Dr Ruth Milton, Director of Public Health for Hampshire PCT
Dr Ruth Milton, spoke about where we were in the 6 domains around authorisation and advised we were planning to be in the wave 2 list. Stakeholder audits will commence July, with commissioning starting April 2013. Her area of responsibility was the health of the population and she gave a brief outline of evidence required for commissioning, for example age, life expectancy.
Dr Ruth Milton re-iterated the need to hear what the public have to say and she commended the group for setting up and having committed individuals from each PPG.
She gave some general health indicators, rising birth rate, aging population, fatter population (including Children), Alcohol use, and support for diabetes all of which will affect commissioning strategy.
An interactive discussion took place to question where data for Alcohol consumption came from, accuracy of surveys, and anecdotal evidence regarding waiting lists and questions on the process of when a patient was considered to be on the Hospital lists.
Frank Rust committed to seeking clarification from Frimley Park on this question. However, he pointed out that he would need specific patient details and dates to sensibly pursue queries regarding being on or not on a list. Those PPG members who had evidence to support Franks review should send this data directly to Frank.
2.3 Report back from previous CCG meeting – Donald Hepburn
Most of the items were already discussed in the previous items. The output from the CCG meeting is attached at the bottom of these minutes.
3.0 Sub-Group Updates
3.1 Missing PPG Representatives
3.1.1 Sub-Group Update – Ron Baker / Emma Thompson
Emma was unable to attend the meeting. The update will be deferred to the next meeting.
However, we welcomed 3 new representatives this meeting
Duncan Peacock – Monteagle Surgery
Harry Baker - O’Donnell Surgery Farnham
Robert Davis - Fleet Medical Centre
4.0 Any Other Business
4.1 Crisis Response for Mental Health emergencies – Brian Jupp
Brian had outlined some specific issues experienced in trying to obtain help both in and out of hours and the frustration and hopelessness faced when seeking help for a patient and no one wants to take responsibility.
Brian was requesting a final update from Frank Rust . Brian to confirm if he is happy to close this item.
4.2 Nomination Vice Chair and Deputy Secretary
We still need to nominate both Vice Chair and Deputy Secretary for the group. It continues to be felt that with Farnham joining we should hold nominations to allow for Farnham representatives to apply.
5.0 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on 20th June
Future Meeting Dates:, 8th August, 19th September, 31st October and 12th December
The meeting Closed
Note of Meeting of CCG Board, 4 April 2012 – Donald Hepburn
Dr Ruth Milton will speak to the next NEH PPG on 2 May about the needs of patients in our area (known as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment). Maggie MacIsaac may accompany her.
Financial Performance & Planning
Pam Hobbs reported on the budget to date (11 months). There is some small overspend, covered by contingency. Exceeding budget on prescribing is an issue eg continuing with cancer drugs in the last week of life.
Transition Risks
Transition Risks seem to be well under control. The only one causing concern is the increase in unscheduled care. An unscheduled care strategy is in preparation by Peter Bibawy.
Progress towards authorization by NHS Commissioning Board
Going well and the CCG may achieve authorisation with conditions in October.
A very detailed programme to prepare for authorization (called a Workbook) to be discussed at a forthcoming seminar. There are 6 main areas (‘domains’) – Clinical focus, Engagement, QIPP, Governance, Collaboration, Leadership.
Merger with 5 Farnham practices
The CCH has been renamed North East Hampshire and Farnham.
PWC reported on a study they have carried out to conduct due diligence on the Farnham practices to assess the risk to NEH of merging with them. No significant risks to report.
A GP Dashboard is being finalized. This will provide up-to-date (next day) data on unscheduled care (eg A&E admissions, walk in centres …) to keep GPs abreast of their patients.
Mel McKeown will be asked to send me her presentation on engagement which she is preparing for the seminar on 11 April.
Now that the merger has taken place with Farnham it is time to look for a non-Executive and an out of area consultant to join the CCG.
Pam Hobbs will send me the current funding programme and a plain man’s guidebook to financing of healthcare.
CF to send me:
- a Declaration of Interest form
- TOR of the NEH CCG
- Glossary
AW to send me an organization chart covering the CCG and its reporting lines.
Note of Meeting of CCG Board, 2 May 2012
Financial Performance & Planning
Pam Hobbs reported on the budget to February (end year). There is a very small overspend, covered by contingency.
Rushmoor was the heaviest user of prescription drugs in Hampshire but is now overtaken by Gosport.
Frimley Hospital is performing pretty well on budget and its waiting list is in good shape.
Farnham Due Diligence
The addition of the 5 Farnham surgeries (accounting for about 20% of the combined NEH/Farnham CCG) should not bring significant additional risk to NEH.
Progress towards authorization
It now looks like the CCG will be in Wave 2 for authorization though work is progressing well.
Quality of Patient Care at Frimley
The quality of care at Frimley hospital is measured by national surveys.
For the outpatient survey, the 5 questions where FP scored significantly better than average were:
- cleanliness of outpatient department
- cleanliness of toilets
- staff contradicting each other
- failure to receive copies of letter sent between FP and GP
- overall care
No question areas scored significantly worse than average
For the inpatient survey, somewhat low scores for waiting lists and overall views/experiences. The low overall score was due to very low scores on:
- being asked to give their views on care
- information about how to complain
For Paediatric care, the survey showed:
- concern about not always having somewhere private to talk to the doctor
- parent not fully told about warning signals to watch for
- not told what to do or who to contact if worried at home.
In 7 areas 00Frimley scored significantly better than average.
Donald Hepburn
2 May 2012
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