NELTA SCITT Risk Assessment
Area of concern / Potential risk/impact / Action to be taken / Targets to measure success / Support/ guidanceQuality of provision
Outcomes for trainees / Trainee not demonstrating progress in second placement (salaried) / Support plan and cause for concern procedures instigated the same day as concerns are identified.
If targets are not met within one week then either the second placement will be extended or an alternative second placement will be found. / Trainee either makes expected progress or is relocated to an alternative placement where progress can be made. / NELTA tutor to visit placement school to assess progress and support the production of the support plan.
Trainee failing to meet targets identified in support plan / See support plan and cause for concern procedures / Trainee makes expected progress or
Deferral of training or
Trainee withdraws or
Training terminated. / PCM, subject mentor and NELTA Professional Development Team
Trainee involved in a serious incident – fitness to practice / See Fitness to Practice procedures / Trainee continues programme but possibly in a different placement or
Trainee withdraws or
Training terminated. / NELTA Professional Development Team
Fitness to Practise Panel
Trainee not meeting standards above the minimum risking an Ofsted grade 3 and hence putting the provision at risk / See support plan and cause for concern procedures / Trainee makes expected progress or
Trainee placement or training extended beyond final assessment date or
Trainee awarded QTS as they have met the standards but NELTA support is offered into NQT year. / NELTA Professional Development Team
Trainee absence – sickness etc. / See support plan and cause for concern procedures
See Fitness to Practice procedures / Trainee attendance improves to enable them to meet ITT criteria and or
Trainee placement or training extended beyond final assessment date. / NELTA Professional Development Team
Trainee wishes to withdraw / See support plan and cause for concern procedures
Trainee will be fully supported and reasonable adjustments will be made to encourage the trainee to continue if NELTA are of the opinion that the trainee will meet the standards above the minimum level / Trainee completes the programme or
Trainee withdraws after reasonable adjustments have failed and after discussion with NELTA Director / PCM, subject mentor and NELTA Professional Development Team
Delivery of provision
Quality of training across the partnership / Placement school goes into a category / Where a school is deemed to require improvement or is
in special measures, it may still be possible for the school to be involved in the delivery of
ITT, especially if the improvements to be made do not affect the subject or age range for
which the trainee is training.
The partnership agreement will be amended to reflect increased support,monitoring, and revisions to the individual’s training plan.
If this is not the case then see‘Removal of placement as a result of a school being placed on 'Special Measures' following an OfSTED Inspection’ procedure and CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR DESELECTING PARTNERS in the Partnership Agreement. / Trainee completes the placement or
An alternative placement is found. / PCM, subject mentor and NELTA Professional Development Team
Non-salaried placement not meeting requirements set out in partnership agreement / See CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR DESELECTING PARTNERS in the Partnership Agreement. / An alternative placement is found and training continues
Salaried placement not meeting requirements set out in partnership agreement / CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR DESELECTING PARTNERS in the Partnership Agreement.
An alternative placement is found or if another partner school is not prepared to pay the trainees salary then the trainee will be employed at one of the schools in BMAT to enable them to continue their training / An alternative placement is found and training continues / PCM, subject mentor and NELTA Professional Development Team
BMAT Principals
Inadequate delivery of subject specific pedagogy e.g. by external providers such as PTI / NELTA staff will attend all external provision annually to quality assure the training.
If after discussion with the provider there is no improvement then NELTA will seek alternative input either from within BMAT or across the partnership. / Alternative provision for high quality subject specific pedagogy secured / NELTA PCMs, subject mentors and NELTA Professional Development Team
Partner school wishes to terminate employment contract of salaried trainee (for whatever reason) even though NELTA considers the trainee is making good progress / See Partnership Agreement.
NELTA will take legal advice from BMAT solicitors on retention (Eversheds) and seek to persuade partner school to continue the placement.
Legal action may be considered or if advised against NELTA will seek to find an alternative placement.
The school will be deselected from the partnership.
An alternative placement is found or if another partner school is not prepared to pay the trainees salary then the trainee will be employed at one of the schools in BMAT to enable them to continue their training / The placement continues in the original school or an alternative placement is found and the training continues. / BMAT CEO/AO
BMAT trustees
Lack of engagement from partner school – not releasing trainees for training / See Partnership Agreement
If after discussion with the PCM, and Headteacher there is still a lack of engagement then the school will be considered to be in breach of the Partnership Agreement. An alternative school will be found and the school will be deselected as a partner. / The placement continues in the original school or an alternative placement is found and the training continues. / NELTA Strategic Director
BMAT trustees
Delivery model
Leadership and management of the partnership / Changes to staffing / BMAT recruitment and selection procedures to be followed to recruit appropriate replacements. / NELTA provision well led and managed. / BMAT HR
NELTA Strategic Director
Changes to ITT criteria and supporting advice / Provision will be quality assured by the self-evaluation and improvement planning process as well as by internal and external moderation against the latest ITT criteria and supporting advice.
Changes will be implemented to ensure that NELTA is fully compliant with the most recent ITT criteria. / Full compliance with ITT criteria / NELTA Strategic Director and Directors
DfE ITT criteria and supporting advice
Regional and local SCITT/ITT networks
Members of the NELTA professional development team not performing at a good or outstanding level / See BMAT capability for staff procedures / Improvements in performance or dismissal from the NELTA team / BMAT HR
Financial stability / Recruitment insufficient to make current provision viable / Redeployment of teaching staff within BMAT.
Temporarily run provision at a deficit drawing on financial support from BMAT.
Adjustment of range and size of future programmes offered to ensure viability.
Trust level discussion to consider closure of the programme if adjustments do not ensure viability. / Production of a future balanced budget or
Closure of SCITT provision / BMAT Principals
NCTL Performance Team
Applicants made offers fail skills test/s / Ensure literacy and numeracy skills are assessed at selection and interview stage to minimise risk.
Offer bespoke support for literacy and numeracy skills tests using BMAT staff.
Encourage applicants to take skills tests early.
Replace applicants if early enough in the recruitment cycle.
If considerable numbers fails see ‘recruitment insufficient to make current provision viable’ above. / Low numbers failing skills tests.
Applicants successful when resitting. / BMAT Maths and English staff
Shortlisting and interview panel
NELTA tutors
Changes to salaried trainee funding / Inform partner schools and discuss impact on their requests for salaried trainees.
Consider balance of salaried to non-salaried trainees.
If changes are significant and poses a risk to financial viability see ‘Recruitment insufficient to make current provision viable’ above. / SCITT remains financially viable / NELTA Strategic Board and School Partners
Changes to allocations and recruitment methodology / Review requests for allocations and adapt recruitment procedures. / SCITT continues to recruit sufficient high quality trainees to remain financially viable / NELTA Strategic Board and School Partners
Control of public funds / Non-compliance with EFA assurance procedures or NCTL Grant Funding Agreements / Completion of NCTL FMGS self-assessment jointly with BMAT Finance Team. AO to sign off.
Check compliance with GFA
BMAT Finance Team to ensure they are familiar with SCITT Providers Financial Guide / Full compliance / BMAT Finance Team
BMAT Managing Director/AO
BMAT Trustees
NCTL Viability and Intervention Team
Significant change / Beal High School loses Ofsted outstanding grade / Beal will draw on the strength of the Teaching School Alliance and team up with NELTA outstanding schools who may be asked to act as the lead school for requesting School Direct places / NELTA continues to work with outstanding schools to recruit and train teachers / NELTA partner schools
NELTA Strategic Board
Beal High School requires improvement or goes into special measures / Beal will draw on the strength of the Teaching School Alliance and team up with NELTA outstanding schools who may be asked to act as the lead school for requesting School Direct places
Where a school is deemed to require improvement or isin special measures, it may still be possible for the school to be involved in the delivery ofITT, especially if the improvements to be made do not affect the subject or age range forwhich the trainee is training. The lead school and the accredited provider, NELTA, will need to be
confident that the trainee will not be disadvantaged by the school experience, and thesituation will need to be kept under close review.
If this is not the case then see‘Removal of placement as a result of a school being placed on 'Special Measures' following an OfSTED Inspection’ procedure and CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR DESELECTING PARTNERS in the Partnership Agreement.
A school in special measures will not be able to request School Direct places as a lead
school. NELTA and the Partnership will satisfy themselves that schools have the capacity to
undertake their responsibilities. / School placements will continue at Beal High School or
The trainee will be found an alternative placement
Another NELTA partner school will take on the lead school role working with NELTA, the provider, to request and recruit trainees / NELTA partner schools
NELTA Strategic Board
Beal High School goes into special measures while a School Direct salaried trainee is employed at the school / If a school goes into special measures while a School Direct Training Programme
(salaried) trainee is employed at the school, another lead school will be designated,
and the partnership agreement will be amended to reflect increased support,
monitoring, and revisions to the individual’s training plan.
If this is not the case then see ‘Removal of placement as a result of a school being placed on 'Special Measures' following an OfSTEDInspection’ procedure and CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR DESELECTING PARTNERS in the Partnership Agreement. / PCM, subject mentor and NELTA Professional Development Team
Beal High School sponsorship ‘re-brokered by Regional Schools Commissioner / Meetings held with new Academy sponsor to discuss continuation of SCITT provision / SCITT provision continues as a new legal entity or closes as a result of the new sponsor no longer willing to support ITT provision. / BMAT trustees
New sponsor
NELTA Strategic Board
NCTL Performance Team