Name……………………………………………. Form………………………..
Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?
To achieve a level you must have satisfied all requirements for all levels preceding your target.
Emerging White / Self Assessment / Peer Assessment / Teacher AssessmentI have …
- WHITE 1 – Recall some facts; describe people, events taking place in 1066.
- WHITE 4 – Follow simple instructions to try and complete a task.
- WHITE 5 – To sometimes order my writing in a sensible way (incomplete sentences)
- WHITE 6 – To use some punctuation correctly.
A / C
A / C
Approaching Secure Yellow
I have…
- YELLOW 1 – Describe and make simple comparisons between different people, events and periods occurring in 1066.
- YELLOW 2 – Describe factors surrounding historical concepts. 3 causes that led to William’s victory at the BOH.
- YELLOW 2 – To use Standard English most the time.
- YELLOW 3 – To organise my writing into paragraphs at times.
A / C
A / C
Secure Blue
I have…
- BLUE 1 – Identify and explain the links between different features of the past occurring in 1066.
- BLUE 2 – Explain factors surrounding historical concepts. Used chronology to explain the story.
- BLUE 4 – Ask relevant questions about the past, and begin to discuss theories about the past. Discuss reasons for the most and least important for William’s victory.
A / C
A / C
Beyond Secure Pink & Excelling Purple
I have…
- PINK 2 – Formulate a judgement based on your knowledge and understanding and clearly explaining the relationship between the causes.
- PURPLE 2 – Show substantial evidence to link, together arguments and prioritise judgements surrounding historical concepts.
- PINK 1 – The correct structure is displayed clearly, e.g. Introduction, Main, Conclusion.
- PINK 2 – Keywords are commonly used, and historical terminology is evident.
- PINK 3 – Paragraphs are used confidently and logically.
- PURPLE 4 To spell both common and complex words correctly at almost all times.
- PURPLE 5 – To plan and execute the task in hand to a beyond expected standard
A / C
A / C
On this assessment I think I did really well in the following;
WWW (1)…………………………………………………………………………………
WWW (2)………………………………………………………………………………....
In order to improve my work in the future I need to;EBI(1).…………………………………………………………………………………..
Peer Assessment
(Name of Peer Assessor )
…… WWW………………………………………………………………………………
2. … EBI………………………………………………………………………………...
…… EBI…………………………………………………………………………………
Teacher Comment:
EBI:To improve your work in the future make sure you:
Name……………………………………………. Form………………………..
- Read the question more carefully
- Make sure you answer the question
- Present your work neatly
- Identify more reasons
- Add more detail to your description
- Explain how the points answer the question
- Analyse the reasons given in depth
- Include more supporting evidence
- Have a clear introduction
- Have a clear conclusion
- Produce an organised piece of work
- Use correct dates
- Write a balanced answer
- Use more interesting connectives
- Take greater care with spelling
- Use capital letters correctly
- Link your ideas together
- Prioritise the reasons into order of importance
- Explain why there could be different interpretations
- Include your own research
- Make sure you have answered the set question
- Focus on answering the overall question throughout your work
- Use historical terminology
- Carry out more in depth individual research
- Continue to work to the best of your ability
- Use the criteria for the level above