EAL in the mainstream for the Early Learner
This 8-week course will enable practitioners and teachers working in EYFS and KS1 to:
- develop understanding and skills for supporting children in their first and second language development;
- develop understanding and skills for working with parents from language backgrounds other than English;
- recognise the implications of cultural and linguistic pluralism in education;
- provide culturally inclusive learning environments.
The course incorporates:
- group workshops
- highly practical readings
- workplace-based activities
Applications from schools and settings sending two or more participants are particularly welcomed, as impact on provision and practice has been demonstrably greater where this has been the case, and colleagues have been able to support each other in developing, implementing and disseminating strategies from the course.
Cost per participant:
For maintained schools in LBHF and WCC:
-no charge
For maintained schools in RBKC:
-£350 (including £100 for course materials and manual)
For all other schools academies, free schools and non-LBHF schools:
-£600 (including £100 for course materials and manual)
EAL in the mainstream for the Early Learner
Course outline
All sessions will take place at the Lilla Huset PDC, 13.15 – 16.30
/ 1ESL learners in early childhood settingsExploring identity and culture.
The knowledge and life experiences bilingual children bring to the early childhood setting.
Factors affecting learning outcomes.
Strategies to support children to achieve successful learning outcomes.
/ 2Developing an additional language in a supportive learning environmentThinking about literacy and language.
How children learn their first language.
Examining some of the issues in learning EAL in early childhood settings.
Strategies that provide a supportive learning environment.
/ 3Talking and learning in a second language: issuesParticular needs of bilingual children in learning to talk in early childhood settings.
Issues of developing talk in a second language for both social and learning purposes.
Nature of spoken language and the related demands in tasks and texts of early childhood settings.
/ 4Talking and learning in a second language: strategiesStrategies for supporting the oral language development of EAL learners.
Role of the adult in scaffolding language.
Strategies that focus specifically on small group work in oral language development.
Planning and programming for oral language development.
/ 5Reading and writing in a second language: issuesLinking home and school literacy practices.
How reading and writing experiences match expectations of formal education.
Specific issues for EAL learners in learning to read and write in English in early childhood settings.
/ 6Reading and writing in a second language: strategiesA framework for examining and selecting inclusive texts.
Strategies that support the reading and writing skills of young EAL learners.
Teaching the language and organisation of texts successfully.
/ 7A culturally inclusive approach to early childhood educationDefining a culturally inclusive approach to early childhood education.
Practices considered culturally inclusive.
Developing an inclusive programme.
Implementation of a culturally inclusive approach at both program and whole school level.
/ 8Planning more effective partnershipsStrengthening links with the home and community.
Planning for more effective partnerships with parents.
Working in partnerships with other educators.
Applications should be made through:
The Lilla Huset PDC –
Further information from Margaret Brown –