DENTON ISD CHORAL MUSIC CURRICULUMCourse Title: Grade 8, Choir (end of course)
/ § Students will continue to expand the technical studies begun in the 6th and 7th grades as they work on performance literature and will add:§ Experience with:
o Major Key signatures: Eb, Ab, A, E
§ Music literature, exercises, drills and warm-ups will:
§ Continue to expand the vocal range
§ Refine diction articulations
§ Develop and sustain breath control & phrasing
§ Develop rhythmic precision
§ Refine intonation
§ Listening skills are assessed and refined to enable students to adjust intonation.
§ Students will demonstrate understanding of simple melodic and rhythmic dictation.
§ Students continue developing sight-reading skills.
§ Literature will encompass major and minor keys in both treble and bass clef.
Creative Expression/ Performance
/ § Students may be assigned to classes for treble voice, changing male voice in order to address special needs in vocal development. Mixed voicings will be reserved for audition-only, auxiliary choirs.§ Students continue developing individual vocal technique, refined listening skills and expressive singing.
§ Literature will include music written in two, three and four parts.
§ Standard music terminology, expressive singing, and historically accurate style traits will become a standard performance expectation.
§ Students will have the option of enhancing individual singing skills by participating in solo/ensemble contests, district and region choir auditions, and other similar events.
§ Students will participate in Choir events such as contests, festivals, and/or clinics in which they are critiqued by a panel of professional music educators.
Historical/Cultural Heritage
/ § Students will sing significant choral music representing a variety of historical periods and composers in a variety of foreign languages.§ Students will identify characteristics of particular time periods, styles, cultures and/or composers and apply their knowledge to authentic performance.
§ Students will continue to have the opportunity to see, hear and interact with music professionals, professional and school music organizations and other student musicians to increase their musical awareness and performance artistry.
/ § Students will evaluate and make adjustments in performance literature as a continual growth process.§ Students will demonstrate appropriate performance critique and evaluation.
§ Teacher will model exemplary vocal and conducting technique in order to develop exemplary music habits in the student.
§ Students will demonstrate appropriate rehearsal and concert etiquette at all times.
REVISED: 8/17/10