EDC 2006
Tele-conference call
Wed., 2/15/2006, 10am – 12noon
Present: Tom M., Jerome T., Mechelle R., Glenda W., Michael M., Mary C., Kathleen B.
Absent: Frank G., Linda B., Jan C., Linda F., Milly M., Antoinette M.
Tom informed the committee that he prepared and submitted the EDC’s CASFAA Newsletter article for the January/February edition, and reviewed the newsletter’s article due dates for future editions. Tom encouraged member input and suggested using the newsletter to provide updates on EDC meetings and developments as well as for the EDC column. Tom asked if anyone has not done the CASFAA volunteer form to submit it to Tom asap. Glenda stated that she might have not receives it yet. Tom will send it through emails to all members again.
Tom reporting the minor changes in budget request as the Finance Committee has make this changes to utilize it on line. The Executive Council has approved the budget at this time. The committee then discussed possible keynote speakers for the EDC mini-workshops at which point Mechelle Robinson, Citibank suggested Citibank Professional Development presenter Allison Wynn. Mechelle informed the committee that Allison presents on various topics and that she would provide the committee with a catalogue of topics for review. Mechelle also informed the group that Allison would be conducting a presentation for the CSU Fullerton financial aid staff on February 23, and invited any interested members to attend to observe. Tom expressed interest in attending the CSU Fullerton presentation and that he would follow up with Mechelle for more information. Glenda Welch, Santa Ana College, informed the group about another potential presenter whom she would obtain a resume from for Tom’s review. Tom mentioned input from Ken Walsh, Cal Maritime DFA and CASFAA Executive Committee member in support of Jessica Notini – last year’s northern California speaker, as the northern California selection again this year. It was mentioned that using the same speaker for both Northern and Southern sites might be useful in minimizing expenses.
The committee then went on to discuss EDC budgetary issues during which UC Irvine and Riverside were mentioned as possible sites for the Southern California sites and Cal Maritime as a site for the Northern California workshop. It was mentioned that the regional workshops would be scheduled for late May/early June, with a tentative time from 10am to 2pm, to allow for adequate travel time to and from the site locations. Tom asked Glenda and Michael to check on their college and see if it also can be considered for the site selection. They will report it back to the committee at the next meeting.
In discussing the EDC’s CASFAA event, Tom suggested that the committee utilize the same budgeted amount and a similar Cheese and Wine Reception format as during 2005 to help minimize expenses to which the group agreed. Tom will check more information with Tony Dubois and Karen Sanders, co-chairs of the conference.
Tom then provided the group with an Executive Council meeting update and explained his role in reporting to the CASFAA Executive Committee and that – to date, all information reported on the development and progress of this year’s Ethnic Development Committee had been well received. Tom also informed the group about Thank You email that were mailed to CASFAA members who expressed an interest in being on the EDC, but were not selected. He pointed out that responses from the letters ranged from those volunteering to assist even though they were not officially on the EDC to others not recalling having submitted a volunteer form at all.
In discussing the Conference Committee update, Tom informed the EDC that the conference survey results divulged an indication that some members were not happy that EDC Scholarship winners were not recognized. And that the actual scholarship winners had issues with the selection of roommates which they we assigned to board with during the conference. It was cited that winners would have preferred to have more input on the roommate selection process.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15am