OCTOBER, 26-28, 2017


tItle of the paper (14 pt, bold)

AaaaAUTHOR1, BbbbAUTHOR1, CcccAUTHOR2(12 pt, bold)

1Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

2 Ege University, Textile and Apparel Research and TrainingCenter, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

E-mail of the Presenting Author


An abstract not exceeding 100 words should appear on the top of the first page, after the title of the paper in chapter titled "Abstract" (without chapter number), after the names of the authors and the contact information of the corresponding author. (10 pt)

Key Words:4-5 keywords (10 pt)


This is the fulltext submission guideline for the EGEMEDITEX 2017–3rdInternational Congress on Healthcare and Medical Textiles and this document can be used as a template. The paper must be written in English. It is expected that authors will submit carefully written and proofread material. Spelling and grammatical errors, as well as language usage problems, is on the responsibility of the authors.

The deadline for the full text submission is August 1,2017. Please have a look at the website full text submission details. The author registration deadline is July 30, 2017. Please keep in mind that your conference registration is only valid when your payment has been received.


The paper should be written in MS Word format. Use B5 format only, (18.2 cm x 25.7 cm). Please use Times New Roman as font and single line spacing for the entire abstract. There should be a top margin of 3.0 cm and a bottom, left and right margin of 2.5 cm.

The paper should be structured as following: An introductory section including the main scope of the problem and aims of the investigation, material and method of the approach, experimental results and discussion, conclusion and references.

2.1 Paper Length

It is suggested that the paper length should not exceed 10 pages.

2.1 Fonts

Please use 12 pt for the main body of the text and a single space should be placed between the paragraphs. Use the following fonts for the other sections:

Paper title: 14 PT BOLD, CAPITAL LETTERS; Authors’ names: 12 pt bold (presenting author name should be underlined); Affiliations: 10 pt italic; Abstract heading: 10 pt bold; Abstract text: 10 pt; Key words: 10 pt; Main headings: 12 PT BOLD, CAPITAL LETTERS and Subsidiary headings: 12 p bold.

2.2 Section Headings and Numbering

Each new section and subsection should have a heading consisting of an Arabic numeral followed by a period.Please a single space before and after the section title (see this template).

2.3 Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be cited in the text and placed after their first reference. Please do not used colored photos and prints.They should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Use Times New Roman, 10 pt for the headings and captions (see sample table and figure). Table headings should be centered above the tables, and figure captions should be centered below the figures.

Table 1. Heading of the table (centered)

Figure 1. Caption of the figure (centered)

2.4 Equations and units

Equations should be placed on a separate line from the text with a blank space above and below. Equations should be clear and expressions used should be explained in the text. The equations should be numbered consecutively at the outer right margin, as shown in Eq. (1)


Please use IS (International System of Units) system for the definition of the units.


Reference numbers in the text should be placed by square brackets, e.g., [1]. The references should be listed in the same order as cited in the text. Please note that all references listed in the references section must be directly cited in the body of the text.

  1. Smith C., Title of the paper, Name of the Journal (in italics), 2008, Vol.1, No.1, 35-42.
  2. Brown A. and Smith B.J., Title of the Book (in italics), Publisher, Place of Publication, 2008, 235-242.
  3. White B., Title of the conference paper, Book of Proceedings, Conference location, 2008, 235-242.
  4. Smith B.J., Title of the paper, Available from: , (dd,mm,yyyy).