Name: ______Pd. ______

The Earth and Its Peoples

Chapter Thirty One Reading Guide

I. Vocabulary: Be sure to include the significance of the terms and dates.

African National Congress / Apartheid
Cold War / Cuban Missile Crisis
Chinese Cultural Revolution / European Economic Community (Common Market)
Green Revolution (p.890) / Helsinki Accords
Iron Curtain / Korean War
Marshall Plan / North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
NON-Aligned Countries / Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
United Nations / Vietnam War
Warsaw Pact / World Bank


  1. What was the impact of the Cold War on the world and its environment?
  1. What methods did the superpowers use to fight the Cold War?
  1. How did non-aligned nations use the rivalry between the Superpowers to their advantage?

4.Describe the economic and political struggle between Third World nations in Latin America and the United States.

  1. What challenges did newly independent nations face?
  1. How did colonialism continue to affect the politics, society, and economy of former colonies long after official imperial control had ended?

III. Chart:

African Decolonization and Independence

South Africa
Colonizer: ______
Date of Independ: ______ / Kenya
Colonizer: ______
Date of Independ: ______ / French Equatorial Africa (French Sub-Saharan Africa)
Colonizer: ______
Date of Independ: ______
How was independence achieved?
Leader(s) of Independence Movement
Resources (Economic, Governmental, Social)
Post-independence Government System

IV. Diversity and Dominance: (pp.902-903) Read the excerpt and answer the questions.

  1. What are Steve Biko’s charges against white liberals in South Africa?
  1. What was the proper role for whites in the antiapartheid movement according to Biko?
  1. How does Bishop Tutu’s eulogy differ from the political spirit and point of view expressed in Biko’s 1970 essay?
  1. According to Bishop Tutu, what were Biko’s strongest characteristics? Were these characteristics demonstrated in Biko’s essay?

V.Thesis:Write a thesis statement onlyforONE ofthe following questions.

1. Compare and contrast the reactions of China and Japan to the rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union.

2. Analyze the Cold War in terms of its affects, methods and legacy.

3. Analyze the changes and continuities in society and government in the Middle East after the formation of the state of Israel.