JANUARY 24, 2017

Meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Turner, Mc Cormick and Kipp were present. Kelly Lowery, Attorney, joined the meeting. Let it be known that Donald Schneider has an excused absence.

McCormick moved to approve the agenda as presented. Turner second, carried..

January 19, 2017 vouchers were reviewed. McCormick moved to approve the January 19, 2017 vouchers. Turner second, carried.

The minutes of the January 17, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the minutes as presented. McCormick second, carried.

Larry Neugebauer joined the meeting. Brought in an estimate from K&K Welding to do the work needed up on the jail floor. Overall plan is to start housing prisoners. McCormick made a motion to go ahead with the repairs required in the jail so prisoners can be housed. Turner second, carried. Neugebauer left the meeting.

McCormick moved to write a letter of support to the Revere School for the Day Care Center. Turner second, carried.

Lowery will do a general amendment on the PTO hours and send them to the Commissioners to discuss and approve.

McCormick reminded us to send by e-mail the approved minutes to all department heads.

Ridnour joined the meeting. McCormick motioned to approve the new hire Becky Kizer as dispatch for the communication center. Turner second, carried. The electricity bill for the tower in Ovid went to the Sheriff’s office. There were questions on who pays what bills. Highline needs an update on the Ovid tower. Turner said that he feels that all communication bills and entities need to go through the Communication Center. The Board may need to have a work session after the next meeting to discuss this. Ridnour left the meeting.

McCormick motioned to have Lowery draft a letter to Douglas County for reimbursement on Attorney fees regarding the investigation of the elected coroner. Turner seconded, carried.

Commissioners called Alan Harris to join the meeting. The Board asked Harris when the filters needed changed with the air conditioning units. Harris replied that the filters get changed twice per year. The Board also wanted to know about fixing or replacing the women’s bathroom door downstairs for the dispatch unit. Harris questioned why the door to the bathroom needed to be opened for the dispatchers. Harris said he will do whatever is asked of him. Harris left the meeting.

Turner moved to adjourn the meeting. McCormick second, carried.

Meeting was adjourned.


Donald Schneider, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board

By: Jane M. Kipp, Chief Deputy Clerk