04.03 Julius Caesar Act II

  1. What does it mean about Cassius’s plan that he has to mislead Brutus to make it happen?

Cassius is well aware that Brutus is unwilling to act against Caesar just because Cassius told him to. He needed to convince him to betray Caesar because he still had mixed feelings.

  1. What does it mean about Brutus that he so readily believes what Cassius says?

It means that Brutus is easily manipulated, and may have already had doubts about Caesar. He was already confused as to his loyalties, and Cassius just helped push him in a direction.

  1. What does it mean about Antony that Brutus refuses to kill him?

He doesn’t think that killing him is necessary. Killing Antony could just disrupt further and he could have had moral conflict about killing more people than needed for the job. “Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius, To cut the head off and then hack the limbs, Like wrath in death and envy afterwards; For Antony is but a limb of Caesar: Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers, Caius.”


Name / Character Notes / Important Quotes / Evidence of Loyalty (to whom?)
Flavius / Annoyed with the crowd because they are too fickle. / “It is no matter. Let no images
Be hung with Caesar’s trophies. I’ll about
And drive away the vulgar from the streets.” / Cassius. Tries to get the crowns from the Caesar statues removed.
Marullus / Annoyed with the crowd because they are too fickle. / “O you hard hearts, you cruèl men of Rome,
Knew you not Pompey?” / Cassius.Agrees to get rid of the crowns from the Caesar statues.
commoners / Mostly supporters that blindly follow Julius Caesar. / “But indeed, sir, we make holiday to see Caesar and to rejoice in his triumph.” / Caesar.They cheer for him after he returns.
Caesar / Roman general that is being offered the crown of Rome. / “Fellow, come from the throng. Look upon Caesar.” / Himself, his wife, and friends. Believes that his wife and friends are standing by his side.
Casca / Believes that Caesar may be influenced to be the king. Also think that Caesar may just be pretending to be humble by refusing the crown. / "But, for my own part, it was Greek to me." / Cassius. Does not think that Caesar should be the king, and helps Cassius in his assassination plans.
Calpurnia / The wife of Julius Caesar. Very helpful and cares for her husband. / “When beggars die there are no comets seen.
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.” / Julius. Does not want him to go the Senate on the Ides of March.
Antony / The right hand man of Caesar. Stands strongly by his side. / “I shall remember.
When Caesar says, “do this,” it is performed.” / Caesars. Helps and supports Julius Caesar when he is offered the crown.
Soothsayer / A fortuneteller that gives Julius Caesar a warning about the Ides of March. / “Beware the ides of March.” / Caesar. Gives Julius a warning about the Ides of March.
Brutus / Honorable man that is unsure whether he supports Caesar. / “Be not deceived. If I have veiled my look,
I turn the trouble of my countenance
Merely upon myself. Vexèd I am
Of late with passions of some difference,
Conceptions only proper to myself,
Which give some soil perhaps to my behaviors.” / Cassius. Is convinced the Caesar must be killed and helps in the assassination plans.
Cassius / Convinces and manipulates Brutus into helping him kill Caesar. Begins the whole “CAESAR MUST DIE” thing. / “I cannot tell what you and other men
Think of this life, but, for my single self,
I had as lief not be as live to be
In awe of such a thing as I myself.” / Himself. Wants to kill Caesar.
Cicero / A supporter of Caesar. / “Indeed, it is a strange-disposèd time.
But men may construe things after their fashion,
Clean from the purpose of the things themselves.” / Caesar. Speaks at the parade and supports Caesar.
Cinna / Opposes Caesar, helps place fake letters into Brutus’s room to manipulate him. / “O Cassius, if you could
But win the noble Brutus to our party—“ / Cassius. Doesn’t want Caesar to become king, helps with the assassination plans.


Name / Character Notes / Important Quotes / Evidence of Loyalty (to whom?)
Brutus / Considers killing Caesar but has mixed feelings. Finally decides that it is the best option after he reads the fake letters. / “It must be by his death, and for my part
I know no personal cause to spurn at him
But for the general. He would be crowned.
How that might change his nature, there’s the question.” / Cassius. Is convinced the Caesar must be killed and helps in the assassination plans.
Lucius / Works for Brutus. Confirms that tomorrow is the Ides of March and introduces the conspirators who arrive at the house. / “Sir, March is wasted fifteen days.” / Brutus. Agrees to Brutus that both Anthony and Caesar should die.
Cassius / The friend of Brutus. He doesn’t want Caesar to be powerful and is jealous. He manipulates Brutus into betraying Caesar. / “As to annoy us all; which to prevent,
Let Antony and Caesar fall together.” / Himself. Just wants to kill Caesar.
Casca / Does not want Caesar to be in power. He thinks that Caesar may be manipulating the people into standing by his side. / “Oh, he sits high in all the people’s hearts,
And that which would appear offense in us,
His countenance, like richest alchemy,
Will change to virtue and to worthiness.” / Cassius. Does not think that Caesar should be the king, and helps Cassius in his assassination plans.
Decius Brutus / Helps Brutus and his allies. He gives Caesar incorrect information. / “Shall no man else be touched but only Caesar?” / Brutus. Aids Brutus in giving Caesar the wrong information.
Cinna / Puts the documents in the room of Brutus. / “O Cassius, if you could
But win the noble Brutus to our party—“ / Cassius. Doesn’t want Caesar to become king, helps with the assassination plans.
MetellusCimber / Not a supporter of Caesar’s rise to power. / “O, let us have him, for his silver hairs, will purchase us a good opinion.” / Brutus. Plans to help kill Caesar.
Trebonius / Not a supporter of Caesar’s rise to power. / “There is no fear in him. Let him not die,
For he will live and laugh at this hereafter.” / Brutus. Pledges to remain by the side of Brutus.
Portia / The wife of Brutus. She is also the daughter of a noble who opposes Julius. Eventually becomes distraught by Brutus. / “As it hath much prevailed on your condition,
I should not know you, Brutus. Dear my lord,
Make me acquainted with your cause of grief.” / Brutus. Wants Brutus to confide in her. Offers herself as a listener.
Ligarius / The sick friend of Brutus. / “By all the gods that Romans bow before, I here discard my sickness! Soul of Rome! Brave son, derived from honourable loins!” / Brutus. Friend of Brutus, trusts him.
Caesar / He is completely unaware of the people trying to kill him. He wishes to be crowned king. / “Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace tonight.
Thrice hath Calphurnia in her sleep cried out,
“Help, ho! They murder Caesar!”—Who’s within?” / Himself, his wife, and friends. Believes that his wife and friends are standing by his side.
Calpurnia / The wife of Julius Caesar. She is susceptible to believing bad omens and does not want Caesar to go the Senate during the Ides. / “When beggars die there are no comets seen.
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.” / Julius. Does not want him to go the Senate on the Ides of March.
Artemidorus / Hands Caesar the letter to let him know who is planning to kill him. / “Here will I stand till Caesar pass along,
And as a suitor will I give him this.
My heart laments that virtue cannot live
Out of the teeth of emulation.
If thou read this, O Caesar, thou mayst live.
If not, the Fates with traitors do contrive.” / Caesar. Helps warn him about the assassination plans.
soothsayer / A fortuneteller that gives Julius Caesar a warning about the Ides of March. / “Beware the ides of March.” / Caesar. Warns Julius about the Ides of March, tells him to be careful.