Child Advocacy Centers’ Quarterly Report

Report ofservices involving DCS CAC/CJA Funds

Please email this form to

ReportingQuarters:10/1-12/31(due 1/10);1/1-3/31(due 4/10);4/1-6/30 (due7/10); 7/1-9/30(due10/10)




OrganizationName: Address:

City:County:State:ZipCode: Email:Website:







Please indicate the total for the center and then by countypercategory. Please replace the county # with the actual county name.

1. #of ForensicInterviews
ConductedatCAC / Total for center / County
#1 / County#2 / County
#3 / County
#4 / County
#5 / County
#6 / County
#7 / County
Total number of interviews
2. Numberof interviews by suspected abuse type (you can select more than one type)
Domestic Violence
Drug Endangerment*
Human Trafficking**
3. Number of interviews by ageofchildren interviewed
7-12yearsof age
13-18yearsof age
4. Gender
5. Number of children interviewed with mental or physical disabilities
Mental disability
Physical disability
Intellectual disability
6. Numberof interviews by ethnicity/raceofchildren interviewed
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
7. Number of interviews by referral source (select one referral source per interview)
Law Enforcement
Department of Child Services
Parent(s)/caregiver (walk in)
Other (indicate who)

*A drug endangered child is a person, under the age of 18, who lives in or is exposed to an environment where drugs, including pharmaceuticals, are illegally used, possessed, trafficked, diverted, and/or manufactured and, as a result of that environment: the child experiences, or is at risk of experiencing, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse; the child experiences, or is at risk of experiencing, medical, educational, emotional, or physical harm, including harm resulting or possibly resulting from neglect; or the child is forced to participate in illegal or sexual activity in exchange for drugs or in exchange for money likely to be used to purchase drugs.” Federal Interagency Task Force for Drug Endangered Children (2010)

**State law/definition of human trafficking:

(b) A person who knowingly or intentionally recruits, harbors, or transports a child less than:

(1) eighteen (18) years of age with the intent of:

(A) engaging the child in:

(i) forced labor; or

(ii) involuntary servitude; or

(B) inducing or causing the child to:

(i) engage in prostitution; or

(ii) engage in a performance or incident that includes sexual conduct in violation of IC 35-42-4-4(b) (child exploitation); or

(2) sixteen (16) years of age with the intent of inducing or causing the child to participate in sexual conduct (as defined by

IC 35-42-4-4);

commits promotion of human trafficking of a minor, a Level 3 felony. Except as provided in subsection (e), it is not a defense to a

prosecution under this subsection that the child consented to engage in prostitution or to participate in sexual conduct.

Federal law:

1. Sex trafficking- “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act where the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud , or coercion, or the person being induced to perform such act is under 18 years of age.”

2. Labor trafficking- “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.”

Training/CaseReview/PeerReview/MDTs conductedThis ReportingPeriod –Please include sign in sheets and/or list of attendees for all DCS funded trainings.

Topic of Training/Reviews / Datesof
Training/Reviews / Description of Training/Reviews / #ofAttendeesat Training/Reviews

Pleasedescribethechallenges youfacedinaccomplishingthe CAC’s goals duringthisreportingperiod. Pleaseidentifyandaddress the goals,objectives,measurementsforsuccessandtimelinesasdescribedinyour originalcontractproposal.

Goal #1: To provide a child and family friendly facility to which DCS and LEA may bring (or send) children and families for a forensic interview after a child’s disclosure of abuse.

Goal #2: Provide a comprehensive multidisciplinary, developmentally and culturally appropriate responsive environment to prevent trauma to children during interviews.

Goal #3: Maintain open communication, information sharing, and case coordination with community professionals and agencies involved in child protection efforts.

Goal #4: Aid multidisciplinary team members to educate non-offending caregivers on their role in the investigative process.

Goal #5: Satisfaction with services

What future plans does your agency have in the next quarter? What barriers exist in those future plans and how might you overcome those barriers?