Career & Technical Education Leadership Development Program
Competency Guide Sheet
Name: ______Date: ______
Competency Number:775
Competency Title:Engage in Reinforcement (4)
Criteria Selection:Which criteria on the LPAF for this competency will be checked as "N/A" and which will be checked as "Attained"?
"N/A" Criteria:
"Attained" Criteria:
Background (Theory) Resources: For this competency, you may wish to select an Internet site that addresses one of the following topics. Include the link as the final item on your documentation list. Include a copy of page one of the site with your completed competency.
- Supervising Career and Technical Education Personnel
- Motivating Career and Technical Personnel to Their Optimum Growth Potential
- Employing Reinforcement Techniques
List of Key Points or Key Concepts: What in your reading did you find particularly important or valuable?
Implementation Plan: Your implementation plan should reflect your key points and should be approved by your resource person(s) before you take any action.
Documentation: As you develop this competency, document your actions. This documentation could include:
1.A brief statement describing your attempt at reinforcement. The statement could include the nature of the attention you gave the staff member, what caused the need for reinforcement, and the process you used in applying reinforcement. Specifically cite which you employed and why you used that reinforcement. Also, describe the effect of your attention (were you successful or unsuccessful?).
2.Copies of memos, letters, etc. between you and the staff member.
- A videotape of your interaction with the members.
Competency: Engage in Reinforcement
LEVEL OF PERFORMANCEN/A / Not Attained / Attained
In assisting personnel in daily contacts, the leadership intern:
1. diagnosed the needed behavior change
2. determined the appropriate reinforcement to modify the person's behavior
3. applied reinforcement, including:
a. positive reinforcement (rewards)
b. negative reinforcement
c. withholding reinforcement
4. timed the reinforcement to facilitate impact
5. developed strategies/techniques for appropriate reinforcement
6. evaluated the results of reinforcement efforts
7. provided feedback on positive results
8. engaged in appropriate follow-up activities to recycle or implement new approach
Intern's InitialsDateSLRP's InitialsDateFRP's InitialsDate