Hello Glenvar Middle School (GMS) families and welcome to the start of the 2017-2018 school year! I am so excited to work with you as we collectively support our kids in achieving the kind of success legendary basketball coach and teacher, John Wooden, spoke of:
“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best
to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
I am confident we all want the above for our kids. And, it is my hope this publication will serve as a springboard to that end. I encourage you to use the information contained within these pages to equip yourselves and your child(ren) not only with key knowledge, but more importantly, confidence in knowing students at GMS will be well cared for.
As you walk through the halls of GMS, speak to students, chat with teachers, and visit with our wonderful staff, you will quickly realize GMS is more than an award-winning middle school. It is a family. A family built on relationships, high expectations, and a simply-stated school motto. As a member of the GMS family, we are each challenged to:
But, what does this challenge mean? To “leave no doubt” is to walk away from school each day knowing you’ve given your best in every possible way. Whether consistently demonstrating kindness, regularly displaying respect, relentlessly pushing oneself as a learner, or fully preparing for the next learning experience…to “leave no doubt” is to give maximum effort. It isn’t always easy to give 100% in everything you do, but your GMS family is here to help.
GMS parents and caregivers are integral members of our family; we simply cannot meet the needs of our kids without you. From establishing supervised study at home, insisting on a “screens off” time for regular reading, and/or volunteering at GMS…we are humbled by and grateful for the significant role you play in your child’s success. Thank you, in advance, for taking on the “leave no doubt” challenge and working with us in affording our kids a positively enriching middle school experience!
GMS is committed to providing our kids learning experiences that are meaningful, relevant, and balanced. We recognize students must possess a strong foundation if they are to gain access to advanced learning. Consequently, we will continue to purposefully identify present reading levels and build upon them for all our students. We also appreciate the value that is inherently recognized within the many standards built into each subject area. You can count upon us to continue to thoughtfully prepare students for state assessments. We also know a youngster well prepared for a world in constant flux must possess and capably use those soft skills found within the 5C’s…communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and citizenship. You can expect GMS teachers to be sensitive to this need and dedicated to enhancing our kids’ capacities in these areas. Teaching middle schoolers is an exceptional task and requires amazing individuals. You will find those folks at GMS!
Josh Whitlow, Principal
Daniel Lewis – 6th grade Social Studies
Carla Ponn – 6th and 7th grade Health/PE*
Tracy Wright – Business & Keyboarding
Katrina Butzer – 7th grade Math
Lauren O’Connor – 8th grade English
Catherine Jones – Tech Ed*
Rebecca Wright – Spanish
Cassandra Craig – IA
Traci Ray-Carr – IA
Kristi Stultz – IA
*returning to GMS from previous year(s)
Virginia state law requires all rising 6th grade students (who are at least 11 years old) receive the TDAP booster before attending school. Proof of immunization must be submitted to GMS prior to the first day of school (August 23rd). We will be available during Business Days to collect verification of immunization. Please email the GMS school nurse, Mary Jane Witter, at if you have questions regarding the TDAP shot.
Beginning with the 2017-18 school year, ALL middle school students will receive laptops as a continued and integral part of the RCPS one-to-one initiative. School-issued laptops are intended ONLY for school-related instructional purposes both in and outside of school and are to be returned at the end of the school year. All students will complete several days of training at the beginning of the school year to better ensure appropriate and productive use. Additionally, Mrs. Booth will provide key information during our 6th grade orientation on Thursday, August 17th. A parent/guardian must attend Mrs. Booth’s presentation, pay the laptop fee, and sign the appropriate documentation (parent/guardian and student). This documentation will be available via InfoSnap; parents who have previously signed do not need to sign again. The laptop fee for the 2017-18 school year is $50.00. The laptop fee is $25.00 for students who receive free or reduced lunch. Finally, it is important to note parents/guardians may use their child’s MySchoolBucks account to pay the laptop fee.
BUSINESS DAYS!!Thursday, August 3rd 4-7PM
Tuesday, August 8th 4-7PM
Students may pick up schedules, purchase gym suits (optional: shirts = $4; shorts = $9), submit T-DAP verifications, tour the building, and check locker combinations!
Students may carry books and supplies to and from school using a bookbag/backpack. Students may not carry backpacks around in the building. Rather, they will be asked to use their lockers as well as the sleeves that come with their school-issued laptops. Using lockers helps promote safety as bookbags/backpacks can create a fall hazard. Additionally, students tend to overload bookbags/backpacks which can, in turn, promote back pain and/or injury. Students are required to use the laptop sleeves for carrying their school-issued laptops to and from class.
Students with asthma who also carry an inhaler must have the following in place:
1. Written physician and parent/guardian consent
2. Emergency plan
3. Individual health plan
Parents/guardians of students with asthma…please contact the school nurse to better ensure the appropriate steps have been completed. InfoSnap will include information regarding the law and students carrying inhalers.
All students will receive a planner at the beginning of the school year. The planner is intended to help students remain organized, keep parents “in the know”, and serve as a communicative tool between the school and family (when and where appropriate). Students will find it contains many, helpful components such as our student handbook, space for jotting down priorities, calendars for recording upcoming activities, our Highlander Code, hall passes, and much more! Students should write their names within their planners and keep up with it throughout the year. The planner is a truly helpful tool!
Bus schedule times and route information will be available on the Roanoke County Public Schools website in early August. The web address is: https://www.rcs.k12.va.us/Page/435
Refer to your child’s planner for policies and procedures concerning prescription and nonprescription medication at school. NOTE: ALL PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION must have a doctor’s written signature along with the parent’s written permission. Forms are available in the main office.
GMS administration will frequently send information and reminders out regarding school events/activities. A form will be available, during Business Days, for you to complete to be added to the email list. Additionally, you may submit your email address through a link on the GMS website.
Appropriate appearance and dress are expected daily. The administration at GMS reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Short/skirt length should be no higher than midthigh.
2. Tank top shirt are allowed; however, no undergarment straps can be visible.
3. No undergarments, cleavage, or midriffs should be exposed.
4. Shoes are required at all times.
The following should NOT be worn at school:
1. Sleeves with oversized armholes
2. Tube tops
3. See-through garments
4. Form-fitted shorts (i.e. biker shorts)
5. Shirts with spaghetti straps
6. Pajamas
7. Heavy, metal chains
8. Dog chains or collars
9. Sunglasses
10. Headgear including, but not limited to, hats, caps, or scarves (except for religious beliefs)
11. Grossly oversized clothing
12. Bedroom slippers
13. Any accessories with spikes (jewelry, belts, etc.)
14. Cut offs, torn, or ripped clothing
Anything considered dangerous, distracting, or disruptive to the instructional environment is prohibited. Clothing or accessories should not bear messages or pictures that are profane, obscene, offensive to others, or promote gangs, violence, drugs or alcohol. Students who choose not to follow the dress code will be asked to call home for a change of clothes or may be given the opportunity to change into a PE uniform.
The GMS Counseling department’s mission is to facilitate the healthy development of all students in their personal/social, academic, and career development through intentional efforts of quality and supportive services. As student advocates, it is our mission to work with administration, parents, students, and the community to collaborate and ensure a safe and effective learning environment. We also strive to promote responsible citizenship, productivity, and lifelong learning. This is accomplished through classroom guidance, small groups, and individual counseling. We believe student success is related to a strong partnership between parents and the school. Communication between students, parents, teachers, and the counselor can lead the student to reach his/her full potential. Please contact us if we can help in any way!
Madeleine Lukanich, Counseling Coordinator
Parents and students are invited!
Come and learn more about GMS!!
The GMS Volleyball team will conduct open gyms on July 25th and 27th from 5:45-7:30PM. Please make sure your VHSL physical is up-to-date (dated after 5/1/17) and on file with Holly Wakeland, GMS Athletic Director. Tryouts will take place August 1st and August 2nd from 5:30-7PM. All interested students must attend both tryouts.
A volleyball camp will be held at GMS/GHS on July 17th through July 20th. The camp is for ages 9-18. Interested students may sign up via the Roanoke County Parks and Recreation website. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Kim Mays, Head Volleyball Coach
(540) 588-4025
8/19 CSMS Away TBD
8/28 Craig Co. Home 5:00
9/12 Carroll Co. Home 4:30
9/13 ALMS Home 5:00
9/14 Craig Co. Home 5:00
9/19 RMMS Away 5:00
9/21 Floyd Home 4:30
9/26 Giles Home 4:30
9/27 WBMS Home 5:00
10/3 Radford Away 4:30
10/4 RMMS Home 5:00
10/10 ALMS Away 5:00
10/12 WBMS Away 5:00
10/17 Floyd Away 4:30
10/19 Giles Away 4:30
10/26 Radford Home 4:30
Summer workout/weightlifting will continue Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30-7:45PM, throughout July, and at the fieldhouse behind the stadium. These are not mandatory, but it’s good to get out and work on conditioning. Equipment will be handed out on Monday, July 24th and Wednesday, July 26th, from 5:30-6:30PM. Please contact me if you cannot be present for these dates. Our practices will fluctuate this year to work in conjunction with the varsity program. Official, mandatory practices begin on Monday, July 31st. The schedule for the first week of practice is as follows:
(arrive at the fieldhouse no later than 3PM)
(arrive at the fieldhouse no later than 6:15PM)
Missed practices will need to be made up and will result in a loss of playing time. If you must miss a practice for any reason, please call or email me. Any player who misses three or more unexcused absences will be dismissed from the team. You must bring your completed VHSL physical form (dated after 5/1/17) no later than July 31st (first day of practice. If you do not have your physical, you still need to attend practice and will make up the conditioning.
A mandatory parent meeting will be held on Monday, July 31st, at 6PM, in the GMS cafeteria to go over rules, expectations, and fundraisers. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions!
Neil Swanson, Head Football Coach
(540) 312-7335; (540) 387-6536
8/12 RMMS Jamboree Away 10AM
8/17 ALMS B Home 5PM
8/24 WBMS Away 5:30PM
8/30 Craig Co. Home 5:30PM
9/14 Giles Away 5:30PM
9/21 Carroll Co. Away 5:30PM
9/28 CAMS Home 5PM
10/5 Clifton MS Home 5:30PM
10/12 Floyd Away 5:30PM
Here are the fees, to include lunch pricing, for the 2017-18 school year:
Lunch / $2.80 (grades 6-12)*Breakfast / $1.35*
$0.40 (reduced price)
PE Uniform** / $4.00 (shirt)
$9.00 (shorts)
$13.00 (shirt & shorts)
Take-home laptop insurance (grades 6-12) / $50.00
$25.00 (free & reduced)
*Indicates an increase from the previous school year
**Purchase of a gym uniform is not required if comparable shirt and shorts are provided
Students are required to wear athletic shorts/sweats, a t-shirt, athletic shoes, and athletic socks for gym class. Students are NOT required to purchase school-issued gym suits. For cases where religious denominations prevent a student from wearing the required attire, a suitable substitute shall be agreed upon by the student and teacher.
September 11th will be the kick off for our annual school fundraiser! We will be selling a wide array of neat items, from tumblers to holiday items. The fundraiser will end on October 3rd. Money earned through this fundraiser will be used to support instructional and student needs.
Please call GMS at (540) 387-6322 if your child needs to be absent from school. We ask that calls be made prior to 9AM; you are welcome to leave a message on the school voicemail as well. An student absence with no notification as to the reason for absence will automatically be marked as “unexcused”.
Students are expected to make up work missed due to an absence from school. Make up work should be completed within 10 school days upon the student’s return to school. Assignments made prior to an absence are due upon the return to school. Please see the RCPS policies and administrative regulations for additional information.