. . . Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit ye like men, be strong. --1 Cor. 16:13

It is the character of weak leadership to reluctantly hold to expected and yet unpopular doctrine, standards, and convictions without ever implementing them and sometimes even suppressing them or watering them down and to never require subordinates to adhere to them.

It is the character of weak leadership to feel threatened by those who wholeheartedly embrace unpopular doctrine, standards, and/or convictions.

It is the character of weak leadership to appoint spineless officers, staff, and subordinates with the understanding that strict adherence to what is right is a liability rather than an asset under leadership’s administration.

It is the character of weak leadership to fear, ignore, avoid, evade, play down, and pass over (subtly) any talented or able personality, who threatens to upset the established, wishy-washy status quo.

It is the character of weak leadership to be unapproachable concerning compromise by being arrogant, aloof, indignant, and even critical of those, who bring the matter to leadership’s attention and to even charge the Nathans with being out of the Lord’s will, being trouble makers, or being divisive.

It is the character of weak leadership to buy loyalty, play favorites, and to protect the looser, worldlier, and more influential majority.

It is the character of weak leadership to leave the conservative minority to fend for themselves under the flaunting of the loose majority who know nothing will ever be done.

It is the character of weak leadership to try to hold on to the loose, liberal element with flattery, attention, and magnetic personality and to try to hold on to the conservative element by throwing them a bone once in a while (in general nonspecific terms . . . of course).

It is the character of weak leadership to place personal ambition, ego, and self image above that which is right.

It is the character of weak leadership to pretend naiveté or lack of knowledge or to blame subordinates for the sad state of affairs.

It is the character of weak leadership to skate on past spiritual accomplishments and to expect subordinates to maintain those examples.

It is the character of weak leadership to lack character.

-- by Herb Evans