Your Name

Full Address


Contact details


The Employers Name

Full Address


Dear (Person’s name) or Sir/Madam

I would like to enquire about the possibility of a work experience placement with your company during the week 7-11th September 2015.

I am (age) and a student at Cockshut Hill College, Yardley, Birmingham. I am studying GCSE’s in English, Maths, Science…..(list others as appropriate).

I would like to work (at … you fill in what is appropriate for your placement) because…..

I have….(list any experience that you may have e.g. had a paper round for a year, babysit for friends/family…..)

I am….(list some of your personal skills and qualities e.g. friendly, reliable, hard working, enjoy meeting people etc). My personal interests are…..(write any down that may help with your application).

I look forward to hearing from you. (Explain how you can be contacted. You could use your school email address but need to be sure that you check it regularly.)

Yours sincerely (Yours faithfully)

(Sign your letter)

Print your name

Billy Bragg

26 St Alban’s Way



B23 7UH

19th November 2014

Yardley Town Pharmacy

Dear Mr Jones

I would like to enquire about the possibility of a work experience placement with your company during the week 7-11th September 2015.

I am aged 15 and a student at Cockshut Hill College, Yardley, Birmingham. I am studying GCSE’s in English, Maths, Science, ICT, History and DT.

I would like to work at Yardley Town pharmacy because I have an interest in pharmacy as a career. My favourite subject at school is science where I am predicted A grades. I am also very keen on maths. I believe that with this backgroundI should be able to understand some of the technicalities of this very important role to the community.

I have done some work babysitting and realise the importance of being reliable and trustworthy in any chosen career.

I am hard working, polite and enjoy working with people. My personal interests arefootball (where I play for the school team) and computer programming.

I am happy to come to the pharmacy after school if you would like to arrange an interview. I do look forward to hearing from you. I can be contacted by telephone on 0121 242 1234 or by email on

Yours sincerely

Billy Bragg

Billy Bragg