CALL TO ORDER / The regular meeting of the East Alton Public Library District board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by presidentSally Hiermanat the library. Those in attendance were C. Wiegand, B. Werts, E. Long, P. Shoemaker, and J Podesva. Also present was the Director, Richard Chartrand. V. Long was absent. 6 present, 1 absent. Quorum established.MINUTES / Motion: Shoemaker Second: Podesva To approve the minutesof the September 16, 2009 board meeting. Roll call vote: Shoemaker, aye; Podesva, aye; Wiegand, aye; Hierman, aye; Werts, aye; E. Long, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE / Ron Carnes presented the annual audit. Annual fiscal report card.
FINANCE / The financial statement was discussed. Motion: E. Long Second: Podesva To approve wage and expenditures as presented for October and November, 2009. Roll call vote: E. Long, aye; Podesva,aye; Wiegand, aye; Hierman, aye; Werts, aye; Shoemaker, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.
- The Appropriation and Levy Ordinances along with all supporting documentation were filed with the County Clerk on November 5 2009.
- Ron will present the audit at the November meeting.
- The annual fiscal report card has been received. It will be in the correspondence folder.
- Karla’slast day was November 6, 2009. So ends the Summer Youth worker program.
- The November book club selection is “The Eyre Affair” by Jasper Fforde.
- The juvenile reference has been weeded. Remaining items were transferred into adult reference or the juvenile circulation collection. Juvenile graphic novels will be put on the J reference shelves. The adult graphic novels, with few exceptions, will be consolidated into the Y graphic collection.
- The Community Christmas box is here. It will be picked up in mid-December.
- The annual report, 24 pages, was completed and received at the State Library.
- I am recommending that the library be closed on December 26 and January 2. I really don’t think we will have enough business on either day to warrant having the lights on much less paying the staff.
NEW BUSINESS / Motion: Shoemaker Second: Werts To close the library on December 26, 2009 and January 2, 2010. Roll call vote: Shoemaker, aye; Werts, aye; E. Long, aye; Hierman, aye; Wiegand, aye; Podesva, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT / There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:26p.m.