November 19, 2009


CALL TO ORDER / The regular meeting of the East Alton Public Library District board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by presidentSally Hiermanat the library. Those in attendance were C. Wiegand, B. Werts, E. Long, P. Shoemaker, and J Podesva. Also present was the Director, Richard Chartrand. V. Long was absent. 6 present, 1 absent. Quorum established.
MINUTES / Motion: Shoemaker Second: Podesva To approve the minutesof the September 16, 2009 board meeting. Roll call vote: Shoemaker, aye; Podesva, aye; Wiegand, aye; Hierman, aye; Werts, aye; E. Long, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE / Ron Carnes presented the annual audit. Annual fiscal report card.
FINANCE / The financial statement was discussed. Motion: E. Long Second: Podesva To approve wage and expenditures as presented for October and November, 2009. Roll call vote: E. Long, aye; Podesva,aye; Wiegand, aye; Hierman, aye; Werts, aye; Shoemaker, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.
  1. The Appropriation and Levy Ordinances along with all supporting documentation were filed with the County Clerk on November 5 2009.
  2. Ron will present the audit at the November meeting.
  3. The annual fiscal report card has been received. It will be in the correspondence folder.
  4. Karla’slast day was November 6, 2009. So ends the Summer Youth worker program.
  5. The November book club selection is “The Eyre Affair” by Jasper Fforde.
  6. The juvenile reference has been weeded. Remaining items were transferred into adult reference or the juvenile circulation collection. Juvenile graphic novels will be put on the J reference shelves. The adult graphic novels, with few exceptions, will be consolidated into the Y graphic collection.
  7. The Community Christmas box is here. It will be picked up in mid-December.
  8. The annual report, 24 pages, was completed and received at the State Library.
  9. I am recommending that the library be closed on December 26 and January 2. I really don’t think we will have enough business on either day to warrant having the lights on much less paying the staff.

NEW BUSINESS / Motion: Shoemaker Second: Werts To close the library on December 26, 2009 and January 2, 2010. Roll call vote: Shoemaker, aye; Werts, aye; E. Long, aye; Hierman, aye; Wiegand, aye; Podesva, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT / There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:26p.m.