Pershing Annual Royal Blue and White Weekend
Request for Selection as Host Unit

A primary goal of the Pershing Annual Royal Blue and White Weekend, is to further foster a spirit of Brotherhood and Sisterhood amongst members of the Pershing family. An additional goal of the event is the financial assistance it brings to the host company as a fundraiser, and the training opportunity it provides the undergraduate Brothers and Sisters involved in the planning and execution of the event.

This submission is for APRIL19-21, 2019

------Host Unit Information ------

  1. Unit requesting to host:
  1. School of requesting unit:
  1. Unit POC for submission:
  1. POC Email:
  1. POC Phone:
  1. Physical Address of requesting unit:

This can be an ROTC department address, or school student union address for GPS location purposes

  1. NSPR/NSPA active unit: Y / N
  1. What was the last year this unit hosted B&W? ______
  1. Number of active undergraduates currently on campus:

AuxP/R Sweets:______
Aux P/A Saints:______

  1. Number of active undergraduates expected on campus in target year:
    Aux P/R Sweets:______
    Aux P/A Saints:______
  1. NSPR/NSPA has a unit bank account already set up: Y / N

Bank: ______

  1. NSPR/NSPA has a PayPal account already set up and linked to
    their bank account: Y / N
  1. The unit understands that it is expected and agrees to participate in an
    audit after the event: Y / N
  1. Alumni Advisor agreeing to support host unit efforts:
  1. Other information the host unit would like considered in reference to their school hosting Blue and White:

------Event Information ------
Event information proposed here should be tentative, rather than hypothetical. Venues listed should have been checked with to verify the unit understands the costs associated with the venue, and availability exists. A While the unit should in no way finalize any plans until and unless selected, this submission shows that they unit has put thought into the events and venue’s that follow.

  1. Provide your concept for the theme you propose for the weekend:
  1. What is the proposed hotel and expected cost per room?
  1. Is the unit able to support hosting a drill competition on Saturday? Y / N
  1. Has the unitbegun fundraising towards the purpose of hosting
    this event? Y / N
  2. If Yes, how much has the unit raised?
  3. If No, what are the unit’s fundraising plans?
  1. What are the other proposed events for the weekend:

Day / Proposed Event / Proposed Location

This submission was prepared with the officers of the requesting unit.

Additional Information:

Bids will be reviewed by the PHBCU panelper the process outlined at

Bids submitted should have as much planned detail as possible. The more pre-planning, thought, prior coordination and cost verification put into a bid, the more it will show. Try to indicate where an expected cost is estimated, or has been quoted from a vendor (as with hotels, or venues).
Bids will be judged subjectively by the panel based on some of the criteria listed below:


-Unit preparedness (financially and pre-planning)

-Manpower to execute during the year in question

-Proposed events, location (ability to handle size of group)

Return the completed Bids to

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