The Great Gatsby extra credit assignment

DUE in CLASS and to WWW.TURNITIN.COM at beginning of class, TUESDAY, March 16

Description: An essay of 500 words or more typed in MLA format submitted in hard copy at the beginning of class on March 16th and submitted to before class begins on the 16th. The playbill must be attached to the essay and signed by one of the cast, crew, or directors. Both submission deadlines must be met or the paper will not be accepted.

NOTE: No late papers will be accepted. No exceptions. This is a major extra credit opportunity and should reflect the effort required of a major assignment. All essays will be graded, so please do your best work.

Essay Prompt: First published in 1925, The Great Gatsby has been presented in movies and on stage for over 40 years. Each time, the directors and actors re-interpret the story and make changes to suit their creative interests. This is called “creative license”. For example, the 1974 movie version focuses primarily on plot and characterization; the 2013 movie version focuses on the novel’s symbolism. Based upon your knowledge of the novel, The Great Gatsby, what creative license has the Lassiter director taken with the play? Basically, how is the play different from the novel? What effects have these changes made to your interpretation of theme, characterization, or symbolism? You must answer both aspects of the prompt in order to get full credit.

MLA Format (50 points)

_____:1-inch margins top, sides, and bottom w/ paragraphs indented ½ inch?

_____: Running header at ½ inch top margin w/Last name and page # in TNR 12 font?

_____: Proper heading (first & last name, teacher name, class & period, day month year)?

_____: Double spaced with no extra space between paragraphs?

_____: Times New Roman 12 font used throughout paper

Content (50 points)

_____: Had a clear, precise thesis? (not vague, not generic)

_____: Had introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs; transitions linked ideas

_____: Demonstrated accurate, detailed knowledge of both the novel and the play

_____: Demonstrated critical evaluation of the effects of director’s creative license

_____: Demonstrated competency in grammar, spelling, and precise word choice

TOTAL: ______/100

TURNITIN INFO: Go to, create or use existing account, submit paper by uploading or cutting & pasting.

Email me with questions, but do not email me your paper. Thanks.

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