Alabama Community College System
NUR 111 Meeting
April 17, 2013
Attendees: Linda North, SUSCC; Penne Mott, Bevil State; Lisa Shiver, SUSCC; Rhonda Davis, SUSCC; Linda Cater, DPE; Susan Mack, JDCC; Pepper Hoover, WSCC; Sheila Smith, NWSCC; Lynn Hogan, CCC; Jennifer Louden, CCC; Stacy Powell, CCC; Lisa German, WSCC; Connie Meloun, Gadsden; Lynette Ruckman, JDCC; Diane Wilhite, Samford DNP student; Nancy Davis-Bramlett, SUSCC
Rhonda reviewed the history of the partnerships between the three colleges. The students admitted do have to have an associate degree. After completing NUR 111, the students’ progress to NUR 202. NUR 111 is a 12 hour course plus students successfully completing the course are awarded 14 additional non-traditional credit hours.
Penne from Bevil State poses the question of using NUR 111 as a special entry model class. Bevil State admits in the fall. Therefore, the NUR 111 students would not attend class in the summer and continue in the next fall. Could this particular cohort have a 15 week semester for summer? This could work for those colleges who do not have NUR 202 in the summer. This could apply to Bevil State, WSCC, Gadsden, and JDCC. Connie Malone submitted a substantive change for the NUR 111 course. Colleges who want to change the course lay-out to fit the college admission cycle will need to make another substantive change to the NLNAC.
Course cycles: JDSS teaches NUR 204 in the fall as a mini-semester. WSCC offers a part-time nursing track.
Lisa from SUSCC shared a NUR 111 Graduate Competencies/Student Learner Outcomes Comparison to Course Outcomes in SUSCC Nursing Curriculum to adopt for NUR 111. The proposed POI is subdivided into modules. The topics are divided into modules throughout the NUR 102,103,104,105,106, and 201 courses.
Other discussion: Clinical Day Self-Performance- The student evaluated themself and the instructor also rates them. Scale 0-3scale.
If anyone has any questions, you can contact Rhonda.
Meeting adjourned at 1500
Submitted by J. Louden