2 Equality
- See Table 2.1 p. 9 – 5 and 6 grade students 76% choose 12 and 98% give the wrong answer – WOW!
- Many if not most K-5 students have serious misconceptions about the meaning of the equal sign
- Most students do not realize the equal sign denotes a relation between two equal quantities
- Many interpret equal sign as a command to carry out a calculation similar to what a calculator does
- This notion limits ability to understand
- Arithmetic ideas
- Flexibility of representation
- Creates serious problem for algebraic understanding
- Chapter discusses student conceptions of equal sign and sources of misconceptions
- Objective to think about how to engage children in examining and revising their conception of the equal sign
- Examine what children’s errors tell us about their understanding
- We can make a significant difference in how children interpret equal sign
- Discussions provide teacher with opportunities for modeling how mathematical ideas merge and how mathematical disputes are resolved
Children’s Conceptions of the Meaning of the Equal Sign
- Five typical responses to 8 + 4 = + 5
- Lucy: The answer comes next: 8 + 4 = 12 + 5
- The answer was the answer to the operation that came right before the equal sign
- The equal sign was interpreted to be a command to carry out the calculation
- The equal sign did not represent a relation between both sides of the equation
- Randy: Use all of the numbers: 8 + 4 = 17 + 5
- Took into account all of the numbers present
- Did not recognize the order the symbols in the sentence came in made a difference
- Only way to use all of the numbers was to add them all up
- Barb: Extend the problem: 8 + 4 = 12 + 5 = 17
- What Barb did made PERFECT sense to her
- Used equal signs to show a sequence of calculations
- Adults do this frequently too
Making Sense
- Methods were not unreasonable attempts to deal with unfamiliar problem
- Generalized from their previous experiences that one of the rules for writing number sentences required the answer to follow immediately after the equal sign
- Randy felt the equal sign was irrelevant
- Errors were errors of syntax
- For them the equal sign meant they were to do something rather than to read the entire equation and see the relation that existed there
Teacher Commentary 2.1
- Struggling with the equal sign is a good struggle
- Using trial and error is OK as long as you get there eventually
- Important for students to understand the equal sign
- Right from the first grade start writing relations like
- 12 = 6 + 6
- 3 = 3
- and so on
- Misconceptions are not trivial nor easily overcome
- Some children hang on fiercely to the concepts they have formed – right or wrong
- It is not sufficient to just “tell” the correct way to use equal sign
- Ricardo: A relational view: 8 + 4 = 7 + 5
- 8 + 4 is 12
- Need to figure out what goes with 5 to make 12
- Figured out it would be 7
- Knows 12 cannot go in the box because 12 does not equal 17
- Gina: A relational view: 8 + 4 = 7 + 5
- 5 is one more than 4
- Box has to be one less than 8
- So the box must be 7
- Is able to apply same reasoning to a two digit problem
- Both viewed equal sign as expressing a relation between numbers
- Both knew the expressions on both sides of the equal sign had to represent the same number
- Neither imposed any arbitrary rules about number sentences having to be in a particular form
- They were comfortable with operations occurring on either or both sides of the equal sign
- Many students believe ALL number sentences must be in a particular form
- When students become too accustomed to seeing number sentences in only one form they make errors when they try to adapt new forms to their previous models
- In general, students think calculation NOT relation for the equal sign
CD 2.1
- Both demonstrated knowledge of appropriate use of equal sign, but Gina showed deeper understanding of relational concept
- Gina did not have to calculate the answer to left side first, she used the relations between the numbers present to determine the missing value
- Critical skill to be developed by students for greater understanding of arithmetic and extension to algebra
CD 2.2
Developing Children’s Conceptions of Equality
- Have challenge students’ existing conceptions of what the equal sign means
- Engage students in a discussion where different concepts of the equal sign emerge and then help students resolve them
- Can discuss as whole class or small groups, but students MUST be encouraged to articulate their ideas clearly and explicitly with appropriate vocabulary and mathematical language
- Following clear and explicit expressions of their conceptions of the equal sign, then the teacher can attempt to help the students to resolve any differences voiced
- Discussions address meaning, ways of thinking, and conversing associated with the principles of algebraic reasoning
- Contradictions in concepts of equal sign provide context for examination and resolving inconsistencies
- Alternative concept discussion forces students to be explicit about ideas that are often left implicit
- Students must justify the principles they propose helping them to recognize and resolve conflicting assumptions and conclusions
A Context for Discussing the Equal Sign
- Engage students in discussion of equal sign in the context of a specific task
- Provide focus for students to articulate ideas
- Challenge students conceptions by providing different contexts
- Provide window into student thinking
- True/false or open number sentences work well
- Number sentences can be manipulated in a variety of ways to stimulate conversation
- It is not easy to resolve the different perspectives that may be offered
- Children cannot determine the meaning of the equal sign entirely by using logic
- Variety of contexts open students to thinking more openly about their concepts regarding the equal sign
True/False Number Sentences
- Even if students have not experienced these before, they are relatively easy to introduce
- Not necessary to engage students in general discussion prior to using format
- Works best to provide an example and then ask if true or false
- Start simple and in expected format
- Children quickly pick up critical ideas in this context
- Try several, some true, some false in the expected format
- After comfort obtained with these, switch to posing problems that challenge students to examine their concepts related to the equal sign
- Place known true statements in familiar form next to forms that are different, but also true
- 3 + 5 = 8
- 8 = 3 + 5
- 8 = 8
- 3 + 5 = 3 + 5
- 3 + 5 = 5 + 3
- 3 + 5 = 4 + 4
- Use several different ideas of equality to try to get at students understanding of this concept
- This idea should be repeated using other operations as well depending on the curriculum the students are already familiar with
- Important to discuss the need for applying rules consistently in mathematics
- Open number sentences can be used to illustrate these same ideas
- What number would be placed into the box to make it true?
- Many numbers might be substituted, but only one number makes the sentence true
- This links true/false work with open number sentences
- Sometimes students respond differently to true/false and open number sentences
- When the context changes, some students do not recognize the structure as being the same
Wording and Notation
- Want to help students understand equal sign represents a relation between two numbers
- Useful to use language that is more explicit in expressing the relation idea behind the equal sign
- 8 is the same amount as 3 plus 5
- Sometimes it is helpful to show the amounts on both sides of the equal sign have same numerical value
Teacher Commentary 2.2
- Changing conceptions is not easy
- Bidirectional logic is a problem – seeing 3 + 4 = 7 sometimes confused with 7 = 3 + 4
- Posing these types of problems generates discussions
- Children do not always possess the vocabulary they need to have a mathematically rich discussion
- Even after all we do, the loudest response may still be the wrong answer
Classroom Interactions
- Nature of discussion of mathematical ideas is critical
- Goal is not just appropriate conceptions of the equal sign
- Goal also to engage them in productive mathematical arguments
CD 2.3
- Discussions of alternative conceptions of equal sign helps students to examine and justify their own conceptions
- First step in helping students to make and justify generalizations about mathematics
- Sets the stage for later ideas involving mathematical proof
- Want children to be understand how fundamental differences are negotiated and resolved
- Everyone is different in how they attain knowledge, but the following are some benchmarks to work toward
- Get children to be specific about what they think the equal sign means – right or wrong
- Attained when children accept sentence as true not in the form a + b = c
- Attained when children think/realize equal sign represents a relation between two equal numbers – Ricardo’s response is an example of this benchmark
- Attained when children compare mathematical expressions without doing the calculations – Gina’s response represents an example of this benchmark
- These are only a guide
- Children will be heterogeneously distributed in class with respect to their achievement of benchmarks
What to Avoid
- Do not use the equal sign in ways that do not represent a relation between numbers
- Do NOT use the equal sign for the following
- Listing ages or other numerical characteristic of people or things: John = 8, Marcy = 9, etc
- Designating the number of objects in a collection: = 4
- Using the equality symbol to represent a string of calculations: 20 + 30 = 50 + 7 = 57 + 8 = 65
- Using equality between two pictures: =
- Once concept of equal sign means a relation is established important to not just give problems in a + b = c form – should alternate representations of problems
The Use of the Equal Sign as a Convention
- Use of equal sign is a matter of agreement or convention
- We cannot “prove” equal signs are used to represent relations like we can prove other things in mathematics
- Students and teachers are required to back up their claims with justifications
- Next have to discuss and decide what can be accepted as evidence for a claim
- How many examples are needed for acceptance of an idea?
- Important to adopt a consistent interpretation
Smoothing the Transition to Algebra
- Limited conception of meaning of equal sign major stumbling block for learning algebra
- Algebraic manipulations depend upon concept of equal sign forming a relation
- Lack of understanding of equal sign limits students to the arithmetic calculations
- Knowing concept of relation opens doors to better arithmetic and algebra
Where Do Children’s Misconceptions about the Equal Sign Come From?
- Difficult to pin down where misconceptions come from or why they develop
- Over use of the standard form, a + b = c, is a major contributor
- Over generalization of a + b = c pattern by students
- Even after developing appropriate meaning for equal sign students may revert back to previous misconceptions
- Calculators can reinforce equal sign means carry out the operation instead of relation
- Children may be predisposed to think of equality in terms of calculating answers instead of relation
- Not simply a matter of maturation either
- Situation must be directly addressed to help promote concept of relation
- Computation ability not linked to ability to understand relation
- Relation concept should be worked on throughout ALL elementary grades
Children’s Conceptions
- Inappropriate generalizations symptomatic of fundamental limits in how mathematical ideas are generated and justified
- Children believe they can prove their case by example
- Challenging to get children to examine things they believe are true
- Young children have difficulty in dealing with hypothetical situations
- Children need to learn to answer the question of why things work out the way they do
- Need to appreciate the limits of children’s thinking without imposing our own set of limitations on what they can accomplish