2013 Papua New Guinea

Student Sponsorship

The Rev.Tobby Eleasar, District President & Good Shepherd, Bialla

Shirley Eleasar, Balob Teacher’s College Sponsor - St. Timothy, Norfolk $750

Yangenao Eleasar,KimbeUniv.Centre Sponsor - Our Saviour, Warrenton$200

Rowange Eleasar, Bialla H S grade 10 Sponsor - Our Saviour, Warrenton$200

Athalia Eleasar, Bialla Primary grade 6 Sponsor - Pat Hunter,$120

Redeemer, Bristol

The Rev. Mei Sabek – Sokana, Bialla

Fakopah Mei, W. New BritainBusCollege Sponsor - Barbara Stover, WELCA $750

Martin Luther, Bergton$200

Sponsor -Zion Lutheran, Floyd $550

Akung Mei, Poinini Tech Sponsor - Prince of Peace, Orkney-Basye $250

Sabung Mei, Soi Primary grade 8 Sponsor-Judy & Buddy Beaver, Wytheville$75

Bathseba Mei, Soi Primary grade 7 Sponsor–Karen Mayer,$50

Our Saviour, Christiansburg

Darena Mei, Soi Elementary E2 Sponsor- Karen Mayer,$50

Our Saviour, Christiansburg

The Rev. Gerong Etiric–Kavieng, New Ireland

Freda Etiric, Bugandi Secondary grade 11 Sponsor- Tina Britt, Apostles, Gloucester$150$200

Sponsor -TheRev. James Olivia Davis $50

Joy Etiric, Bugandi Secondary grade 11 Sponsor-TheRev. Judy Tavela, $200

St. Timothy, Vinton

Fiona, Etiric, Kavieng Luth. Elem. grade 2 Sponsor- TheRev. James Olivia Davis $50

Lilian Etiric, Kavieng Lutheran Elem. grade 1 Sponsor- Lavelva Stevens, AIM, $25

Holy Trinity, Wytheville

Gehadi Etiric, Kavieng Lutheran Elem. EP Sponsor- Lavelva Stevens, AIM, $25

Holy Trinity, Wytheville

The Rev. Peter David, Kerevat - E. New Britain

Diemer Balingie,Utmei School grade 12 Sponsor - College Lutheran, Salem$700

Emelyne Balingie,Geo Brown HS grade 10 Sponsor - College Lutheran, Salem$300

Newman Balingie,Kerevat Primary grade 6 Sponsor - College Lutheran, Salem$100

Darius Balingie, Kerevat Primary grade 5 Sponsor - College Lutheran, Salem$100

Erick Balingie, Kerevat Elementary grade 2 Sponsor -College Lutheran, Salem$25

The Rev.Tobias Yawasing- Bethel Parish, Kimbe

Ruben Tobias, West Britain Traing Institute Sponsor - Good Shepherd, Virginia Beach$600

Christine Tobias, Kimbe Secondary Sponsor- TheRev. Patti Covington $200

Yamasing Tobias, Kimbe Elementary Sponsor– LutheranChurch of$50

Our Saviour, Richmond

Kevin TobiasWesley, Kimbe Elementary Sponsor- LutheranChurch of$50

Our Saviour, Richmond

Joel Tobias, Kimbe Primary Sponsor- LutheranChurch of$100

Our Saviour, Richmond

Wesley Tobias, Kimbe Primary Sponsor- LutheranChurch of$50

Our Saviour, Richmond

The Rev. Tamae Kumti - Bethel Parish, Kimbe

Rachael Tamae, Mosa Primary, Grade Sponsor-Janet Gomez, Secretary of the $100

Virginia Synod

The Rev. Robert Luapo – Tiauru Congregation, Bialla

Louise Meah, Bialla High School, grade 10 Sponsor–Pat Hunter,$150

Redeemer, Bristol

Ogelbeng Lutheran Highlands Seminary

Ruefong Fongao, 5th & final year Sponsor -Holy Trinity, Lynchburg $750 $600

Senior Flierl Seminary at Logaweng

Jimike S Sponsor–LutheranChurch of$500

Our Redeemer, Petersburg

Haringkec G Sponsor-LutheranChurch of$500

Our Redeemer, Petersburg

Natl.EvangelistTraining School (Amron)

Jack Backec Sponsor – Still Needed$300

Sponsor – Still Needed

Kikisi Awing Sponsor – Still Needed$300

Sponsor– Still Needed

ChurchCollege (Banz)

Daniel Gerson, Accounting Sponsor – Still Needed$700

Sponsor – Still Needed

SimeonSponsor – Still Needed$700

Sponsor – Still Needed

Nemen AlestaSponsor – Still Needed$700

Sponsor – Still Needed

Emma SakingSponsor – Still Needed$700

Sponsor – Still Needed

Last updated October 2013