Staff Senate Meeting

Nebraskan Student Union, Rm. 310

December 8, 2015

Present: Admin/ Managerial/Professional Scott Benson, Chelsea Swarm, Megan

Fryda, Todd Gottula

Office Holly Peterson, Stacy Darveau, Nan Johnson, Carissa Sanny

Service Wilma Heinowski

Ex-Officio Mary Chinnock Petroski

Absent: Admin/Managerial/Professional Aaron Estes, Diana Jones

Service Chris Wilson, Tammy Dietz

I.  President Peterson called the meeting to order at 10:30 am

II.  Roll call was taken by Vice President Benson

III.  November Employee Achievement Award – Dianne McDole

IV.  Adoption of Agenda - Motion: Darveau/Heinowski – unanimous approval

V.  November Minutes – Motion: Darveau/Johnson – unanimous approval

VI.  Treasurer’s Report – (Megan)

Motion: Swarm/Heinowski – unanimous approval

Expenses consisted of $19.92 for the department of the month candy box and $16.75 to update the engraving with the employee of the month.

VII.  Correspondence – (Tammy)

·  Nothing to report

VIII.  Committee Status Update - Benson

Motion: Heinowski/Gottula – unanimous approval

Professional Development

•  ASSIST – attended Faculty/Staff Luncheon and plan to attend a show at the planetarium

•  Work/Life Balance – hope to introduce at Staff Recognition Breakfast in January

•  Discussed new walk club that Bryce Abby is working on. Purpose is to identify indoor walking paths when weather is unpleasant

Employee Recognition Committee

•  Employee Recognition Breakfast – January 6, 2016 @ 8:30AM

Communication Committee

•  Welcomed Amanda Andresen to the committee

•  Web pages – plan to update is being formulated

•  Continue to recognize new employees at UNK

•  Start to plan for senate elections

•  Survey Results

Policy Committee

•  Working on by-law revisions for January’s meeting

X. Current Business

·  Storm Hockey Game – February 26, 2016

Prizes will consist of a jersey supplied by the Storm and something UNK related. Tickets will be $12 with $4 being donated back to Staff Senate. Free kid ticket for each adult ticket purchased. Each senator has the option to sell tickets (packets of 10 are available from Todd Gottula). A web link will be available soon (discount shows up at checkout).

·  UNK Basketball Game – January 16, 2015

Athletics has proposed a Faculty/Staff Night with free admittance. Staff Senate will sponsor a room with games/snacks (if possible) between games. Activities also include a Mascot Dance-off and KPR Scrimmage. Benson will inquire about 50 printed tickets to handout. Gottula will design a flyer to assist with promoting. Watch your email prior to this date as there is not a scheduled meeting beforehand.

·  Office/Service Dependent Scholarship – will now be titled Staff Dependent Scholarship. Almost finalized. Fryda attained and provided a list of past recipients with amounts awarded in the budget notes. Recipients will be invited to attend the Recognition Ceremony in January.

·  Survey Results

President Peterson is meeting with Chancellor to discuss Staff Senate and the Survey Results. Specific items include staff flexibility to attend meetings and other campus events such as Convocation. Gottula suggested that Chancellor address the Senate once each semester.

XI. Future Business

·  Staff Recognition Ceremony – January 6th at 8:30AM

Senate will have a table with hockey tickets available. Professional Development will display an advertisement for the new Work Life Balance program. Sanny will invite the recipients of the Dependent Scholarship.

XII. Announcements

a.  Area Updates & Open Comments

-Budget Impact – Staff Senate’s budget will be reduced by $132 effective Fiscal year 2017. Action is not needed at this time.

XIII. Adjournment: Motion – Johnson/Darveau - Unanimous approval

Next meeting: Tuesday January 19th, 2015 10:30am

Sandhills Room

Nebraskan Student Union