The Iliad

p. 379

Qs 2 – 5

2. a. Agamemnon’s refusal to ransom the captive Chryseis angers Apollo, who sends a deadly plague.

b. The Greeks are dying, and their ten-year effort to take Troy may end in disaster.

3. a. Claiming her as a substitute prize also embarrasses Achilles.

b. This action confirms Achilles’ decision.

4. a. The Greeks will destroy Troy.

b. Achilles seems self-centered and focused on material possessions and honor, whereas Hector seems torn between duty and love for his family. Each figure is heroic in his own way.

5. a. Honor seems to mean loyalty, courage, military glory, public reputation, and outward recognition of a hero’s merits through his awards.

b. Honor deserve tangible recognition; honor is too connected to materialism????

NOTES to help with Qs 1 – 3 on p. 380

1.  The conflict between Agamemnon and Achilles – Who is the rightful leader? The best, most accomplished warrior or the king???? Does skill deserve honor or authority?? Consider these thoughts in your response.

2.  Achilles’ conflict?? Doesn’t he want to keep his TANGIBLE rewards (the girl, the earnings of the “rank and file”…). He also wants GLORY. How does he balance the two? This is another important theme!! J


Achilles’ Outlook / Hector’s Outlook
WAR / Internal conflict about the purpose and validity: Why are they fighting the Trojans in the first place, he asks!!! / The war directly threatens his city, Troy!
DUTY / He rejects his sense of duty to Agamemnon if it means a loss of his honor! So what is more important? Duty or honor??? J / His duty is to fight!! Even though he may be doomed to defeat.
HEROISM / Heroism is symbolized by material, tangible prizes! / Heroism consists of the intangible loyalty to his family (father, mother, wife, son) and his city, as well as martial (military) valor (courage).