29thApril 2016

Kyle Preston

Dear Kyle


Thank you for your email requesting information held by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust under the Freedom of Information Act.

Your questions were:-

1.Who is the Trust's current supplier for their Electronic Patient Record?

A combination of TPP SystmOne for the majority of services, Servelec RIO for Inpatient services, Adastra Carenotes for CAMHS, PCMIS for IAPT, Blythe Lilie for CASH and North 51 for Healthy Living Services

2. What is the contract start and end date for the Electronic Patient Record?

•TPP S1 – July 2016 to 2021 plus optional 2 year further extension

•Servelec RIO – July 2013 to July 2018

•Adastra CareNotes – Annual

•PCMIS – Annual

•Lille CASH: July 2015 - July 2018

•North 51 HLS: – Annual

3. Who is the Trust's current supplier for your Patient Administration System?

As per Q1

4. What is the contract start and end date for the Patient Administration System?

As per Q2

5. When are you due to start looking to re-procure your clinical systems?

There are no plans to re-procure SystmOne at the moment as we are just finalising the re-procurement process and other systems are reviewed within the services on an annual basis.

6. Who is the Trust's current Chief Clinical Information Officer?

The trust does not have a CCIO - the nearest equivalent is our Assistant Director of Business Intelligence – Richard Slough

7. Which member of the board is responsible for IT?

Bryan Machin – Director of Finance and Performance.

8. As part of planning for the replacement of PAS how much has your organisation assigned a specifically for data migration to offset the risks to revenue generation post go-live of the new system?

No plans to replace current PAS – existing systems to be in place

9. How many FTEs does the Trust employ to clean data and handle data quality problems?

1 X Data Quality Lead (plus 2 X Information Analysts – 2 X Clinical Advisors, although not their primary function)

10. Does the Trust use any external organisation to provide tools and /or services for data quality improvements?


11. What is the estimated cost of cleaning data for statutory reporting?

Unknown – minimal costs due to direct access and streamlined extraction processes

12. What is the estimated cost of cleaning data for clinical risk avoidance?

Unknown – minimal costs due to direct access and streamlined extraction processes

13. Who is responsible within your organisation for identifying the technical requirements for systems that support sustainability plans as described in the Five Year Forward View?

A combination of Assistant Director of Business Intelligence, Head of Business Intelligence and Head of Systems Management in conjunction with service leads.

Please find attached information on the re-use of public sector information and the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust review process for freedom of information requests.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to request an internal review by writing to me at the above address. Following the internal review, if you are still dissatisfied, you have the right to appeal our decision by writing to the Information Commissioners Office at:

The Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Telephone: 08456 30 60 60


There is no charge for making an appeal.

If you have any further queries in relation to this request, please contact me on the above number.

Yours sincerely

Information Governance Team

Chairman: Neil Franklin O.B.E Chief Executive: Thea Stein