UPM Fact Sheet for Incoming International Students

Name of University / UPM – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (TechnicalUniversity of Madrid)
Schools / UPM is composed of 18 Colleges of Engineering, in addition to Architecture, Sports andFashiong Design, all of them high ranking institutions with innovative approaches to education. More information about the institution´s history:
Campus Address / The UPM Schools are split up in four campus:
  • Campus Ciudad Universitaria
  • Campus Madrid Ciudad
  • Campus Montegancedo
  • Campus Sur
Further information on the location of each School: Campus Info
General Information / General Information on admission and academic life at UPM. Specific information on specific school Mobility and Cooperation Offices can be found in this index.
Currently UPM is the leading university in Science and Technology in the Spanish-speaking area.
It has 20 years of relationships with the best universities in China, with more than 1,500 exchanges.
Admissions / Degree seeking students applying for admission to UPM programs to UPM programs need to take into consideration the admission requirements from the Spanish Ministry of Education.
ApplicationDetails / Schools will provide incoming students with specific information on the application procedures.
Visa request for non- European Union students / You need to apply for a visa at the Spanish embassy or consulate in your country. Additional information can be found at the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairsand the Visa Application Centre.Depending on the program pursued, different types of Visas will be needed.
Arrival Day / Students are expected to arrive one week before classes start. This date is specific for each school.
Medical Insurance / The Technical University of Madrid has an agreement with MAPFRE (Insurance Company). Students, staff, teachers, researchers and scholars are included in this agreement. For more information visit this link.
Accomodation / There are several options for accommodation, from dormitories to independent living. More information: nVCM10000009c7648aRCRD
Academic Calendar / Courses start during the first half of September to January (autumn semester) and from February to July (spring semester).
Courseload / Mobility students must be enrolled in the number of credits/subjects specified by their home university or mobility program (e.g. ERASMUS MUNDUS). An average semester at UPM comprises 30 ECTS.
ECTS credit unit is a Unit of measure of student work corresponding to the European System of Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). One academic year of full-time work corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, considering for such the total number of annual working hours of 1680. One ECTS credit corresponds to 28 hours of work (includes classroom activities, assessments and autonomous work).
GradingSystem / A (best 10% in class), B (next 25%), C (next 30%), D (next 25%), E (worst 10%), and F (failed course). This is translated in numbers from 0 to 10, with F: 0-4, E: 5, D: 6, C: 7, B: 8-9, A: 10.
TuitionFees and grants / Tuition feesare waived for exchanged students.
In general Students aiming to pursue a full program (undergraduate, graduate, PhD) are subject to tuition fees. Diverse kinds of grants are available for qualified students.For more information: Students
Estimated Living Expenses / From 800€ per month, including housing.
Orientationfor new students / Students who enroll for the first time at the Technical University of Madrid have several help and orientation programs available to them such as the ‘Starting Point’, the "Zero Courses", or the Mentor Program, to facilitate the success of their studies.
"Starting Point". Web Space access to help those students of the new intake to strengthen their knowledge and favor self-evaluation especially in the areas of mathematics and physics.
“Mentor Project". A program of tutorials developed for students taking higher courses and supervised by teachers, to facilitate the academic and social integration of the new intake of students at the UPM, both in the first year and ERASMUS."Zero Courses". These courses are given in the majority of Schools of UPM during the month of September. Its objective is to strengthen the main concepts of subjects such as mathematics and physics to help the student to revise and reinforce their knowledge in these areas.
InformationResources / UPM has a wide network of Information Resources available to its students via web.
Doctoral opportunities for CSC scholars / These are some of the opportunities available at the Technical University of Madrid for Doctoral studies of Chinese students with CSC scholarship :
Masterprograms / Link to access the courses:
CourseName /
  • AgroforestryEngineering and Environment
  • Agro-Environmental Technology for a Sustainable Agriculture
  • Animal Production and Health
  • Architecture and Urbanism
  • Analysis, Theory and History of Architecture
  • ArchitecturalComunication
  • BuildingStructures
  • Construction and ArchitecturalTechnology
  • Management in Building
  • Máster Universitario en Diseño de Instalaciones
  • TechnologicalInnovation in Building
  • Civil Engineering, Sustainability and Environment
  • Civil EngineeringSystems
  • Environmental Research, Modeling and Risk Assessment
  • Seismic Engineering: Soil and Structural Dynamics
  • StructuralEngineering and Materials
  • Engineering and RelatedProfessions
  • GeodesyEngineering and Cartography
  • Industrial Mathematics
  • Master in ChemicalEngineering
  • MSC Material Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Acoustic Engineering in Industry and Transport
  • Degree in engineering in Industrial design
  • ElectricalEngineering
  • Engineering Management
  • EnvironmentalEngineering
  • Industrial Electronics
  • MechanicalEngineering
  • Nuclear Science and Technology
  • ProductionEngineering
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • ComputerScience and Computing Technology
  • Software Engineering
  • Systems and Services Engineering for the Information Society
  • Physical, Chemical and Geological Sciences
  • Plasma, Laser and Surface Technologies

Bachelorprograms / Link to access the subjects:
  • Degree in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
  • Degree in Agricultural and Food Industry Technology
  • Degree in AgriculturalEngineering
  • Degree in Biotechnology
  • Degree in Engineering and Agricultural Science
  • Degree in EnviromentalTechnologyEngineering
  • Degree in EnvironmentalEngineering
  • Degree in FoodEngineering
  • Degree in ForestryEngineering
  • Degree in Architecture
  • Degree in Building
  • Degree in Civil and Territorial Engineering
  • Degree in Civil Engineering
  • Degree in Geomatic and Surveying Engineering
  • Degree in AerospaceEngineering
  • Degree in ChemicalEngineering
  • Degree in ElectricalEngineering
  • Degree in GeologyEngineering
  • Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial TechnologyEngineering
  • Degree in Management Engineering
  • Degree in MaritimeEngineering
  • Degree in MaterialsEngineering
  • Degree in MechanicalEngineering
  • Degree in MiningTechnologyEngineering
  • Degree in Naval Architecture
  • Engineering Degree in Energy Resources, Fuels and Explosives
  • Degree in Audio and Visual Engineering
  • Degree in BiomedicalEngineering
  • Degree in ComputerEngineering
  • Degree in ComputerScienceEngineering
  • Degree in ElectronicCommunicationsEngineering
  • Degree in InformationSystems
  • Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Degree in Software Engineering
  • Degree in TelecommunicationsSystemsEngineering
  • Degree in Telecommunications Technology and Service Engineering
  • Degree in TelematicsEngineering
  • Degree in BiomedicalEngineering
  • Degree in SportsSciences
  • Degree in FashionDesign