Capital Area Council of Governments

Texas Review and Comment Systems Committee Meeting



August 28, 2007

Members Present /

Members Not Present

Ms. Marge Tripp, WilliamsonCounty, Chair
Mr. Ray Sanders, City of Lockhart – Vice Chair
Mr. LaMarr Petersen, HaysCounty
Mr. Hector Forestier, City of Giddings
Judge H.T. Wright, CaldwellCounty
Mr. Duane Stueven, CommissionerLlanoCounty
Ms. Marlene McMichael, City of Georgetown
Mr. Bob Miller, City of Lago Vista

Mr. David Salazar, TravisCounty

Mr. Paul Hilgers, City of Austin / Ms. Amy Miller, City of Elgin
Mr. Richard Salmon, HaysCounty

Ms. Pat Dildine, Johnson City

Mrs. Linda Ward, LeeCounty
Ms. Kathy Grimes, Williamson County
Commissioner Gary Weishuhn, Fayette County
Mr. Roman Grijalva, HaysCounty
David Partlow – TRACS Coordinator

Ms. Sofia Williams, BastropCounty


Call to Order – Chairman Marge Tripp called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

  1. Welcome and Introductory Remarks.

Roll Call. Ten (11) members present.

II.Presentations, Questions and Answers Sessions, and Reviews

The following projects were presented by the applicants and reviewed by the committee:

  1. Travis County Transportation & Natural Resources Dept. – Milton Reimers Ranch Park – (TPWD) - $400,000

Mr. LaMarr Petersen motioned for a FAVORABLE REVIEW on this application. Mr. Bob Miller seconded the motion. The committee voted 11 – 0 for a FAVORABLE COMMENT.

  1. Cedar Park Parks and Recreation Dept. – Cedar Park Community and Recreation Center – (TPWD) - $400,000

Ms. Marge Tripp motioned for a FAVORABLE REVIEW on this application. Mr. LaMarr Petersen seconded the motion. The committee voted 11 – 0 for a FAVORABLE COMMENT.

  1. Cen-Tex Family Services, Inc. - Head Start healthy Marriage Initiative – (USDHHS) - $270,000

Mr. Bob Miller motioned for a FAVORABLE REVIEW on this application. Mr. Paul Hilgersseconded the motion. Mr. Ray Sanders stated that we should encourage them putting an elected official on their committee that is from their county. He also felt that they could serve more than 40 couples.The committee voted 10 – 1 for a FAVORABLE COMMENT. Mr. LaMarr Petersen gave it an UNFAVORABLE COMMENT, stating that the cost per couple was too high and that other agencies do similar work.

  1. City of Austin/Travis Co. Health and Human Services Dept. – Bilingual/Bicultural SVC Demonstration Grant (DHHS) - $175,000

The CAPCOG TRACS Committee did not review this project because the applicant did not have representation at the meeting.

  1. City of Austin Health and Human Services Dept. – Community Partnerships To Eliminate Health Disparities Demonstration Grant – (HHS) - $250,000

The CAPCOG TRACS Committee did not review this project because the applicant did not have representation at the meeting.

  1. Ventana del Soul – Capacity Building for Mentoring Organizations – (ACF) $250,000

Judge Wright motioned for anUNFAVORABLE REVIEW on this application. Ms. Marlene McMichael seconded the motion.Generally the committee felt that the project was too ambitious and that instead of a national scope, it should be scaled down to a local level. They felt that to do it on national bases would limit its effectiveness locally and that they preferred it be demonstrated on local bases first then go with a national presentation. Some members felt that it couldn’t be carried off with the amount of money being asked for on a national bases and that the details were too limited and the web pricing was out of line. Others felt that travel funds requested were out of line. While one committee member said that it was duplication of efforts by other organizations. The committee voted 8 – 3 for anUNFAVORABLE COMMENT. Mr. Bob Miller, Mr. Hector Forestier, and Mr. David Salazar voted for FAVORABLE COMMENTS.


10:50 a.m.