
Plant Review

Your test will be 40 multiple choice and matching questions.

1.  List characteristics that all plants have.

2.  What are the differences between a monocot and a dicot?

Characteristic / Monocot / Dicot
Vascular Bundle
Root type
# flower parts

3.  What is the function of a stem?

4.  What are the two parts to the vascular bundle?

5.  List the pants that contain a vascular bundle.

6.  Vocabulary –

  1. root hair k. Frond
  1. root cap l. Sori
  1. cortex m. Rhizome
  1. tropism n. Fiddlehead
  1. Stomata o. Cotyledon
  1. Phototrophism p. Embryo
  1. Gravitropism q. Seed Coat
  1. Annual r. Xylem
  1. Biennial s. Phloem
  1. Perennial t. Germination

7.  What are functions of the root?

8.  What are the plants listed from oldest to youngest? Think family history.

9.  What is the function of the leaf?

10.  Why is it important for Bryophytes to have water?

11.  How do plants adapt to the desert?

12.  Sepals a. Stalk with the stigma at the top

13.  Petals b. Structure where male gametophytes (pollen) are produced

14.  Stamen c. Flower part that contains one or more ovules

15.  Filament d. Outermost, green floral parts, that protect developing flower

16.  Anthers e. Long, thin structure that supports an anther

17.  Pistil f. complete female part of flower

18.  Ovary g. Sticky, top portion of style

19.  Style h. Complete male structure made up of an anther and a filament

20.  Stigma i. Brightly colored parts just inside the sepals

21.  What are the four basic needs of a plant?

22.  What did plants evolve from?

23.  Name and write the equation of the process that plants are a part of that exchanges two types of gases in the leaf of a plant.

24.  Which structure in the leaf is used to aid in gas exchange during this process?

25.  Complete the table about seed plants.

26.  Complete the concept map about gymnosperms.

Plant Characteristic / Bryophyte/Moss / Fern / Gymnosperm / Angiosperm
Has a nucleus
Cell wall with cellulose
Controls water loss
Vascular Tissue (xylem & phloem)