South Carolina General Assembly

120th Session, 2013-2014

H. 5039


General Bill

Sponsors: Reps. Anderson, G.A.Brown, Daning, Crosby, Sabb, W.J.McLeod, McEachern, Douglas, McCoy and Norrell

Document Path: l:\council\bills\ggs\22615vr14.docx

Companion/Similar bill(s): 1040

Introduced in the House on April 3, 2014

Currently residing in the House Committee on Judiciary

Summary: Vulnerable Adult and Senior Citizen Protection Act


Date Body Action Description with journal page number

4/3/2014 House Introduced and read first time (House Journalpage8)

4/3/2014 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary (House Journalpage8)





Whereas, South Carolina’s senior citizens are valued members of our community who deserve to live with respect and dignity; and

Whereas, the population of the State’s citizens age sixty and older has increased from nearly 915,000 in 2010 to a projected 1,200,000 in 2020, an increase of approximately thirty percent; and

Whereas, it is widely recognized that, in general, senior citizens are at a greater risk of harm from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, than are younger adults; and

Whereas, while the Omnibus Adult Protection Act of 2006 protects senior citizens who live in longterm care facilities or who are disabled from abuse, neglect, and exploitation, the statute does not protect the many seniors who are able to live independently; and

Whereas, in addition to abuse, neglect, and exploitation, human trafficking of senior citizens is a growing problem, whether through deprivation of food and medication by a caregiver or placement in or transfer to a facility with unsafe and unsanitary conditions; and

Whereas, the abuse, neglect, exploitation, and human trafficking of senior citizens can occur in longterm care facilities, in the privacy of a senior’s home, and elsewhere in the community. Now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION 1. Article 1, Chapter 35, Title 43 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:

“Article 1

Duties and Procedures of Investigative Entities

Section 43355. This chapter may be cited as the Omnibus Vulnerable Adult and Senior Citizen Protection Act.

Section 433510. As used in this chapter:

(1) ‘Abuse’ means physical abuse or psychological abuse.

(2) ‘Adult Protective Services Program’ means the Adult Protective Services Program of the Department of Social Services.

(3) ‘Caregiver’ means a person who provides care to a vulnerable adult or senior citizen, with or without compensation, on a temporary, or permanent, or full or parttime basis and includes, but is not limited to, a relative, household member, day care personnel, adult foster home sponsor, and personnel of a public or private institution or facility.

(4) ‘Contracted facility’ means those public and private facilities contracted for operation by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs.

(5) ‘Deception’ means taking or failing to take an action pursuant to which a person knowingly:

(a) creates or confirms a false impression;

(b) fails to correct a false impression created or confirmed pursuant to subitem (a);

(c) fails to correct a false impression created by another person when under a duty to correct the false impression;

(d) prevents another person from acquiring information pertinent to the disposition of property;

(e) sells or otherwise transfers or encumbers property without disclosing a lien, adverse claim, or other legal impediment to the enjoyment of the property interest sold or transferred, whether or not the impediment is valid or is a matter of official record; or

(f) promises performance when the person does not intend to perform the promise or knows that the promise will not be performed.

(3)(6) ‘Exploitation’ means:

(a) causing or requiring to cause or require a vulnerable adult or senior citizen to engage in activity or labor which that is improper, unlawful, or against the reasonable and rational wishes of the vulnerable adult or senior citizen,. Exploitation does not include requiring a vulnerable adult to participate in which does not include an activity or labor which that is a part of a written plan of care or which is prescribed or authorized by a licensed physician attending the patient;

(b) the use of deception, intimidation, undue influence, force, or threat of force to obtain or exert an improper, unlawful, or unauthorized control over or use of the funds, assets, property, power of attorney, guardianship, or conservatorship of a vulnerable adult or senior citizen by a person, including a person who stands in a position of trust or confidence to the vulnerable adult or senior citizen, for the profit or advantage of that person or another person; or with the intent to deprive the vulnerable adult or senior citizen of those funds, assets, or property;

(c) the breach of a fiduciary duty owed to a vulnerable adult or senior citizen by a guardian, conservator, or agent pursuant to a power of attorney for the profit or advantage of the person or another person or which results in an unauthorized appropriation, sale, or transfer of the vulnerable adult’s or senior citizen’s property;

(c)(d) causing to cause a vulnerable adult or senior citizen to purchase goods or services for the profit or advantage of the seller or another person through:

(i) undue influence,;

(ii) harassment,;

(iii) duress,;

(iv) force,;

(v) coercion,; or

(vi) swindling by overreaching, cheating, or defrauding the vulnerable adult or senior citizen through cunning arts or devices that delude the vulnerable adult or senior citizen and cause him to lose money or other property.

(7) ‘Extortion’ means to obtain unlawfully money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, through the use or threat of force, misuse of authority, threat of criminal prosecution, threat of destruction of reputation or social standing, or through other coercive means.

(4)(8) ‘Facility’ means a nursing care facility, community residential care facility, a psychiatric hospital, or any residential program operated or contracted for operation by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs.

(9) ‘Great bodily injury’ means bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes serious, permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ.

(10) ‘Human trafficking’ means knowingly transporting, soliciting, extorting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, housing, or obtaining a vulnerable adult or senior citizen for the purpose of exploitation of that person.

(11) ‘Intimidation’ means a threat to a vulnerable adult or senior citizen of physical or psychological harm or of deprivation of food, nutrition, prescribed medication, shelter, property, or medical care or treatment.

(5)(12) ‘Investigative entity’ means the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, the Adult Protective Services Program in the Department of Social Services, the Vulnerable Adults Investigations Unit of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, or the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Office of the Attorney General.

(13) ‘Long Term Care Ombudsman Program’ means the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program of the Office on Aging.

(6)(14) ‘Neglect’ means the failure or omission of a caregiver to provide the care, goods, or services necessary to maintain the health or safety of a vulnerable adult or senior citizen including, but not limited to, food, clothing, medicine, shelter, supervision, and medical services and the failure or omission has caused, or presents a substantial risk of causing, physical or mental injury to the vulnerable adult or senior citizen. Noncompliance with regulatory standards alone does not constitute neglect. Neglect includes the inability of a vulnerable adult or senior citizen, in the absence of a caretaker, to provide for his or her own health or safety which that produces or could reasonably be expected to produce serious physical or psychological harm or substantial risk of death.

(7)(15) ‘Occupational licensing board’ means a health professional licensing board which that is a state agency that licenses and regulates health care providers, and includes, but is not limited to, the Board of Long Term Health Care Administrators, State Board of Nursing for South Carolina, State Board of Medical Examiners, State Board of Social Work Examiners, and the State Board of Dentistry.

(16) ‘Operated facility’ means a facility directly operated by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs.

(17) ‘Person’ means a human being, except as otherwise defined pursuant to this chapter.

(8)(18) ‘Physical abuse’: means intentionally inflicting or allowing to be inflicted

(a) means acting or failing to act in an intentional and wilful manner in order to cause physical injury on to a vulnerable adult or senior citizen by an act or failure to act. Physical abuse includes, but is not limited to, or acting in a reckless manner that results in physical injury to a vulnerable adult or senior citizen, including by:

(i) slapping, hitting, kicking, biting, choking, pinching, burning,;

(ii) actual or attempted sexual battery as defined in pursuant to Section 163651,;

(iii) use of medication outside the standards of reasonable medical practice for the purpose of controlling behavior, and;

(iv) unreasonable confinement. Physical abuse also includes the; or

(v) use of a restrictive or physically intrusive procedure to control behavior for the purpose of punishment, except that a therapeutic unless the procedure is a therapeutic procedure prescribed by a licensed physician or other qualified professional or that is part of a written plan of care by a licensed physician or other qualified professional is not considered physical abuse. Physical abuse; and

(b) does not include mean altercations or acts of assault between vulnerable adults.

(19) ‘Position of trust and confidence’ means, with respect to a vulnerable adult or senior citizen, a person who:

(a) is a parent, spouse, adult child, or other relative by blood or marriage of the vulnerable adult or senior citizen;

(b) is a joint tenant or tenant in common with respect to property of the vulnerable adult or senior citizen;

(c) owes a legal or fiduciary duty to the vulnerable adult or senior citizen including, but not limited to, a courtappointed or voluntary guardian, trustee, attorney, or conservator;

(d) is a caregiver of the vulnerable adult or senior citizen; or

(e) is another person who has been entrusted with or has assumed responsibility for the use or management of a vulnerable adult’s or senior citizen’s funds, assets, or property.

(9)(20) ‘Protective services’ means those services whose objective is to protect a vulnerable adult or senior citizen from harm caused by the vulnerable adult or senior citizen or by another person. These services include including, but are not limited to, evaluating the need for protective services, securing and coordinating existing services, arranging for living quarters, obtaining financial benefits to which a vulnerable adult is entitled, and securing medical services, supplies, and legal services.

(10)(21) ‘Psychological abuse’ means deliberately subjecting a vulnerable adult or senior citizen to threats or harassment or other forms of intimidating behavior causing fear, humiliation, degradation, agitation, confusion, or other forms of serious emotional distress.

(22) ‘Senior citizen’ means a person sixty years of age or older who is not a vulnerable adult as defined pursuant to this article.

(23) ‘Undue influence’ means domination, coercion, manipulation, or another act of a person that prevents a vulnerable adult or senior citizen from exercising free judgment and choice.

(11)(24) ‘Vulnerable adult’ means:

(a) a person eighteen years of age or older who has a physical or mental condition which that substantially impairs the person from adequately providing for his or her own care or protection,. This includes which includes a person who is impaired in the ability to adequately provide for the person’s his own care or protection because of the infirmities of aging including, but not limited to, organic brain damage, advanced age, and physical, mental, or emotional dysfunction.; or

(b) A a resident of a facility is a vulnerable adult.

(25) ‘Vulnerable Adults Investigations Unit’ means the Vulnerable Adults Investigations Unit of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.

(12) “Operated facility” means those facilities directly operated by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs.

(13) "Contracted facility" means those public and private facilities contracted for operation by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs.

Section 433513. No vulnerable adult or senior citizen may be considered to be abused or neglected for the sole reason that, in lieu of medical treatment, the vulnerable adult or senior citizen is being furnished nonmedical remedial treatment by spiritual means through prayer alone which the vulnerable adult has practiced freely in accordance with his religion.

Section 433515. (A) The Vulnerable Adults Investigations Unit of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division shall receive and coordinate the referral of all reports of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation or human trafficking of vulnerable adults in facilities operated or contracted for operation by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. The unit shall establish a toll free number, which must be operated twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week, to receive the reports. The unit shall investigate or refer to appropriate law enforcement those reports in which there is reasonable suspicion of criminal conduct. The unit also shall investigate vulnerable adult fatalities as provided for in pursuant to Article 5, Chapter 35, Title 43. The unit shall refer those reports in which there is no reasonable suspicion of criminal conduct to the appropriate investigative entity for investigation. Upon conclusion of a criminal investigation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, or human trafficking of a vulnerable adult, the unit or other law enforcement shall refer the case to the appropriate prosecutor when further action is necessary. The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division may develop policies, procedures, and memorandum memoranda of agreement with other agencies to be used in fulfilling the requirements of this article. However, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division must but may not delegate its responsibility to investigate criminal reports of alleged abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and human trafficking to the agencies, facilities, or entities that operate or contract for the operation of the facilities. Nothing in this subsection precludes the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, or their contractors from performing administrative responsibilities in compliance with applicable state and federal requirements.