Minutes of the Stoneyhill Primary PFG Meeting
6 February 2012
Present: Sharlene Miller (Temporary Chair), Denise Ford, Dianne Fyfe, Nancy McLaren, Hazel Rae, Lisa Livingstone, Lynn Foley, Julie Bonthron & Evie Thomas
Apologies: Jill Craig, Sarah Devine, Jill Elgin, Linda Thomson, Katie Hyslop and Katharine Ross
Previous Minutes & Actions
Minutes of7 November 2012meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising
PFG - Current Position
Dianne Foley stood down as PFG Chair before Christmas. Sharlene Miller has agreed to stand as Chair until Summer. Katie Hyslop has shown interest in joining the PFG and will shadow Sharlene in the Chair role, with the intention of taking over after the Summer.
Tracey Robertson also stepped down as Secretary before Christmas. As there have been no volunteers to take this position on, existing members of the PFG will share responsibility for taking minutes until a new Secretary is found.
Lisa Livingstone will continue as Treasurer.
2012 Events and Budget
- Cheese & Wine Evening - The event was a good success and we made just under £500 profit
- The Christmas Cards made £180
- Calendars made a great profit of £600
The total PFG funds stand at £8,400.
The PFG have recently funded the following for the school:
- Christmas Pantomine £800
- Xmas Party £280
- Football Strips £400
Priority Events for 2013
2013 events were discussed at the meeting and it has been agreed that the following events are priority and will go ahead:
- School Disco (Thursday 21 March)
- Sports Day
- P7 Leavers Event
- P7 Yearbook
School Disco (21 March)
If anyone would like to help out at the school disco, please let Sharlene Miller know (07935 197 847). Helpers for the first disco will be required from approx. 5.30.
Tickets will be £1.00 and sold on the door as previous years. Reminders to be sent out again asking children to bring only 50p for the tuck shop.
Action - Sharlene will book John (DJ) for the disco.
Action - Sharlene to organise the let for the disco.
Action - Sharlene to ask Gary to re-design the posters.
Action - Dianne and Denise to do the shopping for the food (including 8 Easter eggs for prizes).
Action - Lisa to provide a float for the tickets on the door.
Action - Lynn providing plastic cups (will order 3000) and leftovers to be kept for future events.
Sports Day
Planned for either Friday 17 or 24 May.
After a discussion about a refreshing snack for the children, it was decided that this year the PFG will provide ice lollies. These are more cost effective and easier to organise for the PFG.
Action - Lynn will organise and order ice lollies for 240 children.
P7 Leavers and Yearbook
The PFG will support the P7 Leavers Event and provide funds for the P7 Yearbook.
The school is to let the PFG know what is required by the PFG for the P7 Leavers Event, once a decision has been made about the event.
The school also to let the PFG know the cost for the P7 Yearbook.
School Fayre
The PFG do not currently have enough members/meeting attendees to organise a Summer Fayre in 2013. Meeting attendance has dwindled and unfortunately we do not have anyone to co-ordinate the Fayre. The Fayre is our biggest fundraising event and raises between £3000 and £4000 per year for the school.
Unless someone, or a group of parents or friends of the school agrees to co-ordinate this event, it will not happen this year. Co-ordinating the event does not mean that that person/persons has to organise everything, as there is a lot of support within the existing PFG, who will help out with pre-event activities. As well as helpers before the event, we always have a lot of parents and teachers who are willing to help on the day.
The PFG decided that a letter will be sent out to all parents asking if anyone would like to co-ordinate the event or take on one of the activities listed below. The letter will also list what the PFG fundraising provides for the school.
Summer Fayre Tasks:
Overall Co-ordination (ideally taken on by more than one person) - Ensure all tasks being dealt with, holding meetings, liaising with the school, booking suppliers (e.g. bouncy castle) etc.
Helpers Rota - Collecting helpers names and setting up a rota for the two hour shifts. Keeping all helpers informed of plans, times etc.
Risk Assessment - Completing a Risk Assessment form required by the council
Food Shopping - Obtaining food, drink and other requirements at the supermarket/cash and carry
School Banners - Putting three banners up around Musselburgh
Advertising - Creating, printing and placing posters
Neighbours Letters - Create, print and deliver letters to surrounding streets advising details of the fayre
Raffle - Contacting local business, parents and friends of the school and anyone else to give prizes for the raffle. Buy raffle tickets, issue tickets in advance of the day and co-ordinate on the day
Silent Auction - Obtain prizes for the silent auction (same as raffle)
Furniture/Equipment - Obtain and organise all requirements e.g. tables, chairs, stands, sports equipment, chocolate fountains , ice-cream etc.
Stalls - This requires people to take on the running of a stall and obtain everything required
If anyone is interested in helping out, please contact Sharlene Miller on 07935 197 847 by Friday 1 March. Once we have a note of all people interested in helping out, the PFG will make a decision on whether the Summer Fayre can go ahead or not.
The PFG will consider doing something for the children instead if the fayre does not go ahead, as they will be the ones most disappointed.
Action - Nancy and Sharlene to set up a letter to be issued to all parents after the February break.
Playground Equipment
The school has requested funding for additional playground games (e.g. hoola hoops). The Playground Pals will consult with all the classes to obtain ideas for equipment wanted. The PFG have agreed to provide a limit of £250 for this.
While discussing playground equipment, it was suggested that more games could be bought for each classroom for indoors during bad weather at lunchtime or breaks. The PFG agreed to allocate £50 to each class (9 in total). Craft things were suggested, but board games with lots of bits are to be avoided.
Action - Hazel to ask the Pupil Council to look at what could be bought for bad weather playtime
Action - Hazel to speak to the nursery to see if there is anything they need from the PFG.
Sports T-Shirts
More t-shirts are required for when children compete out of school and against other schools. The PFG have agreed to pay for 12 white t-shirts with purple writing and 36 purple t-shirts with white writing.
Action - Sharlene to order the t-shirts.
Class Monetary Allocation
Evie asked, on behalf of the teachers, if it would be possible for each class to be allocated a sum of money at the start of the school year in August (possibly £100 each) for them to use on things like class trips and other such activities. The PFG agree that money could be allocated for such things.
Action - Evie/Hazel to ask the teachers to cost/price activities they are interested in and come back to the next PFG meeting.
The PFG would like to remind the school that they are always happy to support trips, so please ask for subsidy.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 6 March 2013 at 7pm in the Meeting Room.
Nancy McLaren - 8 February 2013