St. John Lutheran Church August 2016


Church Office: 563-242-5588

Pastor Dan Pool: 321-6757, home


Web Site:


August 28 Church Picnic

Schedule of Events

7:45 & 10:15 – Divine Service

11:15 – 1:00 – Picnic Dinner

1:00 – 3:30 – Afternoon Events:

*children’s games for those up through 6th grade

*pickleball - * giant twister - *beanbag toss

*volleyball - *cards - *horseshoes

The annual St. JohnChurch and Sunday School Picnic will be from 11:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 28. Cost for adults is $2.00 each and can be paid the day of the picnic. There will be no advance sales. Children accompanied by an adult are free. The fee is to cover the cost of the roast beef and roast pork.

Each family is asked to bring two dishes and a single person may bring one dish to share. Choose from potatoes, vegetables, salads, or desserts. Those for whom cooking is difficult are invited to be our guest. The table service and beverages will be provided. In the afternoon, there will be children’s games, cards, volleyball, and horseshoes. Please join us for an afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship!

Core Values: Missional

In my newsletter articles for the last few months, I have been discussing our core values. This month, I address our fourth and final value: what it means to be missional. This value requires us to be somewhat cautious. The Church’s mission isn’t really up for us to determine. Instead, we are called to embrace the mission given us by Jesus Christ. And this will make us distinct from every business, non-profit, and charity out there.

What is it? We turn to Jesus’ own words in Matthew 28, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

Everything that we do as Church revolves around making disciples – learners and followers of Jesus Christ. And disciples are made through Baptism, teaching, preaching, and prayer (Acts 2:42). This is why the focus of our congregation is on the Divine Service and Bible classes.

Discipleship begins with the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. It continues as we return to the Divine Service for Confession and Absolution, and the Holy Supper. And then we store up God’s Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). The Words of God in written, spoken, and sacramental forms are the mission of the Church, and the only source for the Christian faith.

Discipleship also extends into the home and our personal lives. We don’t leave the Word at Church, but it goes with us. The home especially is to reflect the depths of our faith, whether we live alone or with a full house. In Deuteronomy 6, we are instructed, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

(continued on the next page…)

The Mission of the Church is faithful Word and Sacrament ministry in the Church, home, community, and around the world. We are a Biblical, Confessional, Liturgical, Missional Church. And now I hope you feel a little more prepared to give an answer to the person who asks you about your Church.


Wednesday Summer Services

Join us in August on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. for summer Church Services. These services are simpler and different than Sunday mornings. We especially welcome those with difficult or busy schedules, but everyone is invited. The Wednesday sermon series will be looking at the 10 Commandments through the lens of the Large Catechism.

Road Closure and Parking Issues

We will be open for services all summer regardless of road construction! It does appear that we will lose access to Main Ave. this summer as they replace the bridge over Car Barn Creek. We recommend using Buell Ave. to North 5th Street which will take you right in front of the parsonage. The exit from the Church lot will be closed this summer. Use the entrance as an exit, please take turns entering and exiting.

Pastor Pool’s Sunday Bible Study

Habakkuk: When God Seems Unfair

Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall

For most of us, the book of Habakkuk is left unread, gathering dust in the back of our Bibles. But that’s too bad. Habakkuk offers us great insight into some probing questions. How can a good and all-powerful God allow the existence of evil? Does God treat you fairly? Do you struggle with all of the unfortunate things that have happened to you? Join us for this brand new Bible study based on the Old Testament book of Habakkuk. Habakkuk asks our questions. And God answers.

August 7: Habakkuk 1:1-4: The Problem of Evil

August 14: Habakkuk 1:5-11: God is Not Silent

August 21: Habakkuk 1:12-17: Why Do Evildoers Flourish?

August 28: Church Picnic: No Bible Classes

Higher Things

Thank you to all who supported our young people on their trip to Higher Things in Cedar Falls this summer. Your prayers and financial support were greatly appreciated. Next summer, Higher Things is in Valparaiso, Indiana on July 25-28, 2017. Mark your calendars now!

Summer Sunday School

This summer, we will have Children’s Summer Sunday School only on the first Sunday of each month. We will be watching a special video series called The Miracle Maker: The Story of Jesus with popcorn and prayers. On the other Sundays, we will not have Children’s classes. Both adult classes will continue to meet. Teens and kids are welcome to attend with parents. May this be a time when parents and grandparents take on that God given responsibility to teach their children the faith at home. Start working on the Small Catechism and grab a copy of My Devotions available in the narthex.

Church Picnic Volunteers

We are looking for someone to be in charge of organizing the children’s games at the church picnic. If you would like to volunteer, contact Sheryl Jindrich, 243-4805.

We also have sign-up sheets on the bulletin board by the entrance to the education building for volunteers to help with the other various phases of the Church Picnic on August 28.

Help is needed:

1) in the kitchen during late service;

2) setting out food for serving;

3) cleaning up the kitchen after dinner;

4) assisting with children’s games;

5) cleaning up the yard and building.

Lend a hand – sign up to help!

Youth Catechesis

Youth Catechesis begins on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7:15 p.m. There will be a parent and student meeting in the fellowship hall from 7:15 - 7:45 p.m. and then the students will have class from 7:45 – 8:45 p.m. Youth Catechesis will meet each Wednesday from 7:15 – 8:45 p.m. Sept. – April, except when the public school schedules vacation or closes school because of bad weather. If you have any questions please call the church office, 242-5588.

Preschool Registration

We are currently accepting applications for the 2016-2017 school year. Our program will continue with a multi-age grouping that will have 3 year olds attending 3 days per week and the older children attending 5 days per week. Our hours will be from 8:45 a.m.-12:45p.m. Monday - Friday. Our school year will run from September to May. Tuition will be $120.00 for 1st year students and free for 2nd year returning students. Contact Angie Stewart at the church office, 242-5588, or via email, , for information, enrollment forms, and a tour of our facilities.

Vacation Bible School Staff

The staff worked long and hard for the excellent program at St. John:

Thank You·Dawn Adamiec·Thank You· Brittany Adams ·Thank You·Heather Becker ·Thank You· Kathy Becker ·Thank You· Sandy Bovis·Thank You· Kevin Cheney ·Thank You· Bonnie Dethmann ·Thank You· Dakota Ebensberger·Thank You· Emily Eggers ·Thank You· Sarah Flathers·Thank You· Debby Gosnell ·Thank You· Jacob Jackson ·Thank You· Sheryl Jindrich·Thank You· Jackie Kammerer ·Thank You· Jennifer Kammerer·Thank You· Kristi Kuhse·Thank You· Shawn Kuhse·Thank You· Kayla Lampe ·Thank You· Joyce Martinez ·Thank You· Shania Mussmann·Thank You· Pastor Pool ·Thank You· Sallie Pool ·Thank You· Emily Pool ·Thank You· Eric Pool ·Thank You· Vera Russell ·Thank You· Kathy Schrader ·Thank You· Parker Sirna·Thank You· Angie Stewart ·Thank You· Matthew Stewart ·Thank You· Moriah Stewart ·Thank You· Marianne Wenzel ·Thank You· Janice Wheelock

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid will meet on Friday, August 5 at 1:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Pastor Pool will be leading the Bible Study. Barbara Tietjens and Janet Peters will be serving as hostesses.

Ladies’ Evening Bible Study

Ladies Evening Bible Study will meet on August 2 and 16 at 7:00 p.m. in classroom 1 at the church. All women are welcome to join us!

Mary Martha

There will be no Mary Martha meeting in August.

Ladies’ Morning Bible Study

The Ladies Morning Bible Study group that usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings of each month is taking a summer break. They will resume meeting in September.

Quilts for Lutheran World Relief

All ladies are invited to the Quilting Bee, which meets on Thursday, August 18 at 9:00 the fellowship hall.Come help us sew and tie quilts for Lutheran World Relief.

Lifetouch Photo Directory

We are doing a new picture directory! You can sign-up for your photo session now at our website: You may also sign-up at Church any Sunday in July. Pictures will be taken August 2-6, 9-10. You will receive a free 8x10 and a photo directory for your participation. No additional purchases are necessary. Friends and family are also welcome to participate!

St. John’s Fellowship ClubCorn Boil

The Fellowship Club Corn Boil/Potluck Supper will be Tuesday, August 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the church. Please bring food to share. Sweet corn, coffee, and table service will be furnished. Everyone is welcome to join us for good food and an evening of cards and fellowship.

Lutheranism 101

Are you interested in becoming a member at St. John? Do you have a friend who would like to know more about what it means to be Lutheran? Are you able to tell people what you believe and why you believe? Pastor Pool is offering a new basics of the faith class on Wednesday nights beginning Sept. 14, at 6:00 p.m. in classroom 1. The class typically lasts about 10-12 weeks and is offered at no charge. Please contact the office at 242-5588 to register.

The Clinton Lutheran Hour

Radio Broadcast

Each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. the Clinton Lutheran Hour is broadcast over the Clinton Radio Station KROS, 1340 AM. The program is sponsored by the Radio Mission League. Digital recordings are made of our church services each Sunday by Darlene Paysen. Jeffrey Niebuhr is the announcer giving the introductory message for each broadcast.

A broadcast may be sponsored for a certain Sunday for $35.00 by contacting Janice Wheelock, 321-4536, who handles the scheduling. Sharon Brown is the Radio Mission League treasurer and receives the broadcast fees. The broadcast may be given in memory of a loved one, for a birthday or anniversary, or simply as a gift of love. The name of the sponsor and who the broadcast is given for is included each week.

St. John’s library carries CDs of each broadcast for anyone to check out. Perhaps there is a service you would like to share with a friend or you were unable to attend a service. Come find it in the church library! The most recent Sundays are on the desk when you first enter; instructions are next to them on how to check a CD out. You can find past broadcasts on the shelves with the DVDs and videos.

Check It Out

In Our Church Library

Come Rain or Shine

Fiction by Jan Karon

The Medford wedding, readers have been waiting for! You will laugh and cry as you share the couple’s big day and the unexpected events that make it memorable.

Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good

Fiction by Jan Karon

After five hectic years of retirement, Father Tim returns, with his wife, from the land of his Irish ancestors. But something is definitely missing from his live.

Thank You

Thank you Kelley Schemers for donating the box of books for our tiny tots!

August Birthdays & Anniversaries

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

Happy Birthday to:

Phyllis Pladna, who will be 89 on August 1.

Lois Black, who will be 81 on August 1.

Mildred Reusche, who will be 90 on August 9.

Donald Stuedemann, who will be 85 on August 10.

Patrick Black, who will be 81 on August 16.

Paul Specht, who will be 86 on August 20.

Eunice Weller, who will be 85 on August 24.

Helen Lauritzen, who will be 81 on August 27.

Happy Anniversary to:

Kurt & Misti Steiner, 10th Wedding Anniversary on Aug.5.

Harlan & Ellen Gluesing, 50thWedding Anniversary on Aug.6.

Wade & Stacey Lamp, 1st Wedding Anniversary on Aug. 15.

We list birthdays 80 and above and anniversaries for year one and every five years thereafter unless we receive a request not to do so.

Private Communion Calls

Pastor Pool now makes his visits to those in nursing homes throughout the month. Those at home who would like to receive a communion visit are asked to call Pastor anytime at the church office, 242-5588, to schedule.



Elders:Bill Ross

Dave Reynolds

Jim Schnitzmeyer

Ushers: Ronald McGauvran

Gary Lueders

Jon Meyermann

Craig Miller

Nursery Attendants (Late)

7– Barb Bialas

14– Sandy Bovis

& Moriah Stewart

21 – Natalie & Molly Jackson

28– Jaime & Jennifer



Elders:David Martinez

Jim Kophamer

Ushers: Bryce Petersen

Randy Housenga

Harlan Dell

Kevin Dell

Acolyte Schedule

7-Early – Elder

7-Late – Elder

14-Early – Elder

14-Late –Elder

21-Early – Elder

21-Late – Elder

28-Early – Elder

28-Late – Elder