DATE: June 11, 2013
LOCATION: Bellmawr Branch
PRESENT: Pat Abusi, Nancy Costantino, Joyce Ellis, Barbara Laynor, Robert Weil, Linda Devlin, County Counsel: Catherine Binowski Staff: David Lisa, Lisa Bicking, Lauren Callahan,Jerry Szpila, Debbie Stefano, Barbara DelPidio.
The regular meeting of the Camden County Library Commission was held in compliance with Open Public Meeting Act N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 to 10:4-12.
President Abusi recognizedJoan Romanowith a proclamation in recognition of her retirement and 25 years of service to the Camden County Library.
CLOSED SESSION: Commissioner Costantino presented a motion to go into closed session and it was seconded by Commissioner Weil. Resolution #47-13approved closing the meeting to discuss personnel issues in accordance with C10:4-13 of the Open Public Meetings Act.
Commissioner Weil presented a motion to open the meeting to the public and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Costantino. The motion passed unanimously.
The commission meeting was open to the public.
The agenda was amended to allow Ed Carney, John Fetzer and Marge DellaVecchia the opportunity to discuss Item A under new business, Ferry Avenue Security
The Commission started the meeting with item A under new business, Ferry Avenue Security.
Ms. Devlin provided an overview of security at the branch. The branch has been closing at 5 pm Monday through Thursday since December 18, 2012, following a recommendation by Ed Carney open during evening hours only with the presence of a police officer on site. Mr. Carney is Head of Security at Camden County College, who provides security officers for selected library branches.
Ms. Devlin provided an overview of the impact of the closure on the community, citing statistics on library use. She also provided cost for adding Sheriff’s officers during evening hours, and commented on the primary concern of ensuring the safety of staff and customers.
Captain John Fetzer of the Camden County Sheriff’s office and Ed Carney were present for the discussion and answered questions about the level of security that would be provided at the branch.
Jerry Szpila, Branch Manager at the Ferry Avenue Branch, stated that he was comfortable with the level of security that the Sheriff’s officer would provide and reinstating evening hours with an officer on site. Linda Devlin, David Lisa and a Sheriff’s Department representative will speak to the branch staff prior to re-opening and Library personnel will provide the Sheriff’s officers information regarding the Library Code of Conduct.
Commissioner Weil presented a motion to resume normal operating hours at the Ferry Avenue Branch effective July 1, 2013 and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Costantino. The motion passed unanimously.
MINUTES: Commissioner Ellis presented a motion to accept the minutesfor the Mayregular meeting and the motion was seconded byCommissioner Costantino. The regular minutes for May 2013were approved. Commissioner Weil abstained.
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Commissioner Ellispresented a motion to accept the financial statements for May 2013 and it was seconded by Commissioner Costantino. It was unanimous in favor of approving Resolution #48-13, the financial statements for May 2013.
BILLS AND VOUCHERS: Commissioner Costantinopresented a motion to accept the bills and vouchers, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Weiland Resolution #49-13, approving the bills and vouchers for May 2013, was unanimously approved.
HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT: Commissioner Weilpresented a motion to accept the appointments and resignations, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Costantinoand Resolution #50-13, approving the appointments and resignations for May 2013, was unanimously approved.
Ms. Devlin thanked the Commissioners for volunteering their time at the Book Sale. The sale was a huge success and earned $19,500.00
Ms. Devlin announced to the Commission the children’s Summer Reading Program “Dig into Reading”.
Ms. Devlin updated the Commission on the NJLA Conference. She and David Lisa presented a program about the Nilsa I. Cruz Perez Branch. Several staff members also presented various programs.
Ms. Devlin and David Lisa will be attending the American Library Association Conference in Chicago in late June-early July.
Jordan Hample, Technical Assistant MIS with the IT Department, has created a Camden County Library cell phone app for Apple and Android phones. The app is being tested and will offer access to the mobile catalog, digital library card, and more.
David Lisa updated the Commissioners on the bathroom closures at the Nilsa Cruz-Perez branch. He is working with Rutgers-Camden officials to determine next steps.
Debbie Stefano, Branch Manager at the Bellmawr Branch, updated the commission on the various summer activities and programs she has planned.
Foundation: Ms. Devlin discussed the need of building awareness of the Library Foundation, how the Library positively impacts the communities we serve, and making an appeal for donations. She indicated that next steps will likely be to send letters and emails to community members that stress the importance of the Foundation and make an appeal for financial contributions.
Non-fair and Open Contract with A & H Landscaping: This resolution authorizes the award of a non-fair and open contract for masonry services from A & H Landscaping in an amount not to exceed $19,325. Commissioner Weil presented a motion to approve the Non-fair and Open Contract with A & H Landscaping. Commissioner Costantino seconded the motion and Resolution 51-13 was unanimously approved.
Non-fair and Open Contract with OCLC: This resolution authorizes the award of a non-fair and open contract for purchase of library services from OCLC for $65,410.69. Commissioner Ellis presented a motion to approve the Non-fair and Open Contract with OCLC. Commissioner Costantinoseconded the motion and Resolution #52-13 was unanimously approved.
Contract (State Contract No. A-83173) with Winner Ford: This resolution ratifies the award of contract for purchase of a Cargo Van under State Contract No. A-83173 from Winner Ford in an amount not to exceed $21,016. Commissioner Costantino presented a motion to approve the Contract (State Contract No. A-83173) with Winner Ford. Commissioner Ellis seconded the motion and Resolution 53-13 was unanimously approved.
Add item of revenue and appropriation to 2013 Literacy Budget: Commissioner Weil presented a motion to Add item of revenue and appropriation to 2013Literacy Budget in the amount of $4,500 for Literacy NOW. Commissioner Costantino seconded the motion and Resolution #54-13 was unanimously approved.
Rescind the August 2012 Bills and Vouchers authorized for payment on September 11, 2012: Commissioner Weil presented a motion to rescind the bills and vouchers authorized for payment on September 11, 2012, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Costantino and Resolution #55-13, rescinding the bills and vouchers for August 2012, was unanimously approved.
Accept the August 2012 Bills and Vouchers: Commissioner Ellis presented a motion to accept the August 2012 bills and vouchers for payment, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Weil and Resolution #56-13, accepting the bills and vouchers for August 2012, was unanimously approved.
Grant Review form—2013-14 DOL—Adult Basic Skills Grant: This grant allows the library to continue to offer programs to improve the literacy of adult Camden County residents. The funding will be in the amount of $74,800 for one year and will be used predominantly for salaries of staff with some classroom supplies, books and materials. Commissioner Costantino presented a motion to approve the Grant Review form—2013-14 DOL—Adult Basic Skills Grant in the amount of $74,800 for one year, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Laynor and the Grant Review form—2013-14 DOL—Adult Basic Skills Grantwas unanimously approved.
Grant Review Form—2013-14 CPAC Grant: This grant will enable LVCC to offer instruction to Camden County adults who need to improve their basic literacy skills. The funding requested is in the amount of $17,413 to be used for staff salaries and educational materials. The Grant ReviewForm—2013-14 CPAC Grant was unanimously approved by the Library Commission.
PUBLIC PORTION: There were no members of the public present.
ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Costantinopresented a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ellis and it was unanimous to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. Devlin
June 11, 2013
Certified by: Date: ____6/11/13______
Linda A. Devlin, Director