FFY 2016
The Section 5310 Transportation Program is authorized by the
Federal Transit Administration
49 USC Section 5310
CFDA 20.513
Table of Contents
Application Instructions 1
Application Certification 2
Section 1: Applicant Information 3
Section 2: Coordination Efforts 3
Section 3: Vehicle Requests 4
Section 4: Public/Private Section Participation and Involvement 5
Attachment A: Applicant Information 6
Attachment B: Verification of Unavailable, Insufficient or Inappropriate Transit 7
Attachment C: Certification of Project Derived from a Locally Developed, Coordinated 8
Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
Attachment D: Project Description 10
Attachment E: Project Management 11
Attachment F: Table of Organization 12
Attachment G: Audit 13
Attachment H: Local Match Certification 14
Attachment I: Coordinating Agencies 15
Attachment J: Letters from Coordinating Agencies 16
Attachment K: Current Vehicle Inventory 17
Attachment L: Vehicle Request Form 18
Attachment M: Preventive Maintenance 19
Attachment N: Public Participation and Private Sector Involvement Documentation 21
Attachment O: Title VI Data Collection Form 22
Attachment P: Title VI General Reporting Requirements 23
Attachment Q: Civil Rights 25
Appendix 1: Vehicle Usage Calculations 29
Appendix 2: Sample Public Notice 30
Appendix 3: Response to Public Notice Instructions 31
Application Instructions
This application is divided into four sections and each section has attachments that must be completed. The entire application must be completed to be considered for an award, with each attachment clearly labeled. At the end of the application are several appendices that will assist with certain sections. These appendices are not meant to be completed or submitted to OKI; the appendices are provided to assist with the preparation of the application.
Public notice of your agency’s application must be completed by 09/18/15
Applications must be submitted to OKI by 09/30/15.
The following page is the certification of the application. This page must be signed in order for an application to be considered.
Any questions regarding this application may be directed to Mark Paine at or 513-621-6300 extension 111.
Application Scoring Criteria and Points for Vehicle Requests
Components / Returning Agencies / New AgenciesAccess to Transportation and Need / 15 / 15
Management Capacity / 10 / 15
Vehicle Utilization Estimate / 10 / 10
Replacement Vehicles / 10 / 10
Expansion Vehicles / 10 / 10
Coordination Efforts / 30 / 30
Previous Use of Section 5310 Vehicles / 10 / N/A
Application Completeness / 5 / 5
New Agency Credit / N/A / 5
Total / 100 / 100
OKI reserves the right to contact any applicant to request further information regarding their organization, program or funding request.
Application Scoring Criteria and Points for Non-Vehicle Requests
Applications for eligible Section 5310 projects that are not vehicles will be reviewed and scored by the Oversight Team comprised of representatives from private non-profit agencies, private companies providing public transportation and transit agencies in the Cincinnati urbanized area.
The applications will be scored on a 100 point scale similar to that used for vehicle requests.
Application Submission
Applications should be submitted electronically to Mark Paine at .
Application Certification
This certification must be filled out and signed by the president or director of the agency requesting funds to be considered for funding.
For each attachment/table, check one box indicating that the information is completed and/or attached or the information is not provided/not applicable to this application.
Completed and/or Attached / No/Not Applicable to Application / Attachment/Table NameSection 1: Applicant Information
Attachment A: Application Information
Attachment B: Verification of Unavailable, Insufficient or Inappropriate Transit
Attachment C: Certification of Project Derived from a Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit – Human Service Transportation Plan
Attachment D: Project Description
Attachment E: Project Management
Attachment F: Table of Organization
Attachment G: Audit
Attachment H: Local Match Certification
Section 2: Coordination Efforts
Attachment I: List of Coordinating Agencies
Attachment J: Letters from Coordinating Agencies
Section 3: Vehicle and Preventive Maintenance Requests
Attachment K: Current Vehicle Inventory
Attachment L: Vehicle Request Form
Attachment M: Preventive Maintenance Request
Section 4: Public/Private
Attachment N: Public Participation and Private Sector Involvement Documentation
Attachment O: Title VI Data Collection Form
Attachment P: Title VI General Reporting Requirements
Attachment Q: Civil Rights
Authorizing Signature:
Printed Name:
Section 1: Applicant Information
Attachment A: Applicant Information
· Fill out the provided attachment
Attachment B: Verification of Unavailable, Insufficient or Inappropriate Transit
· If you indicated previously that there is a public transit system in the service area where your project will operate, you must include a letter from the transit system explaining how your two agencies will work together or verifying the transit system’s inability to meet your clients’ needs. Please label this letter “Attachment B”. If you indicated there is not a public transit system in your service area, you do not need to provide an Attachment B.
Attachment C: Certification of Project Derived from a Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
· Fill out and sign the provided attachment.
Attachment D: Project Description
· Use the provided attachment to describe your organization and program. This narrative should be limited to two pages.
Attachment E: Project Management
· Use the provided attachment to describe your agency’s ability to manage the project.
Attachment F: Table of Organization
· If your agency has a table of organization/organizational chart, please provide it and label as “Attachment F”.
Attachment G: Audit
· Provide a copy of your most recent audit and label as “Attachment G”.
Attachment H: Local Match Certification
· Fill out and sign the provided attachment.
Section 2: Coordination Efforts
All applicants are expected to coordinate with other federally funded agencies to the maximum extent possible. This includes OKI funded projects and includes Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) projects, New Freedom projects, Mobility Management projects and other Section 5310 projects.
Attachment I: Coordinating Agencies
· Use the provided attachment to list all the agencies with whom you coordinate and how you will coordinate with them, specifically detailing how this coordination results in transportation efficiencies.
Attachment J: Letters from Coordinating Agencies
· A letter must be provided from each agency listed in your application confirming any current and ongoing coordination efforts. Letters must be submitted together, as one attachment, labeled “Attachment J”.
Section 3: Vehicle and Preventive Maintenance Requests
This section is used to request vehicle(s) under the Section 5310 program. The OKI Section 5310 program will purchase vehicles off the State of Ohio contracts; the link below lists the currently available vehicles.
Ohio Department of Transportation Vehicle Selection Guide:
· Please note that Converted Vans (CV) are no longer available as of 12/31/13.
· ODOT does not have a state-term contract for the Standard Minivan (SMV).
Available Vehicle TypesMMV / Modified Minivan / LTV 22’ / Light Transit Wide Body
DMV / Dedicated Mobility Vehicle (MV-1) / LTV 25’ / Light Transit Wide Body
LTN / Light Transit Narrow Body
Attachment K: Current Vehicle Inventory
· Complete the provided worksheet as shown in the provided example. List all vehicles your agency uses to provide transportation (do not include service vehicles).
Attachment L: Vehicle Request Form
· Fill out the provided attachment. Please see Appendix 1 for further information on calculating this information.
Attachment M: Preventive Maintenance
· Provide documentation of estimated cost, including eligible vehicle list and number and type of preventive maintenance items requested.
Section 4: Public/Private Section Participation and Involvement
All applicants must ensure public participation and private sector involvement to the maximum extent feasible as well as exhibit their willingness to coordinate with other agencies. Documentation of these efforts must be provided to OKI with your application, or as soon as it is possible. See this section’s attachments for required documentation. Your agency must respond to any public participation private sector involvements or inquiries received. Use Appendix 3 for information to assist in your response.
Section 501 (C) (3) nonprofit applicants must:
· Publish a public notice in the local newspaper with the widest circulation no later than two weeks prior to the application due date. See Appendix 2 for the required content of the public notice.
· Send a letter to other human service, non-profit agencies and private providers operating or located within the area to be served by the project no later than two weeks prior to the application due date.
Section Attachments:
Attachment N: Public Participation and Private Sector Involvement Documentation
· All of the documentation listed below must be attached to the application and be clearly labeled “Attachment M”
o Affidavit of publication and original public notice
o Dated copy of letter mailed to area agencies (501(c)(3))
o Correspondence resulting from notice (if none, please indicate)
Attachment O: Title VI Data Collection Form
· Fill out the provided attachment
Attachment P: Title VI General Reporting Requirements
· Fill out the provided attachment. If you have the following documentation, include it with this attachment:
o Title VI Notice to the Public
o Title VI Complaint Procedures
o Title VI Complaint Form
o Language Assistance Plan
Attachment Q: Civil Rights
· Sign the provided attachment
Attachment A
Applicant Information
Legal Name of Agency:Doing Business As (if applicable):
Full Address:
Phone Number: / Fax Number:
Agency Email:
Contact Person for Application:
Phone Number: / Fax Number:
Federal Tax ID: / DUNS#: / OH Charter #:
o There is a public transit system in my area / oThere is not a public transit system in my area
Service Area (primary area project will serve):
Service Area Population:
Destinations of trips outside of primary service area:
New applicants: Please fill out the below table with references from up to three of your current funders. By filling out this table you are allowing OKI to contact these references.
Name / Organization / Phone Number / EmailApplicant: _____
Attachment B
Verification of Unavailable, Insufficient or Inappropriate Transit
If you indicated in Attachment A that there is a public transit system in your area, you must include a letter from the transit system either explaining how your two agencies will work together or verifying the transit system’s inability to meet your clients’ needs. Please label this letter “Attachment B”. If you indicated that there is not a public transit system in your area, you do not need to provide an Attachment B.
Applicant: _____
Attachment C
Certification of Project Derived from a Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
I, (name of authorized authority) ______, do hereby certify that the project named (project name) ______is derived from the Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for the OKI Region, prepared and lead by the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments and adopted on April 23, 2012 by the OKI Executive Committee. The plan was developed through a process that included representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services providers and participation by members of the public. This project, derived from the list of projects on page(s) ______of the plan o does o does not address one or more of the identified gaps between current services and needs. This project o does o does not fulfill one or more of the plan’s priorities for implementation, as listed on page(s) ______of the plan. The page(s) from the plan included as an attachment to this certification and the narratives on the next two pages are incorporated into this self-certification by reference.
Authorizing Signature:
Printed Name:
Justification for and supporting details about the above statements:
Describe the most recent locally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation planning process used. List the representatives of public, private and nonprofit transportation and human services agencies that were involved. Provide details on public outreach efforts.
Applicant: _____
Attachment D
Project Description
New Applicants: Use the space provided to give a brief description of your project, making sure to address the below points. Please limit this narrative to the space provided below. Be concise, we are only looking for a short summary.
· Current Funding
· Project Goals. Goals should be SMART. Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound
· Use of requested vehicles/equipment
Returning Applicants: Use the space provided to give a short update on your program, noting any change since your last application. Please limit this update to the space provided below. Be concise, we are only looking for a short summary.
Applicant: _____
Attachment E
Project Management
New Applicants: Use the space provided to give a brief description of your structure, making sure to address the below points. Please limit this narrative to the space provided below. Be concise, we are only looking for a short summary.
· Governing Structure
· Organizational Structure
Returning Applicants: Use the space provided to give a short update on your structure, noting any changes since your last application. Please limit this update to the space provided below. Be concise, we are only looking for a short summary.
Applicant: _____
Attachment F
Table of Organization
If your agency has a table of organization/organizational chart, please provide it, labeling it “Attachment F”.
Applicant: _____
Attachment G
Provide a copy of your most recent audit, labeling it “Attachment G”.
Applicant: _____
Attachment H
Local Match Certification
I, the undersigned, representing ______(Legal Name of Agency), do hereby certify to the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments that the required local match for the proposed project will be available in the following amount(s), from the following source(s) by the start date of the proposed project. Up to 5 vehicles may be requested along with other eligible projects
Requested Items / Qty / Total Cost(estimation) / Federal Share (80%) / Local Share (20%) / Local Funding Source(s)
(be specific)
All vehicle requests must fill out a vehicle pricing spreadsheet from the Ohio Department of Transportation Vehicle Terms Contract website (link below) See Attachments L. One spreadsheet per vehicle requested. Cost estimate should include vehicle base price plus all optional equipment requested. Pricing estimate should match figures shown above.