Neerja Sharma, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of HDCS


1. Research Projects: Advisor to Project “Impact of Nutrition on Cognition and Physical Growth in Preschoolers”, A GlaxoSmithKline-Lady Irwin College study, November 2011-January 2012.

2. Publications:

a) Book: Sharma, N. (Ed.). (2010). The social ecology of disability: Technical Series 3, Lady Irwin College. Delhi: Academic Excellence

b) Chapters in book:

i) Sharma, N. & Sen, R.S. (2012). Children with disabilities and supportive school ecologies. In Ungar, M. (Ed.)The social ecology of resilience (pp.281-295).New York: Springer

ii) Chaudhary, N. & Sharma, N. (2012). (Adolescence in) India. In J.J. Arnett( Ed.) Adolescent psychology around the world. (pp.103-118).New York: Psychology Press.

iii) Sharma, N. (2012.)Special Education and Support Services. NCERT textbook for class XII. Human Ecology and Family Sciences. New Delhi: NCERT.

iv) Sharma, N. (2010). Education for children with disability: Reflections on “best practices” to assimilate children in the mainstream. In N. Sharma ( Ed.). The social ecology of disability: Technical Series 3, Lady Irwin College (pp. 125-149). Delhi: Academic Excellence.

v) Sharma, N. (2010). Patterns of sleep in preschool children with special needs. In N.Sharma (Ed.). The social ecology of disability :Technical Series 3, Lady Irwin College (pp.23-36). Delhi: Academic Excellence.

vi) Sinha, P. & Sharma, N. (2010).Significance of inclusive education for non-disabled adolescents. In N.Sharma (Ed.). The social ecology of disability :Technical Series 3, Lady Irwin College (pp.109-124). Delhi: Academic Excellence

c)Peer reviewed articles:

i) Sen, R.S. & Sharma, N. (2013). The familial context of creativity: Patterns of nurturance in families of creative children, Psychological Studies, DOI 10.1007/s 12646-013-0221-y

ii) Sen, R.S. & Sharma, N. ( 2011). Through multiple lenses: Implicit theories of creativity among Indian children and adults. The Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 45(4), 273-302.

iii) Madan, A., & Sharma, N. (2013). Inclusive education for children with

disabilities: Preparing schools to meet the challenge. Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol.3, No.,(Fall/Winter 2013).


  • Reference Group member for 2011-2015 (among 15 across the globe) on the project IAU Higher Education/ Research for EFA (and the MGDs) of the International Association of Universities, Paris.
  • U.G.C. nominee on Advisory committee for UGC/SAP project at Dept. of Home Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, (2010-2015).
  • Co-organized the “IAU Collaborative Workshop on Higher Education for Education for All (HEEFA)” on behalf of International Association of Universities (IAU) and Lady Irwin College, 20-21 Feb 2014 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

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Areas of academic interest:

Disabilitydevelopmental psychopathology, risk & resilience, adolescence, inclusive education.