Dear (name)
Unit(unit codeunit name)
We are seeking information from you about this unit and its teaching. We value your feedback as we use it to improve the quality of the unit and its teaching.
Please complete the online UTEI questionnaire any time between (start date) and (end date).
To do this, open Internet Explorer (PC) or Safari (Mac), go to the ECU UTEI Portal at:
and login using your usual student user name and (ADS) password. If your usual user name and password is not successful, try your usual user name and, as password, your eight-digit date of birth in the format of ddmmyyyy
Click on:
UTEI Surveys (located under Easy Logins).
and you will be presented with a list of the units that have been selected by your School for evaluation via the online format. You will also see, for each unit, the list of the lecturers and/or tutors selected by your School for evaluation.
First, select the unit and answer the items on the basis of your experience with the unit. When you are ready, clicksubmitto submit your information. When you submit your data, no information identifying you is retained with your data. Hence your data, once submitted, cannot be retrieved for later alteration.
Your feedback will be treated with complete confidentiality.
Now, select each teacher (name(s)) and answer the items on the basis of your experience with the person’s teaching. When you have finished and submitted each part, remember to logout and close the browser.
We thank you for your feedback. The information that you provide is important as we use this to make improvements to the unit.
Should you have any concern about any aspect of this online UTEI evaluation, please email me for clarification.
Ext or Email