Hillsboro-DeeringSchool Board

Regular Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2009


In Attendance:

School Board Members

Paul Plater

Marjorie Porter

Tim Grass

John Segedy

Rich Pelletier


Barbara Baker, Superintendent

Ernie Muserallo, Business Administrator

Patty Parenteau, Director of Student Support Services

Michael Pon, the Villager

The meeting was recorded by John Segedy and the District.

A. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Plater called the meeting to order at 6:34pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. Recognitions

None at this time.

C. Correspondence

Dr. Baker gave Chair Plater a letter from the state showing designation approval for all three schools.

John read a letter from Karen Newton.

D. Public Comment

None at this time.

E. Superintendent’s Report

1. Update on Vacancies

Reorganization at the high school is being considered. Dr. Baker provided an updated list to the Board.

F. Business Administrator’s Report

1. FY 2009 Budget Surplus Report

Ernie reviewed the surplus spending report with the Board. Transfers were discussed; $13,904 from Out of District to Copier Rental, $34,542 to the window project from ES, MS and HS books and supplies.

G. Minutes-June 15 & 29, 2009

Motion to approve 6/15 Minutes with proposed amendments made by Marjorie, seconded by Tim and approved 4-0-1; Rich abstained.

Motion to approve 6/29 minutes with proposed amendments made by Rich, seconded by Marjorie and approved 4-0-1; Tim abstained.

H. Old Business

1. Principal Search Procedures

Rich provided the Board with a list of 10 suggestions for hiring principals. Discussion ensued. Search Committee makeup was explored. Extended discussion on procedure # 7 was held. Marjorie felt that the Board did not get a chance to meet the candidates before a nomination for the elementary school principal was announced. Paul and Tim felt that #10 should replace 7; and 8 and 9 should then follow. Marjorie suggested switching Superintendent with Board in number 7 and change “hired” to “nominated.” John drew a flow chart of his suggestions. Marjorie asked Dr. Baker to write up her suggestions to this procedure. Tim advocated that the Board agree on a procedure.

2. School Board Support Committee

Communications committee-Marjorie reported that she has received a list of email addresses of past members as well as past minutes.

The committee has held three meetings; one for each school.

Marjorie reported that these werevery professional meetings. The Middle School had four teachers attend and they reported seeing good results, with kids taking ownership for their learning and discipline. There was a concern raised about efficient use of space and staff.

No teachers were able to attend the Elementary School meeting.

The High School meeting saw 6-7 teachers and students. The meeting had policy discussions. Other issues included: kids in cars- is this a district policy or state law? Police officer at dances; cell phones. Teachers feel they are losing touch with some of the students who pursue other credit options. Students taking online courses have to have their work in a month before school is over. A suggestion was made to have teacher representatives at board meetings similar to student representatives. Administration and the Union expressed concern about these meetings.

School Board Support Committee charge-Paul thinks this committee could be beneficial in looking into issues such as the windows, middle school partition and buses. Tim asked who has been in charge of the buses in the past and Dr. Baker answered that it has always been handled by the business administrator. Tim, as a Board member, has the expectation that the Business Administrator will deal with this. Marjorie said that she has noticed the buses that pass her house, are usually not very full. Ernie noted capacity may be determined by length and time of travel; and if transportation is not offered to all high school students attendance may decrease. John brought up purchases that go outside of the bidding process; policy DJE.

Rich would like to form a transportation committee if needed. Tim does not agree with or see the need for having a School Board Support Committee. Marjorie suggested holding off creating charges while letting Ernie get comfortable with his responsibilities; hopefully resulting in issues getting resolved.

I. New Business

1. SRO at the high school

Chair Plater expressed concern that the assistant principal, at the high school, was the disciplinarian and that position is vacant. Dr. Baker informed the Board that the town has committed to providing an SRO.

2. SAU Program Review

This was tabled until the next meeting.

3. List Serve

John asked about the School Board Blog; Glenn will be attending the August meeting with information.

4. Goals for Next Year

Rich would like to see the principals establish goals for their schools. It would be nice for the Board to be aware of what each principal would like to accomplish towards improvement. The Board should also establish goals. Board retreats were discussed. Marjorie would like to have someone advise the Board while it establishes its goals; an advisor may be necessary to cut out the swapping of nasty comments and unnecessary discussions. Paul and John shared their experiences of past retreats. Tim and Rich felt that the next meeting should be devoted to establishing goals for the Board. Marjorie wanted to set a workshop time with a facilitator from the SBA.

4. School Board Mentoring

Rich furthered the discussion that the Board needs help. In reviewing past minutes he felt that outside assistance is necessary at this point. Tim and Marjorie agreed. John objected to hiring someone too costly. Rich will look into what is available for this type of service.

J. Public Comment

None at this time.

K. Action Items

  1. Appointments, Leaves and Resignations

Certified Staff:




Kelly Wood, PhD – transfer to Out of District/Middle School Special Education Coordinator/

Court Liaison (from MS & Alt HS School Psychologist), salary $58,000, effective 7/7/09.


Earl Brown – HD Alternative HS Program Social Studies Teacher, M track, step 6,

salary $46,455, effective 7/7/09.

Non-Certified Staff:


LEAVES: none


Dianna Levesque – transfer toHDES Library Media Paraprofessional (from HDES

Paraeducator),effective 8/24/09.


Marjorie motioned to approve appointments, leaves and resignations as provided by Dr. Baker. Paul seconded for discussion; a list of summer employees was requested. Motion approved 5-0.

  1. Accept and Expend ARRA Title I funds in the amount of $301,928.70

Motion to accept and expend funds made by Rich, seconded by Marjorie and approved 5-0.

  1. Accept and Expend ARRA IDEA funds in the amount of $360,372

Motion to accept and expend funds made by Rich, seconded by Marjorie and approved 5-0.

  1. Accept and Expend D-J Trust Grant funds for Hillcat Summer Theater in the amount of $25,000

Motion to accept and expend funds made by Rich and seconded by Marjorie and approved 5-0.

  1. Accept and Expend anonymous donation to the HD Middle School Kids in Gear Program in the amount of $10,000

John motioned to go into non-public session at 9:25pm; seconded by Paul. Tim Grass, yes; Rich Pelletier, yes; Marjorie Porter, yes; John Segedy, yes; Paul Plater, yes.

Motion to seal the minutes of non-public session made by John, seconded by Paul and approved 5-0.

Motion to accept and expend funds, made by anonymous donation, made by John and seconded by Rich. Approved 5-0.

  1. Budget Transfers

Motion to approve transfer of $34,532 made by Marjorie, seconded by Rich and approved 5-0,

Motion to approve transfer of $13,904 made by Rich, seconded by John and approved 5-0.

7. John motioned to have the Board receive the ARRA application forms when they are completed; seconded by Marjorie and approved 5-0.

8. John motioned to accept the charge for the School Board Support Committee including purchases, no second. Chair Plater motioned to accept as written without including purchases, seconded by John. Marjorie motioned to amend to include just transportation, seconded by Paul and approved 3-2; Rich and Tim voted against. Approved as amended 3-2; Rich and Tim voted against.

John motioned to appoint himself and Paul Plater to this committee, seconded by Paul and approved 3-2; Rich and Tim voted against. John then appointed Ernie to the committee seconded by Paul and approved 3-2; Tim and Rich voted against. Marjorie nominated Paul as Chair for this committee, seconded by Paul and approved 3-2; Tim and Rich voted against.

9. Rich motioned to have only one agenda item (goal setting) for the July 20 meeting; seconded by Tim and approved 3-2; John and Paul voted against.

Marjorie will find a facilitator; motion made by Rich, seconded by Tim for no more than $500; approved 3-2; John and Paul voted against.

Rich motioned to table policies, seconded by Paul and approved 4-1; John voted against.

10. Policies Requiring Board Action

  1. JIA Student Due Process Rights – Final Approval

b. IFAA Academic Expectations – Final Approval

Rich motioned for a 5 minute recess, seconded by John and approved 5-0.

L. Non-Public Session

Rich motioned to go into non-public session (RSA 91-A:3 II (a)) seconded by Tim. Tim Grass, yes; Rich Pelletier, yes; Marjorie Porter, yes; John Segedy, yes; Paul Plater, yes.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Gardner, Board Secretary