September 19, 2011

Supervisor Rapp called the regular meeting of the Eckford Township Board to order at 7:30 p.m. Others in attendance were Treasurer Baylis, Clerk Hinkley, Trustee Lawrence, Trustee Cornell, R. Buskirk and D. Masternak, L. Dunn & A. & L. Blight. ABSENT: NONE


A motion was made by Trustee Lawrence to accept the regular minutes of the August 15, 2011. Treasurer Baylis seconded the motion. CARRIED


T. Baylis, Treasurer gave the financial statement for August with

RECEIPTS $ 20,391.03


BILLS TO PAY $ 10,581.96

Clerk Hinkley made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report and pay the bills. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion. CARRIED


Given by Supervisor Rapp, the Homer Fire Dept. the fund balances are General Fund $113,420.48, Truck funds of $48,622.32 and total of funds was $162,042.80. A new compensation amount was brought forth for the chief's pay and will be included in the new budget figures. They are looking at about $12,000 annually. Eckford had 5 runs for last month and 13 for the year so far.


Fire Chief A. Blight shared that Eckford Township has had 12 runs so far in the Marengo Township F. D. district of our township.


Given by Trustee Cornell, there will be a meeting this Thursday. They will be looking at a possible consolidation plan with the County and State police to share a building. More to come next month.


Given by R. Buskirk, as of September 19, 2011 there was one (1) building permit issued this month. ZO Buskirk has been in contact with the attorney to see if Mr. Hayward's complaints about Mr. Bauer's alleged commercial business is a violation of our Zoning Ord. Mr. Hayward recently emailed a hostile letter to Supervisor Rapp. She will have more next month after she hears back from the attorney. The Calhoun County Health Dept. has no plans to further investigate or charge Mr. Robert Farmer any further as they have no record of condemning his house as they did a couple of years ago. ZO Buskirk will contact the attorney to see where we should go from here with the Robert Farmer case as the township board does not want to let Mr. Farmer back in his unsafe house. For safety concerns for residents with soft side pools next spring ZO Buskirk may send letters to those who have them up this year and let them know what our ordinance says concerning this pools.


Given by R. Buskirk for M. Farmer,

Building Complaints:

Newman property at 21492 F. Drive S. for a pool that was erected--pending

Complaints: Robert Farmer property 110 Ogden St.—pending

Jason Blackburn property, J. Drive S.—pending

Jason Blackburn will have 1 (one) more inspection to see if he is in compliance.

A copy of the full report is on file.


Given by D. Masternak, they changed the Zoning to accurately describe the duties of the Zoning Administrator. They will be going to the Kiessling Gravel pit to do their annual check next month.


Given by L. Dunn, September is National Library card month. Amnesty week is coming up for those who owe for late items. There is a new microfilm machine to look up old newspaper articles. There is an issue with the MDL wanting to continue to pay the Homer Library for the Eckford Township residents that use the Homer Library. The issue is still under discussion.


Supervisor Rapp stated that CCRC is still going to pave D. Drive S. A Federal grant has allowed the road commission to pave F. Drive S. They will do a 3” overlay and also widen the road and make nice shoulders. Treasurer Baylis stated that she is worried about D. Drive sealing properly before the bad weather starts and would like to see them delay it until next spring. Supervisor Rapp will call the road commission and let them know.

Clerk Hinkley shared that she received a letter from the Dept. of Ag. for the Holloo Farms that they are in compliance with their expansion plans. And the MI Dept. of the DEQ updated the township that a new lake wall will be established by resident Jackie Tucker.


City of Marshall Electric Franchise Agreement has been review by our attorney and each board member has been given a copy of his response. The board will look it over and discuss it at the October meeting.

Stuart Lake Assoc. picnic is tomorrow at the lake at 5:30 and the board is invited to attend.


Sexton Assistant a motion has been made by Trustee Lawrence and seconded by Clerk Hinkley to accept the appointment of Jesse Baylis as the Sexton's assistant. CARRIED


Trustee Lawrence made a motion to adjourn at 8:18 p.m. and seconded by Clerk Hinkley

Respectfully submitted by,

Kimberly Hinkley Bruce Rapp

Eckford Township Clerk Eckford Township Supervisor