Worship Commission Meeting Minutes 01/20/2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

7:00 PM


Grace Sims, Marlene Moening,Kathy Ratkowski, Paula Dixon


Together read- Prayer before meeting

Read / Adjust / Approve Minutes

01/06 Minutes approved.


Did not have time for the Study.

We will be on Session 3 for next study

Old Business

Prayer Cards

Prayers before mass started 01/17 and 18. And there was an article placed on the front page of the bulletin. It went over good.

Music ministry

Marlene googled the internet for what to ask for in a new music director

We should gather our ideas of what we think a music directorshould be.

Articles in the bulletin

Marlene sent ideas to Jen for articles


$107.00 was spent for the Epiphany party, sofor the purpose of budgeting we should say $175 per event.

We need to figure our budget out for the activities that we be doing.

New Business

Paula thinks that the worship commission should interact with the volunteer groups in the parish. Like the Women's Club doing the Advent by Candle Light. A representative of the Worship Commission would go to their planning meetings offering our support in the project. We need to ask them if they wouldlike us to be involved and support their efforts. This would be for events that had to do with prayer.

Grace will see about contacting - Claudia Jarvis,Marsha Hendricks from the Women's Club

Marlene's decorations for the Baptism of the Lord were outstanding and added a great deal to the feast

What do we want to share with the Parish council?

Epiphany party

Prayer cards

Seating at Christmas

Kathy met with Father and Jillian regarding possible Lenten devotions and evangelization ideas.

The meeting was initiated by Father.

It was decided that Kathy and Jillian would write articles for the bulletin about forms of prayer - helping people discover new aspects and how-to's of prayer in this year of prayer

Stations of the Cross -she and Jillian talked about have a service during the soup eating time, similar to the Epiphany party. We could be involved from 5:30 to 6:45 - Paula feels that we should revisit it with Jillian. Kathy will talk to Jillian.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Fr Wayne asked Grace if the Worship Commission would lead the chaplet for Divine Mercy Sunday. Kathy saidshe will lead and coordinatethe chaplet. Grace will respond to Father.

We will check attendance this year to see if we think it should continue.

Attendance at the event would be an indication that it is important to the people.

Sermons on the web

Grace suggested that it would be nice if Father's sermons were posted on the website.

Paula will ask

Decorating for Easter has to be done late on Friday or Saturday Afternoon

Marlene says that she will need to ask for help for decorating. She will be asking on or after Ash Wednesday.

Closing prayer

Led by Paula

The next meeting is scheduled forFeb 3rd at 7PM

as recorded by Grace L Sims