
University 2016

CV for Ingrid Engdahl

Stockholm University

Department of Child and Youth Studies (Barn- och ungdomsvetenskapliga institutionen, BUV)

SE 106 91 Stockholm


Telephone: +46-8-1207 6205, +46-70-952 67 35

Year of birth: 1952


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Child and Youth Studies, 2011
    Engdahl, I. (2011).Toddlers as social actors in the Swedish preschool(Doctoral thesis). Stockholm University, Department of Child and Youth Studies.
  • Licentiate in Philosophy in Child and Youth Studies, 2008
    Engdahl, I. (2007). Med barnens röst: Ettåringar ”berättar” om sin förskola [In the children’s voice: One-year-olds ’tell’ about their preschool] (Licentiate thesis, Research report 40, IOL). Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of Education.
  • Preschool Teacher Degree, Gothenburg Preschool College, 1975
  • Bachelor of Art, Uppsala University 1974, (Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology)
  • Courses in Higher Pedagogy for Lecturers (UPC I, UPC II, Supervision of Graduate Students), 22,5 cr, 2011-2012


  • Associate Professor in Child and Youth Sciences, 2016-03-21, on-going
  • Senior Lecturer at the Department of Child and Youth Studies (BUV), Stockholm University, 2012-03-01 – on-going
  • Deputy Head of Department (BUV), January 2013 - December 2015
  • Lecturer at the Department of Child and Youth Studies (BUV), Stockholm University, 2008-01-01- 2011
  • Director of Studies, first and second cycle at the Department (BUV), 2008-01-01 – 2009-01-31; 2011-2012) and International Coordinator since 2008
  • Lecturer, Stockholm Institute of Education, 1999-07-01- 2007-12-31, 1996-1999-06-30 (part time),
  • Preschool Director, Lidingö, 1997-1999
  • Preschool Teacher, Lidingö, 1977-1997 (Project Leader, part time, 1995 -1997)
  • Preschool Teacher, Gothenburg, 1975-1976
  • Editor of TRÄDET, A preschool journal, 1990-2000
  • President of the Preschool Teacher Association in Sweden 1980-1986, (part time)

Department of Child and Youth Studies

Stockholm University Visiting address Ph. +46-8-1207 6205 Fax. +46-8-1207 6200

Dep of Child and Youth Studies Frescati hagväg 24 e-post:

SE- 106 91 Stockholm room 310

Additional professional tasks

  • President of the Swedish Committee of OMEP (Organisation Mondiale pour l’Éducation Préscolaire), 2008- 2016, member of the committee 2016 - ongoing
  • Reviewer for

Early Years

European Early Childhood Education Research Journal

Environmental Education Research

Environment, Development and Sustainability

International Journal of Early Childhood

Nordisk Barnehageforskning

Norsk Pedagogisk Tidskrift

Studia Paedagogica, Czech Republic

  • Reader, Licentiate thesisUlrika Larsdotter Bodin, Mälardalen University, November 11, 2016
  • Supervisor, doctoral student Anna-Therese Winblad, Research School for Teachers on Natural disasters
  • Supervisor, doctoral student Mariela Losso, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
  • Opponent, Licentiate thesis Malin Nilsen , University of Gothenburg, September, 5, 2014
  • Reader, Licentiate thesis Ebba Hildén, Karlstad University, Sweden, March 19, 2014
  • Project coordinator for the International OMEP project on Education for Sustainable Development 2009-2013
  • Examination Board for Dr Ed for D. Kopelke, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, 2012
  • Assessment Board, position as Senior lecturer, Danish Pedagogical University, 2013
  • Member of the sub-committee for the General Recommendation nr 17 on Article 31 in the UNCRC, by the UN Committee on the rights of the child, Geneva 2012-2013
  • Columnist in Förskoletidningen, [The Preschool Journal]since 2005-2014, 6 columns yearly

Publications in English (since 2008)

Peer reviewed articles

Svärdemo-Åberg, E., Ståhle, Y., Engdahl, I., & Knutes-Nyqvist, H. (2016). Designing a website to support students' academic writing process. TOJET, 15(1), 3342.

Engdahl, I. (2015). Early childhood education for sustainability: The OMEP world project. International Journal of Early Childhood, 47, 347366. doi:10.1007/s13158-015-0149-6.

Engdahl. I. (2012). Doing friendship during the second year of life in a Swedish preschool. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 20, 83-98.

Engdahl, I. (2011). Toddler interaction during play in the Swedish preschool. Early Child Development and Care, 181, 14211439.

Engdahl, I. (2011). Children: Citizens in a challenged world. International Journal of Early Childhood,43, 99102.

Engdahl, I., & Rabušicová, M. (2011). Children's voices about the state of the earth. International Journal of Early Childhood, 43, 153-178.

Engdahl, I. (2010). OMEP World Conference in Lagos, Nigeria, August 3–7, 2009.
International Journal of Early Childhood, 42(1), 69-74.

Engdahl, I. (2004).Implementing a national curriculum in the Swedish preschool. International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 10(2), 53-78. Soeul: Korean Society for Early Childhood Education.

Edited Chaptersin books/Books

Engdahl, I. (2015). Educare: Points de vue enfants et développement durable. In S. Rayna & G. Brougère (Red.), Le care dans l'éducation préscolaire(pp. 59-73. Bruxelles: P. I. E. Peter Lang.

Engdahl, I. (2015, Accepted). Building cultures of sustainability in the Swedish preschools. In M. Hagiwara (Red.), Children's participation to ESD in the world. Kyoto: Kitaouji Shobou Publishing Company.

Engdahl, I. (2015). Att stödja barns vänskapsbyggande [Supporting children’s building of friendships]. In A. Greve & M. Øksnes (Red.), Vennskap: Barndom i barnehagen (Friendship: Childhood in preschools, pp. 134-159).Oslo: Cappelen Damm.

Engdahl, I. (2013). Towards a child-oriented perspective in toddler play. In O. F. Lillemyr, S. Dockett, & B. Perry (Eds.), Varied perspectives on play and learning: Theory and research on early years education (pp. 91-108). Charlotte, N. C.: Information Age Publishing.

Engdahl, I. (2013). A new Education Act and a revised National Curriculum. In Y. Shiraishi & K. Mizuno (Eds.), Early childhood education and pedagogical documentation in Sweden (pp. 180-183). Tokyo. ISBN 978-4-7803-0628-6.

Engdahl, I. (2009). Implementing a national curriculum in Swedish preschools. In Y. Shiraishi, The transition from the daycare center to the preschool in new Swedish ECEC system (pp. 170-197). Kyoto: Kamogawa Shupan. ISBN978-4-7803-0259-2.

Engdahl, I., & Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E.(Eds.). (2015). Att bli förskollärare: Mångfacetterad komplexitet [Becoming a preschool teacher: Multifacetted complexity]. Stockholm: Liber.

Engdahl, I., & Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. (2014). Education for Sustainability in Swedish preschools: Stepping forward or out-of-step? In S. Elliott & J. Davis (Eds.), Research in early childhood education for sustainability(pp. 208-224).London, New York: Routledge.

Engdahl, I., & Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. (2008). Swedish preschool children show interest and are involved in the future of the world. In I. Pramling-Samuelsson & Y. Kaga (Red.), The contribution of early childhood education to a sustainable society(pp. 116-121). Paris, UNESCO, 2008.

Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E., & Engdahl, I. (2014). Caring for oneself, others and the environment: EFS in Swedish preschools. In J. Davis (Ed.), Young children and the environment (2 ed., pp. 253-265). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Davis, J., Engdahl, I., Otieno, L. Pramling-Samuelsson, I., Siraj-Blatchford, J., & Vallabh, P. (2008). Early Childhood Education. InThe Gothenburg Recommendations on Education for Sustainable Development (pp. 25-32).Hämtat från

Reports, conference proceedings and other publications

Engdahl, I. (2016). Academic Writing: Examples from BUV.Stockholm: Stockholm University, Dept. of Child and Youth Studies.

Engdahl, I. (2015). Guide för referenshantering: APA-manual inom Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap (BUVA) [An APA-guide]. Stockholm: Stockholm University, Dept. of Child and Youth Studies.

Engdahl, I., & Westberg Broström, A. (2012). Guide för referenshantering: APA-manual inom Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap (BUVA) [An APA-guide]. Stockholm: Stockholm University, Dept. of Child and Youth Studies.

Engdahl, I., & Rabušicová, M. (2013). Part 3 – Intergenerational dialogues for ESD(Report on The OMEP World Project on Education for Sustainable Development 2009-2013). Gothenburg: OMEP.

Engdahl, I. & Rabušicová, M. (2012). OMEP world project on education for sustainable development in practice: Excellence and equity in early childhood education and care in Europe (Selected paper for the post-conference anthology). European International OMEP Conference in Warsaw, April 18-20, 2012.

Engdahl, I. & Sandqvist, K. (2012). Writing a thesis: A guide for scientific reports (2ed.). Stockholm: Stockholm University, Dept. of Child and Youth Studies.

Engdahl, I., & Rabušicová, M. (2011). Education for sustainable development in Practice(A report for the OMEP World Assembly and Conferenceon the OMEP WORLD ESD Project 2010-2011). Gothenburg: OMEP.

Engdahl, I. & Rabušicová, M. (2011). Children's voices in ESD(Selected paper for the post-conference anthology). European International OMEP Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, May 6-8, 2011.

Engdahl, I. & Rabušicová, M. (2010). Sustainable development?(Report for the OMEP World Congress in August 2010). Gothenburg: OMEP.

Engdahl, I. & Sandqvist, K. (2009). Writing a Thesis. A Guide for Scientific reports.Stockholm: Stockholm University, Department of Child and Youth Studies

Davis, J., Engdahl, I., Otieno, L. Pramling-Samuelsson, I., Siraj-Blatchford, J. & Vallabh, P. (2008). Early Childhood Education. In The Gothenburg Recommendations on Education for Sustainable Development.

Engdahl, I. (2008). The Role of Early Childhood Education for a Sustainable Society. (Printed paper in post-conference report). European OMEP Conference, Education from early childhood – a chance for every child, Bratislava, April 10-11.

International Presentations, by invitation, 2009-

Very Early Childhood Education for All – Example Sweden. Key-note presentation at the symposium The good childhood- in a world of change, the American-Scandinavian Foundation in collaboration with Sarah Lawrence College Child Development Institute, Scandinavian House,New York, 2016, Nov. 18-19.

OMEP World Project on ESD. Key-note presentation at the University of Canterbury,Christchurch, NZ, 2016, April 13.

The World OMEP ESD-projectand the process Post 2015. Key-note presentation at theAnnual meeting of OMEP Japan, Tokyo, 2016, March 27.

Early ChildhoodEducation for Sustainability -Working together. Key-note presentation at with children Aichi Syukutoku University, Nagoya, 2016,March 25.

Children’s voices for sustainability. Key-note at OMEP European Conference, Moskva, 2015, Sep. 23-25.

Les fonctions d’accueil, d’encadrement et de direction: Profils de compétence, statuts et formation et La mobilité horizontale et verticale dans le secteur de l’enfance. Key-note at the seminarCompétences professionnelles et formations nécessaires dans les métiers de l'enfance: Un éclairage suédois. Unité Professionnalisation en Éducation: Recherche et Formation,O.N.E. Administration subrégionale de Bruxelles, 2015, Feb. 12-13.

Teaching and learning: Infants and toddlers in the Swedish preschool. Key-note at the Chinese National Early Childhood Conference, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2014, Dec. 15.

The overall task and goals in the Swedish National Curriculum for the Preschool.Presentation at the MOE Meeting, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2014, Dec. 14

Education for Sustainability in Swedish preschools: Stepping forward or out-of-step?. Key-note at the Environmental Education in Early Childhood Conference, Melbourne, 2014, Oct. 18

Launch of UN General Comment (no. 17) on article 31 of the Convention on the rights of the child. Geneva, member of working group, 2013, Sep. 30

OMEP World Project on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Part 3: Intergenerational dialogues. Presentation at the OMEP World Conference, Shanghai, China, 2013, July 10-13

Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: General Comment on Article 31. Key-note presentation at the OMEP European Conference, Zagreb, Croatia,2013, May 8-11

Education for sustainability in the early years. Invited presenter at the Nordic Conference Projects on children, nature and outdoor life, Oslo University College, 2013, May 2

Education for Sustainable Development in Practice: The OMEP World Assembly and Conference on the OMEP WORLD ESD Project 2010-2011. Key-note presentation with Milada Rabušicová at the OMEP World Conference, Campo Grande, Brazil, 2012, July

L’EDUCARE aujourd’hui – perspectives nordiques. Invited presenter at the Seminar Education de la Petite Enfance, at École normale supérieure de Lyon; Institut français de l'Éducation, Lyon, France, January, 2012

Education for Sustainable Development in Practice. Key-note presentation with Milada Rabušicová at the OMEP European Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 2012, April

The Playing/Learning Child in Quality Early Childhood Education: Implications for Teachers
Symposium on Nordic Perspectives on Caring and Teaching in Early Childhood; Implications for Success in School, Key-note and moderator, at the American-Scandinavian Foundation in collaboration with Sarah Lawrence College Child Development Institute, Scandinavian House,New York, 2011, Nov. 13-15

Children’s perspectives on sustainability. Key-note presentation at the Conference Education for sustainable development in preschool, Bergen University, Norway, October 31- November 1, 2011

Children’s voices on the state of the Earth. Invited presentations at a seminar at
Melbourne Graduate School of Education, Melbourne, Australia, 2011, July 29, and
Key-note presentation with Milada Rabušicová at the 63rd InternationalOMEP Conference in Hong Kong, 2011, July 06-09

Children – Citizens in a challenged world. Key-note and Opening Speech, 26th OMEP World Congress, Gothenburg, 2010, Aug.11-13, serving as the Congress Chair

Quality issues within Early Childhood Education. Key-note at the OMEP Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan 2009, March 28

Parenthood in Sweden and Fathers’ Involvement. Invited presentation at Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 2009, March 25

Listening to the children’s voice – for improving the quality in preschools. Key-note presentation at the International conference: Early Childhood Education and Care in Sweden, Doho University, Nagoya, Japan, 2009, March 20

International Presentations, accepted abstracts, 2008-

OMEP World Project on ESD. Presentation at the EECERA Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 2015.

Young children's contributions to a sustainable society: A world-wide project on education for sustainable development initiated by the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP).Presentation vid 8 World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC), Göteborg, 2015 Jun. 29- Jul. 2.

Towards a child-oriented perspective in toddler play. Presentation at the third annual Melbourne Social Equity Institute Workshop: Research With and For Children & Adolescents, University of Melbourne, 2014, Dec. 5

Building friendship among toddlers in preschool. Presentation at the OMEP World Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2014, July 2-5

Building Bridges - a playful dialogue between generations, time and space. Presentation at the OMEP World Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2014, July 2-5

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Swedish preschools. Presentation at the EECERA Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 2013, August

Parenthood and the Role of Fathers in Sweden. Presentation at the OMEP World Conference, Shanghai, China, 2013, July 10-13

Challenges in Early Childhood for a Sustainable Future. Presentation with Dr. Julie Davis, QUT; Brisbane and Dr. Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Mälardalen University, Sweden,, Australia,vid OMEP World Conference, Shanghai, 2013, July 10-13

Come rain! Come snow! Come shine! Outdoor play in Swedish preschool.Presentation with Elisabet Nyléus, Stockholm, Sweden, at the OMEP European Conference, Zagreb, Croatia,2013, May 8-11

Recent trends concerning the holistic concept of EDUCARE in Sweden today. Presentation with Florence Picard and Pascale Camus at the EECERA Conference in Oporto, Portugal, August 2012

ESD - Children and Health: Education for sustainable development. Presentation with Eva Ahlin, Gothenburg, Sweden, at the OMEP World Conference, Campo Grande, Brazil, July, 2012

Children’s voices on Education for Sustainable Development. Presentation within the symposium Play in nature, sustainable development. At the 21st EECERA Annual Conference in Lausanne and Geneva, 2011, Sep. 14-17

Toddlers as social actors in the Swedish preschool, Presentation within the symposium Toddlers everyday life in preschool and at home - the development in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the 21st EECERA Annual Conference in Lausanne and Geneva, 2011, Sep.14-17

Child Participation in Preschools in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Presentation within the symposium Learning for Sustainability in the Nordic countries, 6th World Environmental Education Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 2011, July 19-22

Children’s voices on the state of the Earth. Presentations at
6th World Environmental Education Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 2011, July 19-22 and

Child Participation Outdoors in the Swedish Preschool. Presentation within the symposium Outdoor play & learning – Children’s learning, children’s perspectives, at the 20thEuropean Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), Birmingham, 2010, Sep. 05-08

Implementing the Gothenburg Recommendations, 2008, on ESD – a child oriented perspective. Presentation at the EEEC conference, Engage, Empower, Enact; Sustainability in the Early Years, Melbourne, 2009, Oct. 22-24

A child oriented perspective - Learning for sustainable development in the Swedish preschool. Presentation at the European Conference; EU as a Global Actor; Education for Sustainable Development, Lund 2009, Sep. 28-29

In the children’s voice. One-year-olds ’tell’ about their preschool. Presentation at the19th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), Strasbourg 2009, Aug. 25-28

Children’s Participation in the Environment. Presentation at the OMEP World Conference, Lagos, Nigeria, 2009, Aug. 05-07

Visions and preparations for a common blueprint on Education for Sustainable Development. Presentation at the Internationalworkshop, Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, 2008, Nov. 10-12

Education for a Sustainable Society leads to a New Perspective for Early Childhood Education. Presentation within the symposium Education for citizenship and a sustainable world, 18th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), Stavanger, 2008, Sep. 05-06.

Enfants – citoyens dans un monde défié. Presentation at the OMEP World Conference,Québec, Canada, 2008, Aug. 06-08

In the children’s voice. One-year-olds ’tell’ about their preschool.Presentation at the Nordic Teacher Education Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008, Aug. 22-23

Education for a Sustainable Society leads to a New Perspective for Teacher Education. Presentation at the Nordic Teacher Education Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2008, May 22-23

In the children’s voice. One-year-olds ”tell” about their preschool. Presentation at the NordicEducational Research Association (NERA) in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008, March 08

For additional articles in Swedish and presentations by invitation in Sweden, please go to my CV in Swedish.