Latin II Syllabus (2015-2016)

Oliver Parker


The purpose for this course is to learn how to read Latin. We will also learn about various aspects of classical culture and history. Students will expand their English vocabulary, enhance their understanding of grammar, and develop an appreciation for classical Mediterranean civilizations.


Each day, we will read stories about families and events in the Roman Empire. Through reading you will learn about the history and culture of Rome, whose systems and customs formed the basis for our modern civilization. Also, we will explore Roman civilization through documentaries and film, and discuss their impact on modern culture.

Classroom Infraction Procedures:

Most of these infractions are those that involve signing an infraction log. The procedure is that one signature results in a student/teacher conference. The second infraction is a parent call or email. The third is an office referral, and the penalty may be ISS.

·  When tardy to class, you will sign a log. I will notify your parent by phone or email of your second tardy. Your third tardy will result in an office referral.

·  Come to class prepared with book, notebook, and homework open and on your desk at the beginning of each class. Unprepared students will receive a 0 on daily participation grades. Failure to bring required materials will also result in an infraction log.

·  If you bring food into the classroom, please make sure it is contained. No one may drink anything other than water in class. Water should be in bottles with a screw top cap. Putting food and drink on the desk will result in signing the infraction log. Exceptions must be approved by the classroom teacher in advance.

·  Disrespect to teacher or another student will result in an office referral or signing the infraction log.

·  Cheating will result in a 0 on the assignment or test, and the student will not be eligible to receive academic awards. I will notify the parent and administration if any student is caught cheating.

Parents – Please indicate how would like to be contacted:

__ E-mail – Best address to reach: ______

__ Phone – Best number to reach: ______

Best parent/guardian to reach: ______


I grade based on a total points system. This means I add up all the points received for each assignment and divide by the total number of points possible.

·  Homework/Classwork – 5-10 points

·  Tests – 100-200 points

·  Quizzes – 10-100 points

·  Projects – 50-100 points

Required Daily Supplies:

·  Cambridge Latin Course Unit 2 and Unit 3

·  3 ring notebook (at least ½ inch)

·  Chromebook

·  Special projects may require additional supplies. I will notify you in advance.

Alabama Course of Study Objectives:


I-IV Active Passive Verb conjugations Comparison of Adjectives/Adverbs

Subjunctive Verb Uses Indirect Statement

I-V Declension Nouns and Adjectives Special Verbs

Declension of Personal/Demonstrative Pronouns Special Cases

Interrogative Pronouns Irregular Verbs

Participles Prepositions/Uses of the Ablative


Location of Rome and her provinces

Location of major cities

Geographical features (seas, mountain ranges, islands, etc.)


In depth analysis of Alexandria and Environs

In depth analysis of Britain and Environs

Investigate famous Romans – Claudius, Agricola, Vespasian, Cicero, etc.

Roman Art/Architecture

Roman buildings (temples, bath houses, etc.)

Roman military fortifications


Major Olympians and associated myths

Trojan War

Heroes and Monsters

Make Up Policy:

All projects and homework must be turned in the day assigned. I will only waive this requirement in the case of excused absences. Students will have 3 days per day missed to make up missed tests or quizzes. Any work not turned in at the end of the grading period will receive a 0.

Final Exam Exemption Policy:

All students will be expected to take the National Latin Exam in March. Students achieving a Gold or Silver Medal on this test will be exempt from the final exam. Some seniors will also be eligible to exempt the 2nd semester exam in accordance to the SPHS standard exemption policy. All other students must take the final exam.

Student/Parent Signature:

I have read and agree to be in accordance with all above policies and procedures.

Student: ______Date: ______

Parent: ______Date: ______