The form of a free lot

Location of a lot / Industrialareas “Borovlevo-1,2”, Kalininski region, Tverskaya oblast
Reference points of a lot
Area, ha / Commercial and industrial area “Borovlevo-1”:
69:10:0000025:0606 – 3,9 ha
69:10:0000025:0605 – 2,4 ha
69:10:0000025:0131 – 4,4 ha
69:10:0000025:0602 – 4,7 ha
69:10:0000025:1074 – 3,3 ha
69:10:0000025:1072 – 2,5 ha
69:10:0000025:0703 – 6,4 ha
69:10:0000025:0704 – 4,0 ha
land surveying is possible in compliance with needs of a developer.
Industrial and logistic area «Borovlevo-2»:
69:10:0000025:1071 – 2,5 ha
69:10:0000025:0653 – 5,0 ha
land surveying is possible in compliance with needs of a developer.
Cadastral number of a lot
Category of a lot / Industry, transport, communication, broadcasting, television, informatics, space supplies, energy, defense and other land (rus. standard)
Legal form of use of a lot / Forconstructionofroadside commercial and industrial logistic complex
Necessityofthetransfer of a lot in the other category / none
Type of the right / Property
Theinformationaboutthe owner (rightholder ) ofalot, including theenquiries / Commercial and industrial area “Borovlevo-1”:
OwnerLLC «MCArgon», director general Stacura Yuri, (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Industrial and logistic area«Borovlevo-2»:
LLC «Geo-alliance» (oneofthecompaniesinthe group of companies MC Argon), director general LLC «MCArgon» Stacura Yuri, (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Buildings and constructions on the lot today (necessity ofdismantling) / none
Possibility of the widening of the lot:
Cadastral number of theabutting undeveloped lot
area, ha
possibility of the supply of the civil engineering infrastructure / Commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1”, adjoining undeveloped property, land surveying is possible in compliance with needs of a developer:
69:10:0000025:0606 – 3,9 ha
69:10:0000025:0605 – 2,4 ha
69:10:0000025:0131 – 4,4 ha
69:10:0000025:0602 – 4,7 ha
69:10:0000025:1074 – 3,3 ha
69:10:0000025:1072 – 2,5 ha
Commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1”, adjoining undeveloped property, land surveying is possible in compliance with needs of a developer:
69:10:0000025:0703 – 6,4 ha
69:10:0000025:0704 – 4,0 ha
Industrial and logistic area“Borovlevo-2”, adjoining undeveloped property, land surveying is possible in compliance with needs of a developer:
69:10:0000025:1071 – 2,5 ha
69:10:0000025:0653 – 5,0 ha
Power supply:transformer substation 110/10/10 kV «Borovlevo», switchgear and control gear– 10 kV, general permittable power for the connection of the substation “Borovlevo” 32,5 MW, category of security of supply– II (second).
Gas supply:pipeline of medium pressure, D160 mm, pressure 0,25 MPa, capacity available – 11250000 cubic meter per year
1 300 cubicmeterperhour, maximumpossiblecapacity – 2250 cubicmeterperhour – limits for LLC «MC «Argon» JSC «Lentransgas»; currently isgas pipeline of medium pressure from Industrial and logistic area«Borovlevo-2» to commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1” under construction, D160 mm, extent 2,2 km.
Water supply: centralized water supply system of industrial areas “Borovlevo-1,2”, D200 mm, 3 kgf/sq. cm, capacity available– 700 cubic meter perday, 8 l/sec, maximumpossiblecapacity – 1000 cubic meterperday, 12 l/sec; 2artesianwells, 2 pumpingstationofthe first ascent, complete treatment works and station of the second ascent.
Waterdisposal(sewerage): centralized derivation from the industrial areas “Borovlevo-1,2”, gravity sewer D350 mm, sewage lift station 700 cubic meter perday, pressure header D350 mmto municipal sewers, capacity available– 8 l/ sec, 700 cubic meter perday.
Rainwater disposal: roadside sewer D800mm, rainwater treatment facilities, accumulating vessel, rainwaterrelift station.
Telephone network – UTN.
HSIA: typeof cable laying – optical fibre , underground duct , providers in the district – Vympelcom.
Intrasiteroad network «Borovlevo-1,2» – passages, turn rings, stops.
Thepopulationofthenearest settlementswith their names / Tver, 470 000people – city boundary,
Township Burashevo, 1500 people –7 km,
Vil.Borovlevo, vil. Negotino of Burashevo district.
The history of use of a lot / agricultural lands
Thelistofthecompanies, who was suggested to buy this lot
ICE (telefon, fax, mobile, e-mail) / director general LLC «MCArgon» Stacura Yuri, (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Motor traffic:
Distance to Moscow / 140 km
Distance to Saint-Petersburg / 620 km
Distance to Tver / within the boundaryof the city Tver
Distancetothecityline, nearest large human settlement / The border of the city line of Tver
Information about the driveways to the lot / Commercial and industrial area Borovlevo-1is placed on the crossing of the federal highway M-10 Moscow St. Petersburg and the highway of regional significanceTurginovskoe; industrial and logistic areaBorovlevo-2 – 400 mfromTurginovskoe highway
Distance to the highways:
of federal significance
of regional significance
of intermunicipalsignificance
other highways of local significance
Distance to the stop of the public transport / The bus stops are provided for on the industrial areas Borovlevo-1,2
Railway communication:
Distance to the railway lines (the name of the piece of line) / 4 kmfromOktyabrskayarailway (Moscow-St. Petersburg)
Information about the railways to the lot / none
The possibility of the bringing of thebranch line to the borders of the lot
Air traffic :
Distance to the nearest airport
Distance to the nearest heliport / 130 km international airport «Sheremetyevo»
Water communication:
Distance to the nearest river port / 10 km, the port of river Volga, Tver
Power supply
Distancetothenearestpower station indicating the capacity in kW / Commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1”:
Transformer substation 110/10/10 kV «Borovlevo», switchgear and control gear– 10 kV, general permittable power for the connection of the substation “Borovlevo” 32,5 MW, category of security of supply– II (second).
Distancefrom 50mto300 mwiththechoiceofthelot (substation is placed directly on the commercialandindustrialareaBorovlevo-1)
Industrial and logistic area«Borovlevo-2»:
Distribution point «Borovlevo-2» 10 kV, powered from the substation «Borovlevo-110/10/10», capacity 10 mW
Distancefrom 50 mto300 mwiththechoiceofthelot
Yearofbuilding, overhaul / Theobjectsarebuiltin 2010, onthesubstation«Borovlevo-110/10/10» are currently precommissioning in progress
Availability of the free capacity of power station in kW / 22,5 mW
Distance to the transmission facilities / Theconstructionofthefacilitiesof 10 kVfromthesubstation«Borovlevo-110/10» (Borovlevo-1) or distribution point «Borovlevo-2» ( Borovlevo-2) directly to the borders of the lot of the declarant is possible (are fixed by the specification of the attaching)
Specifications of the transmission facilities / 10 kV
The name of the service company and the contact information / LLC «Energo-T», DirectorVolgin Andrei, (4822) 777-382, (4822) 79-79-74, mob. +79607122222
Gas supply
Distance to the gas distribution station / Gaspipelineofmediumpressure, D160 mm, pressure 0,25 MPa Borovlevo-2 – directlyborders upon the lot, gas pipeline of medium pressure from industrial and logistic area«Borovlevo-2» to commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1”, D160 mm – 400 m.
Yearofbuilding, overhaul / Theobjectisbuiltin 2010
Idle capacity of the gas distribution station / capacity available – 11250000 cubic meter per year,
1300 cubicmeterperhour, maximumpossiblecapacity – 2250 cubicmeterperhour – limits for LLC «MC «Argon» from JSC «Lentransgas»
Distance to the gas pipeline / “Borovlevo-2” – directly borders upon the lot,
Commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1”– 400 m.
Specifications of the gas pipeline: diameter, pressure / D160 mm, pressure 0,25 MPa
The name of the service company and the contact information / LLC «MCArgon», director general Stacura Yuri, (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Water supply
Distance to thewater supply system / centralized water supply system of industrial areas “Borovlevo-1,2”, D200 mm, 3 kgf/sq. cm; 2artesianwells, 2pumpingstationofthe first ascent, complete treatment works and station of the second ascent.
Industrial and logistic area“Borovlevo-2” passes the borders of the lots,
Commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1”– up to300 m withthechoiceofthelot
Yearofbuilding, overhaul / Theobjectsarebuiltin2008-2010
The possibility of thewater consumption / capacity available – 700 cubic meter perday, 8 l/sec, maximumpossiblecapacity – cubic meter perday , 12 l/sec
The possibility of the drilling of an artesian well
Occurrence depth of the ground water, m / engineering geological investigation of the industrial areas Borovlevo-1,2 was done
The name of the service company and the contact information / LLC «Vodokanal-T», Director Stacura Yuri, (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Distance to the treatment facilities / centralizedderivation from the industrial areas “Borovlevo-1,2”, gravity sewerD350 mm, sewage lift station 700 cubic meter perday, pressure headerD350 mmtomunicipal sewers.
Industrial and logistic area“Borovlevo-2” passes the borders of the lots,
Commercialandindustrialarea “Borovlevo-1” – up to300 m withthechoiceofthelot
Yearofbuilding, overhaul / Theobjectsarebuiltin2008-2010
Idle capacity of the treatment facilities / capacity available– 8 l/ sec, 700 cubic meter perday.
Availability of own sewer / centralized derivation from the industrial areas “Borovlevo-1,2”, gravity sewer D350 mm, sewage lift station 700 cubic meter perday, pressure header D350 mmtomunicipal sewers.
The name of the service company and the contact information / LLC «Vodokanal-T», Director Stacura Yuri , (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Heat supply
Distance to the nearest boiler houses, heating systems
Yearofbuilding, overhaul
The possibility of the involvement of a new consumer
Idle capacity
Fuels of the boiler house
The name of the service company and the contact information
Thepossibilityifthebringingofthetelecommunications (urban telephone network , Internet) / Telephone network – UTN.
HSIA: typeof cable laying – optical fibre , underground duct , providers in the district – Vympelcom.
Yearofbuilding, overhaul / 2009
The name of the service company and the contact information / LLC «Sovintel»;
director general LLC «MCArgon» Stacura Yuri, (4822) 777-382, mob. +79611445554
Availability of the cellular telecommunications indicating the cellular service provider / Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele-2, Sky link and others
Distance to the protected zones / none
Distance to the water bodies / 4 km
Distance to the dwelling zone / 2 km
Distance to the nearest enterprises / between100 mand500 m with the choice of a lot
The names of nearest enterprises / printing office CC«Pareto-Print»
Automobile dealership “Nissan” Autopremium
Automobile dealership “Ford” Autopremium
Logistic centreOzon
Bearing plant SKF
Fiber-cement constructional materials plantMinerit
Information about the charges / No charges
Information about the limitations / No limitations
Form of the land / land surveying is possible in compliance with needs of a developer
Type of the soil / Accordingtoengineeringgeologicaltestconditionsthearea is characterized of the II category of difficulty.
Level of the groundwater occurrence / Groundwater:
Soilgroundwatersareopenedbytheseparatewellsat a depth of 0,0 – 2,0 m inthesandy drift deposits and in the lenses of sand in the strata of argillaceous sand in the borders of area ofseasonable frost. Intheperiodofa abundant rainfallandintensive snow melting the general formation of a time horizon of soil ground waters “temporary waters” is expected.
Accept the ground level fortheanticipated level of soil ground waters.
Chemicallythegroundwatersareofthehydrocarbonatespeciation, with mineralization of 0,7-0,8 g/l; arenotaggressivetothe Portland cementconcrete ofthegradeofwatertightness W4 – W8 by every characteristics, to the fittings ofconcrete structureby periodical and constant wetting.Agressivityofthegroundwaterto lead sheaths of cables - low, aluminic - mean and high.
Degreeoftheaggressiveinfluenceofgroundwatersonthe structural metal by free access of oxygen on the wetted surfaces – mean (rus. construction norms and specifications 2.03.11-85 *, table26).
Natural features of the area / Thereliefofthelandissmoothwiththe level of surface 139,00 – 150,50 mabs. with the general relief slope 2%, there is no planted land on the lot.
Information about the geological facilities of the land / Fromnegativephysical-geologicalprocesses it will be noted the dispersion of soil,seasonal potential underflood of the land, instability in the walls of thefoundation pit and ditches of waterlogged dust sand by mechanical effect.
Inthelimitsofthelanduptothedepthof15,0 msoil column offoundation of designed buildings and constructions is heterogeneous, in its limits 7 engineering-geological elements can be revealed. Regulatory and calculated values of the soil characteristics are present.
Theinvestigatingareathroughunderfloodis seasonallypotential underflooded.
Ground isnotaggressivetothe Portland cementconcrete ofthegradeofwatertightness W4 – W8, to the fittings ofthin-walledconcrete structure. Agressivityofthegroundto lead and aluminic sheaths is mean, to the carbon steel – between mean and high.
Based on theengineering-geographicalfacilitiesoftheareathefollowingshouldbemade:
- measures fortanking,
- aggressive influence of ground and groundwater defenseof cableconstructionsandsheaths.
Need of amelioration of the land / Based on theengineering-geographical and hydro geologicalfacilitiesoftheareathepreventive drainageshouldbemade.
Needoftheuprightplanningoftheland / Fixed by the developer design
name of the deposit
type of commercial minerals
distance to the deposit
resources, possibility of the industrial design
problems of the deposit
Cadastral value of the land / 500 rub. for 1 sq.m
Rent price and conditions / not fixed
Redemption price and conditions / 20$ for 1 sq.m
Ratesforelectricity (for 1 MWperhour)
w/o VAT
for volume levelСН2 (mean stress 2) = 10 kV /

One-part tariff, gradedontheamount of the hours of declared capacity using

From 7001 hour and more

/ rub/MWh / 2694,5

between 6001 and 7000 hours

/ rub/MWh / 2765,3

between 5001 and 6000 hours

/ rub/MWh / 3156,8

between 4001 and 5000 hours

/ rub/MWh / 3666,1

between 3001 and 4000 hours

/ rub/MWh / 3676,1

between 2001 and 3000 hours

/ rub/MWh / 3686,1

less than 2000 hours

/ rub/MWh / 3696,1

Double-rate tariff, gradedontheamount of the hours of declared capacity using and demand charge

- demand charge / rub/MW per month / 1041992,47
- energy payment / rub/MWh / 1 112,6
Tariffsgradedonthezonesofa day
- night zone / rub/MWh / 2 349,6
- half peak zone / rub/MWh / 3 177,0
- peak zone / rub/MWh / 3 926,7
Pipeline rates(for 1000 cubic m) / Pipeline rates (for 1000 cubicm): for hot-water supply – 5268 rubwith VAT for 1000 cubic m;for commercial consumers by if there are devices for expenditure records – 4 138 rubfor1000 m3,
including VAT 631,2 rubfor1000 m3
Water consumption rates (for 1 m3) / 18 rubfor1 m3offeedwater, quality – drinking water
Sewerage rates (for 1 m3) / 18 rubfor1m3of allotedutility fluids
Communication services rates / Communication services rates(including Internet andcellular communication ) – depends on provider. Avarage prices for Internet in the city: 800 rubfor 1 Gbof the traffic by limited traffic, access speed up to 12mb/sec, 10000 rubmonthly line rental by unlimited traffic, access speed up to 12mb/sec
Substantiation of choice of this land for construction of industrial area / done
Advicesforpotentialutilizationoftheland, tradedirectionofenterprises / Industry, logistic