for receiving recognition within tender for Slovenia award for social responsibility Horus 2017
There is no fee for this category of application!
A. Data about the suggesting legal entity or person:
Title of the legal entity suggesting the candidate (or name and family name of the suggesting person):Role:
Address, mail number, place:
Contact person (if different from the suggesting person):
Contact: / Telephone: / E-mail:
B. Data about the candidate:
Name and family name of the suggested candidate:Title of the legal entity of his/her employment:
Address, mail number, place:
Contact: / Telephone: / E-mail:
C. Statement that data are correct and provided ethically
On behalf of the suggesting legal entity Please provide title of the organization or name of the suggesting individual. , I the signing person Name and family name, role. state that:
· I have obtained the prior consent of the proposed candidate for his or her candidacy in the tender;
· The applicant has no uncovered tax liabilities in Slovenia and abroad, he or she also pays them voluntarily and on time;
· I accept the terms of this call for applications;
· All data in the application and its attachments are true;
· I am acting in line with all legal norms and habits and ethics;
· I meet all legal and other normed preconditions for a safe, ethical, moral and professional working of all partners, at least, and so does the candidate;
· Individually, and as the represented legal entity,
o we have never in the past year broken rules and norms and experienced any verdict of any professional or other body (e.g. for unethical advertisement), neither did the candidate;
o neither my legal entity nor my-self are experiencing any pre-verdict or verdict process in any court of law, police etc., neither is the candidate;
· The candidate as a finalist or a winner will use Horus symbol for business purposes carefully, in a spirit of diligence and to strengthen the Slovenian award for social responsibility, Horus, and promoting social responsibility of the candidate.
In ______, on ______2017
Signature and stamp of the applicant:
We kindly ask you to send one copy of a completed application on paper and/or electronically (with attachments, if applicable) to: Inštitut IRDO, Preradovičeva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, or: , and state on the envelope: »For the Slovenian award for social responsibility HORUS 2017 –Slovenians outside Slovenia - RECOGNITION«. The application must be in a sealed envelope with one copy on paper and/or one electronic (CD or flash – with identical contents). Applications must reach IRDO Institute by 19 October 2017 at the latest; the post stamped date is the valid one or electronic post. Applications can be sent also only via e-mail (for applicants abroad to: , at the latest until 19 October 2017 (midnight). Additional information at: .
D. Short presentation of the candidate (briefly present your candidate – his or her short C.V., work experience and current job), max 1 page
E. Candidate's matching criteria of the call (denote the suitable response)
In my assessment, the candidate meets some of the below preconditions and criteria for application:
Candidate is a Slovenian, living outside Slovenia, or a person with Slovenian roots, working as entrepreneur outside Slovenia,
Candidate provides with his or her entrepreneurial activity a role-model, shares examples of best practice of social responsibility, attains therefore a visible influence in society, encourages others to do the same, and addresses the following topics of social responsibility:
Human rights,
Consumer rights,
Others (please, add):
Candidate endeavors to help the Slovenian spirit survive, and has contributed a lot to maintenance of links with the Republic of Slovenia, to fostering of cooperation between countries in various areas, and to increasing of visibility of Slovenia in the other world, as well as the visibility of Slovenians living abroad in Slovenia (directly or indirectly, e.g. by support to Slovenian cultural and other institutions outside Slovenia, development of innovativeness, etc.);
Candidate endeavors to help youngsters and develops a socially responsible relation toward youngsters (employment of youngsters, mentorship, scholarships provision, co-financing of projects etc.) for youngsters to get included in community in the best way, and become self-standing by working;
Candidate is an entrepreneur who encourages youngsters, including entrepreneurs, to cultivate links with Slovenian in Slovenia, to create networks of cooperation with youngsters in Slovenia and else-where, and to make their business links stronger;
Candidate has already received recommendations and awards from professional and other organizations and institutions (please, state):
F. Proofs to application (suitably support your application, e.g. reasons for application, merits of the candidate, his or her especially crucial attributes, your assessment of the effect of candidate's contributions, candidate's potential for further development, candidate's activities supporting community, keeping the Slovenian spirit alive outside Slovenia, etc.), max 2 pages
G. Attachments (add suitable proofs supportive to your statements)