The fog formative irrigation ecosystem, FFS-Shokhin
Shokhin's fog formative setting (FFS or FFS-Shokhin) is intended forthe exploitation inan open ground on purposeof:
- acceleration and productivity increase in 2-3 times for a season;
- considerable reduction of requirements of irrigation water;
- use for agriculture of the droughty earths and sand of deserts;
- mass cultivation especially valuable food and herbs;
- selection reproduction of various cultures;
- fast rooting of green shanks of plants, for example, roses, cultivation of mushrooms, grape snails etc.;
- an intensification of field works.
FFS-Shokhinis to be united to the system and installedin the field forming pair lines. The system consists of 12 cells limited by a transparent wind-shelter barrier. In the system, each FFS covers the cell with the dosed out quantity of a warm fog. With the help of FFS it's possible tocarrying out the extraroot top-dressing, spraying of plants by the magnetic and electrified water, for increase of their biopotential.
The work of each FFS is regulated by an automatic control system (AOS) which
realizesa computer documenting of all processes for a season.
A Little bit history
In joint researches of the Main botanical garden (MBG of USSR) and Institute of plants physiology (IPP of USSR), on creation of optimum conditions for growth and evolution of plants, still in 60е years of last century it is established that the best results of cultivation is possible to reach on the site of a field protected from a wind, using the dosed out dispersion of water to a fog condition. Moreover, maintenanceof plants with specially prepared water has paramount meaning.
AtIPP, Dr.Sci.Biol. N.S.Petinov in the conditions of a phytothrone the experienceshad been put in which he repeatedly received grandiose productivity of wheat (in 50 times more, than in the field). (The Theory of similarity was being used scientifically proved for a recalculation of productivity with f-6m2 of phytothrone on the area of fields.)
It was repeatedly informed about the results of experiences of Nikolay Stepanovichat the international meetings, but there was no possibility to inculcate (intrude) this technology for fields because of the absence of appropriate meliorative techniques. It has led Nikolay Stepanovich in thought to emitate conditions of a microclimate of a phytothrone in an open ground, with maintenance of various top-dressingsin each of 16 phases evolution of wheat.
The specified (pointed) problem has been put before M.V. Shokhin and other scientific employees of the Academic establishments with which they have successfully managed. In a new mean, on protected, the slick wind-shelter barrier, on a site of open ground, by the area of 256 m2, an artificial fog was being periodically created, by means of rotary "roundabout" with fog formative sprays (look a photo).
FFS-Shokhinwas being used in IPPfor the fast acceleration and reproduction of various plants by green shanks, in particular roses. Using FFS-Shokhinwith N.S.Petinov, they have received positive results, on which, the joint request for the invention "The method of stimulation the evolution of plants" has been issued by I.A. Ostrjakov and A.M.Shokhin,the employeesof the state instituteof designing a water management, (SIDWM),and the copyright certificate № 695633 from 01.02.1977 was received.
In USSRthe industrial use of FFSwas limited and kept on the enthusiasm of authors. The modernized installations have been involved in two economies (farms) of Georgia wherea new sort of tea - "Colhide" was being multiplied in large quantities by the green shanks. Asmall-sized technique of the firm Mepol-Terra was being used for agro technical works. Transparent wind-shelter barriers were convenient for removal manufacture of the mechanized works.
It is necessary to receive 2-3 cropsfor a season in the modern conditions, for the economic (workable) agriculture in an open ground.
It is reasonable to put the problems (goals):
- to expand a period of productive vegetation for 2-3 months;
- to create the best conditions for plants;
- to use the prepared water rationally and carefully;
- to grow up simultaneously, on the small areas various, valuable cultures;
- to greatly increase and protect (from hailstones and winds) productivity of the agricultures;
- to reduce (cut down) the expenses of work and fuel to the processing of soil and cultivation of cultures.
To decide these goals the experience of last years has been attentively explored and estimatedthe possibilities of FFS while working in system.
Last years since the appearance of new materials and electronic arrangements a considerable modernization of FFS was carried out. Authors received a positive decision of delivery license (patent) on “A vegetation system for the creation of microclimate” with the priority from 07.03.2007 legally protecting the deviceFFS in Russia.
Shokhin'sinstallation, used in an open ground, is not a hothouse, but it is capable to create during the spring-and-summer and autumn periods, the improved conditions for plants thanks to wind-shelter barrier which surrounds a site and the warmed up, dosed fog, bearing to plants necessary top dressing in certain phases of evolution.
The charged particles of a fog of this or that polarity directly stimulate development both root system, and an elevated part of the plants which are under the influence of FFS. It is necessary to underline that the dosed out fog, as well as natural dew, provides air irrigation of a soil. Thus settled (sunken) humidity leaves from a soil surface on free capillaries deep into, without breaking structure and aeration of an inhabitancy (habitat) of roots. In an open ground dispersion of water to a fog condition promotes saturation by its oxygen that is rather important for evolution of root system, and also carbonic acid that favorably affects photosynthesis process. It is known that the vaporous water absorbed by leaves of plants, is redistributed from elevated organs in root system. A presence of leaves and stalks of plants on a surface of the most thin slick of water excludes its transparency, and it promotes active photosynthesis and at hot o'clock.
Full use of a solar energy gives a possibility to reduce terms maturation of many cultures.
It is possible to increase the period of productive vegetation till 6-7 months in environment-climatic conditions in Moscow suburbs.
Thanksto FFS in the conditions of an open ground the optimum humidity is reached for growth of plants, which provides their healthy evolution without a formation of unnecessary vegetative weight.A maturation of growth occurs under the sun, herewith the possibility of evolution pathogenic microflora, which often flourishes in hotbeds, falls (decreases).
The system with FFS creates conditions in the field which allow forgetting slick tunnels for the rational owner (providing not the most favorable microclimate for plants, with high expenses for designs, with the irrational expense of water, with low-productive, manual skills etc.)
Shokhin's modern setting provides:
- considerable saving of water, in comparison with drop watering;
- fast mantling (installation), dismantling, mobility;
- multifactorial control, a dosed out top dressing and an optimizationof microclimate in an open ground;
- protection of plants and a crop against frosts, hailstones and winds;
- possibility of application small-sized, crumbly agricultural techniques;
- considerable decrease in expenses of work;
- reduction of expenses on electric power, fuel and operational materials;
- increase of productivity of grains several times;
- elimination of unprofitable arable farmland;
- possibility of creation of a snow cover, in an autumn, for summer cultures and for the implanted plants.
FFS- Shokhin expands a spectrum of use and development of agro technologies in an open ground, for reception an ecologically pure production, in any climatic, soil conditions and sand of deserts.
The basic technical characteristicsofSystem12sFFS-Shokhin
For system the sufficient area is 130*52м2 with the useful area - 4600м2.
For mobile assemblage is used the main pipes and connecting detail (fason) of the specialized firm, in quantity L=780м and pipes fog formative «roundabout»,L=540м (the general specific requirement of pipes - 0,275м on 1м2of all area protected by a fog that 4,7…6 times less than usual requirement for pipes).
The mobile module is applied to pump system with the technological and pump equipment connected by a standard sanitary detail (fason) and fittings.
For a water reserve two mobile cisterns from stainless steel are used, exchangeable feeding up the pump module.
Are being made industrially:
- rotary devices of “a roundabout”,
- pipes ofthe fog formative “roundabouts”,
- details of a wind-shelter barrier,
- fog formative sprays, Shokhin's designs.
Requirements of system:
1) There are 120 (12*10) pieces in fog formative dispersions(everyone provides the minimum expense of 6-8 liters an hour, of sprayed electrified water).
2) In water- 6 of tons a day (for FFS (400m2)during the hottest periods (40-50oC in a shade) it is required no more than 500 litres of water, at work 24 hours).
3) In the electric power - no more than 60 kilowatt at an hour (it is spent, basically, for heating of water, thus during the coldest period it is required 5 kilowatt at an houron one cell).
4) In independent power supplies-from 3 wind power stations (for example WPS-10).
5) In the qualified installation by a brigade of 10-14 persons for two weeks(the “screwdriver assemblage”is providedin field conditions).
The system from 12s of FFS-Shokhin pays off for two seasons.
We invite agro enterprises and financiers to cooperate.
A.M.Shokhinhas preparedthe material.
Contacts: K.A.Shokhin, the sales manager,
A.M.Shokhin, the mechanical engineer of hydromeliorative machines.
Phone number: 8 (916) 339-43-76
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