Curriculum Vitae

Ilga Kokorīte

Date of birth: 18.02.1977.

E-mail address:

Education and qualification


2001.-2007. / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, PhD studies / - obtained the diploma of the doctor of sciences in geography,
field – environmental sciences, sub-field – nature protection
1999.-2001. / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Master’s studies / - obtained the diploma of the master in environmental sciences
1995.-1999. / University of Joensuu (Finland), “International Study Programm of Environmental Science and Forestry”
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography, Bachelor’s studies / - obtained the diploma of the bachelor in environmental sciences


07.-08.2000 / summer school „Ecosystem vulnerability to global environmental change: tools and methods for observation and forecasting”, organizers: Uppsala University (Sweden) and Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources (Belarus)
summer school ”Methods and tools for scenario building in water management”, organizers: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (Italy)
International Advanced Study Course „Ecohydrology and Ecosystems Biotechnologies in Water Resources Management”, organizers: European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology, Lodz, Poland.
course „Administration of EU structural funds”, certificate No.5394; issue: 18.04.2008.
course „Advanced modeling techniques for rapid diagnosis and assessment of CBRN agents effects on water resources” organizers: NATO Advanced Study Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
course “Human toxicology, ecotoxicology and risk assessment” Uppsala University, Sweden
training at Jordforsk – Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research.

Work experience :

01.09.2012 –
25.10.2006 –
01.06.2007 –
2000. / EAWAG: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
University of Latvia, Institute of Biology
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
Latvian Environmental, Geology and Meteorology Centre
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
University of Latvia, Institute of Biology
University of Latvia, Institute of Biology
LR Statistical Bureau / Post-doc
Head of laboratory
Specialist – report “HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation”
Research assistant
Laboratory assistant

Teaching and administrative experience:

Study courses:

2006. – 2010. „Sustainable use of water resources” (for master studies in environmental science).


Supervision of Doctoral Thesis ()

Supervision of 2Master Thesis (for the last 5 years)

Supervision of 2 Bachelor Thesis (for the last 5 years)

Administrative experience:

01.10.2009.–01.10.2010. / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences / Secretary of doctoral school

Research experience

Research directions:

·  Limnology; water quality of surface waters in Latvia.

·  Long-term changes of water chemical composition and influencing factors.

·  Accumulation of nutrients and other polluting substances in sediments; biogeochemical processes in system “sediments –water”.

Research projects (for the last 10 years):

·  02.07.2012. – 29.10.2016. – COST action ES1201 „Networking lake observatories in Europe (NETLAKE)”, participant.

·  2009-2012. – European Social Fund project „Establishment of interdisciplinary group for research of salmonid lakes in Latvia” Grant No. 2009/0214/1DP/; principal investigator, leader of WG “Aquatic chemistry”

·  2009. - Latvian Council of Science Grant No. 09.1094 „Communities of pheriphyton as indicators of ecological status of Latvian freshwaters”; principal investigator (expert in aquatic chemistry)

·  2009. – Latvian Council of Science Grant No. 09.1353 “Impact of environmental factors on freshwater biocenosis and quality of hydroecosystems” principal investigator (analysis of long-term changes of water chemistry and factors influencing it)

·  2008. – Latvian Environmental Protection Fund grant „Evaluation of hydroecosystem of the R.Daugava in relation to planned HEPP in Byelorussia” Project leader

·  2007. – Latvian Environmental Protection Fund grant „Evaluation of the ecological status of the R.Daugava”, researcher (gathering and evaluation of data on water chemistry)

·  2007 – Ministry of Defence, research grant „Environmental pollution and its toxicity in areas of military training grounds”, researcher

·  2006. - 2009. – National Research Program Climate change impact on water environment in Latvia, expert in environmental science (assessment of long-term changes of water chemistry, design of sampling program and field work in the R.Salaca basin, work with Corine land cover data base)

·  2006.-2007. – European Social Fund project „Modernisation of Master study program at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Science”

·  2006. – Ministry of Defence, research grant „Studies of water pollution at the military training grounds”

·  2005. - UNESCO LNK “Complex evaluation of water resources and ongoing processes in Seda Bog”, assistant

·  2004.-2006. - Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation “Cities in Latvia and nutrient loading to the Baltic Sea: trends of changes and scenarios of development”, assistant

·  2004.-2006. - Latvian Council of Science Grant No.04.1314 “Nutrient loads from non-monitored catchments of small rivers in Latvia”, assistant

·  2002.-2005. - Latvian Council of Science Grant No.02.0008 „Modeling of resources and processes in water reservoirs”, assistant

·  1999-2004. - NATO-CCMS project Modeling nutrient loads and response in river and estuary systems, participant

Most important publications:

1.  Kokorite I., Klavins M., Rodinov V., Springe G. (2012) Trends of natural organic matter concentrations in river waters of Latvia. Environ.Monit.Asses., 184(8): 4999-5008 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-011-2315-0

2.  Klavins M., Kokorite I., Eglite L., Rodinov V. (2012) Natural organic matter export from boreal catchments (the Salaca River basin, Latvia) and its influencing factors. Hydrol. Res., 43(4), 330-340). DOI: 10.2166/nh.2012.112

3.  Klavins M., Kokorite I., Ansone L., Eglite L., Rodinov V., Springe G. (2012) Spectrofluorimetric study of dissolved organic matter in River Salaca (Latvia) basin waters. Knowl. Managt. Aquatic Ecosyst., 404(06), DOI:

4.  Kļaviņš M., Kokorīte I., Rodinovs V., Avotniece Z., Spriņģe G., Briede A. (2011) Hydrometeorological parameters and aquatic chemistry of Lake Engure: trends of changes due to human impact and natural variability. Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., ser. B, 65(5/6), 138-145.

5.  Kļaviņš M., Pujāte A., Kokorīte I., Kalniņa L., Rodinovs V., Ansone L., Mažeika J., Jankēvica M., Bogans E., Švāgere A. Reconstruction of past anthropogenic impact intensity in Lake Engure using sedimentary record analysis. Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., ser. B, 65(5/6), 146-153.

6.  Kļaviņš M., Kokorīte I., Jankēvica M., Rodinovs V., Dreijalte L. (2011) Reconstruction of anthropogenic impact intensity changes during last 300 years in Lake Engure using analysis of sedimentary records. Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Series: Environmental and Climate Technologies, 12(7), 66-71. DOI: 10.2478/v10145-011-0029-8 ( )

7.  Klavins M., Kokorite I., Springe G., Skuja A., Parele E., Rodinov V., Druvietis I., Strake S., Urtans A. (2010) Water quality in cutaway peatland lakes in Seda mire, Latvia. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 10 (1), 61-70. DOI: 10.2478/v10104-009-0048-2 ( )

8.  Kokorite I., Klavins M., Rodinov V. (2010) Impact of catchment properties on aquatic chemistry in rivers of Latvia. Hydrology Research, 41(3/4), 320-329 DOI: 10.2166/nh.2010.121

9.  Kokorīte I., Kļaviņš M., Šīre J., Purmalis O., Zučika A. (2008) Soil pollution
with trace elements in territories of military grounds in Latvia. Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., ser. B, 62(1/2), 27-33. DOI: 10.2478/v10046-008-0010-5 ( )

10.  Klavins M., Rodinov V., Timukhin A., Kokorite I. (2008) Patterns of river discharge: long-term changes in Latvia and the Baltic region. Baltica, 21(1/2), 41-49

11.  Kļaviņš M., Rodinov V., Kokorīte I., Frisk T. (2005) Long-term changes of aquatic chemistry with respect to river runoff and contaminant loading changes in Latvia. Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., ser. B,59(5), 175-182

12.  Briede A., Kokorīte I., Kļaviņš M., Druvietis I. (2005) Daugava River Case Study – Latvia. In: Russo R., Lekevičius R. (eds.) Modeling nutrient loads and response in river and estuary systems. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Final Report No.271. pp.223-256

13.  Kokorīte I., Kļaviņš M. (2003) Runoff of dissolved organic carbon from the territory of Latvia and controlling factors. Folia Geographica 11, 44-52

14.  Stalnacke P., Grimvall A., Libiseller C., Laznik M., Kokorite I. (2003) Trends in nutrient concentrations in Latvian rivers and the response to the dramatic change in agriculture. J. Hydrol. 283, 184–205

15.  Kļaviņš M., Briede A., Rodinov V., Kokorīte I., Frisk T. (2002) Long-term changes of river runoff in Latvia. Boreal Env. Res. 7(4), 447-456

16.  Kļaviņš M., Rodinov V., Kokorīte I., Kļaviņa I., Apsīte E. (2001) Long-term and seasonal changes in chemical composition of surface waters in Latvia. Environ. Monit. Asses. 66, 233-251

17.  Kļaviņš M., Briede A., Rodinov V., Kokorīte I., Parele E., Kļaviņa I. (2000) Heavy metals in rivers of Latvia. Sci. Tot. Environ. 262, 175-183

18.  Kļaviņš M., Rodinov V., Kokorīte I., Kļaviņa I. (1999) Chemical composition of surface waters of Latvia and runoff of dissolved substances form the territory of Latvia. Vatten 55, 97-108

19.  Rodinov V., Kokorīte I., Kļaviņa I., Kļaviņš M., Apsīte E. (1999) Quality of surface waters of Latvia: Seasonal changes of surface water chemical composition. Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci, ser B, 53(2), 73-80

Monographs and textbooks:

1.  Kokorīte I. (2007) Latvijas virszemes ūdeņu ķīmiskais sastāvs un to ietekmējošie faktori. Promocijas darbs. Rīga:LU

2.  Frisk T., Kļaviņš M., Bethers U., Kokorīte I., Seņņikovs J., Rodinov V., Bilaletdin A. (2005) Loading form Latvia and its impact on water quality. The Finnish Environment 793, Tampere:Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre, 92 pp.

3.  Kļaviņš M., Rodinovs V., Kokorīte I. (2002) Chemistry of Surface Waters in Latvia. Rīga:LU, 286 pp

4.  Frisk T., Klavins M., Rodinov V., Kokorite I., Briede A. (2002) Long-term Changes of Hydrologic Regime and Aquatic Chemistry in Inland Waters of Latvia. The Finnish Environment, Tampere:Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre

Other publications (reports, popular science publications etc) (for the last 5 years):

1.  Kokorīte I., Jankēvica M., Kļaviņš M. (2012) Assessment of Anthropogenic Pressure on Lake Ecosystems in Latvia by Using Analysis of Lake Sediments. In: BALWOIS2012. Vth International Scientific Conference on Water, Climate and Environment. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 28 May - 2June 2012.

2.  M.Klavins, I.Kokorite, M.Jankevica, J.Mazeika, V.Rodinov (2011) Trace elements in sediments of lakes in Latvia. In: Proceedings „Recent researches in geography, geology, energy, environment and biomedicine WorldGeo-11”, Editors:N.Mastorakis et al., Corfu Island, Greece, 43-47 ( )

3.  Druvietis I., Kokorite I. (2010) Invasion of nuisance Raphidophyta Gonyostomum semen (Ehrb.) Diesing in Latvia’s freshwaters. In: Kin-Chung Ho, Zhou M.J., Qi Y.Z. [Eds] Harmful Algae 2008. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Harmful Algae. pp. 17-19.

4.  Druvietis I., Kokorite I. (2010) Invasion of nuisance Raphidophyta Gonyostomum semen (Ehrb.) Diesing in Latvia’s freshwaters. In: Kin-Chung Ho, Zhou M.J., Qi Y.Z. [Eds] Harmful Algae 2008. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Harmful Algae. pp. 17-19.

5.  Klavins M., Kokorite I., Rodinov V. (2008) Flows of dissolved organic matter in conditions of changing environment. In: Sveinsson O., Garðarsson S., Gunnlaugsdottir S.[eds.] Northern Hydrology and its global role. Vol.2. Nordic Hydrological Programme report No.50. 574-581

International Conferences Organizing

19.-21.09.2012. – member of scientific committee of International Limnological Conference “Natural and Anthropogenic Transformations of Lakes”, Lagow Luboski (Poland)

Additional information on professional activities:

04.09.2009 – 31.05.2015 Expert in geography and environmental science at Latvian Council of Science,

2010.- Member of Latvian Quaternary Association.

Reviewer in journal “Hydrology Research” and Riga Technical University journal “Environmental and Climate Technologies”.

Honours and awards:

2012. – Sciex-NMS fellowship for post-doctoral research at EAWAG (Switzerland)

15.10.2010 – award for the best research work presented by young scientist at the 4th International Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Aquatic Ecology”, St.Petersburg, Russia (oral presentation “Flows of dissolved organic matter in the lakes of Latvia”).

30.10.2008 – national award “Young Scientist in Environmental Science 2008” (Ministry of Environment; Council of Latvian Environmental Science and Education).

2001-2003 – awards of Kristaps Morbergs scholarship for outstanding PhD students at the University of Latvia.
