Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council Meeting
Tuesday 24TH February 2015
Conference Room (Library) Meldrum Academy
CC Members Present: Andrew McCartney, James Milton, John Pirie, Denise Forsyth, Norman Masson, Patrick Sleigh, Irene Dunbar, Kaye Cowie, Stuart Baird, Simon Kilkerr.
Member of Public –Stuart Naysmith (W Lippe Architects Ltd), Andrew Cowie (Andrew Cowie Construction)
Councillors: Cllr Gifford, Cllr Johnston.
Police: None in attendance
Apologies: Willie Sinclair, Jeff Goodhall
Minutes of January Meeting 27/01/2015
Proposed: Denise Forsyth
Seconded: John Pirie
Matters Arising
Traffic was reported to be a serious problem in Meadowbank coming onto Commercial Road and the Police were to check ( awaiting update) Problem of traffic at school in/out time a problem in Westbank Park Police checking (awaiting update).
John stated that he had been contacted by the Police in connection with the disappearance of his bike( John will update in March).
Police Issues
No Police in attendance and no report received please see note in matters arising.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer on holiday update will be done at March meeting.
Potential Retail Outlet for Oldmeldrum
Stuart Naysmith of W Lippe Architects gave a presentation along with Andrew Cowie (Land Owner) of the proposed Co-op store for Oldmeldrum. Stuart and Andrew stated that the Co-op had looked at several sites in and around the village. They stated that the Co-op had investigated the use of M2 but it was found to be of very uneven ground and that the entrances would not be good.
It was noted that the proposed site is business use at the moment not retail use. The site plans show a retail unit of 24m x 24m which would be taken up by the Co-op and x 4 further retail units each measuring 18m x 10m. The plans show a total of 79 parking spaces for this development in several locations around the proposed building. The plans show x 1 site entrance only and x 1 exit only roads – the exit being opposite to the entrance to the Academy and the entrance is on to the B9170. A separate application will be made for no’s 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Common Good/ Charitable Trusts
James has enquired about the above and his enquiry has been passed to John Lawson.
Zig Zag Path
John has passed estimate for work to be done to create the Zig Zag Path to Elaine Brown (Area Manager) awaiting reply. Andrew M asked the elected members to give full backing to this proposal. Cllr Johnstone stated they had done this.
Editor Required
Meldrum Matters Magazine has been a great source of information to the Community and now requires a new editor. Interested parties to contact Jeff Goodhall.
Picnic Table
A short dedication service will be held on March 28th. Interested parties should in the first instance contact Andrew McCartney to register as numbers are required by 18th March. All to meet in Morris’s Hotel at noon for soup and sandwiches and then dedication service to follow in the Community Garden.
Formartine Safety Meeting
Kaye attended this meeting but yet again disappointing meeting in the fact that CC’s are not attending in great numbers – this has been the case for several months. The group are looking for a Secretary. Moira Muir is chair and secretary at the moment.
It was suggested that CC’S may be interested in pushing forward to get Defibrillators for their Communities. Paul advised that Methlick (situated at Ythan View Hotel) and Pitmedden (in 1st Responders Car) have these. It was noted that these have saved lives in several situations and are of great benefit. There is grants available for approx £400 and although these Defibrillators cost approx £1300 we could purchase them for around £900 – leaving the Community to raise £500 approx.
This will be discussed at March meeting to gauge interest to decide whether to proceed for Oldmeldrum.
Kaye stated that there was a Safety problem with the Academy Buses accessing/exiting the Academy going through the Village instead of using the Bypass. MB & D CC contacted the Academy ( November 2014) who in turn put it to the School Transport Unit – awaiting reply but early replies from CC member Jeff Goodhall indicated that the Companies said they would not use bypass due to fuel costs.
It was noted that Meldrum Fire Station is fully staffed which is very good for our village and surrounding area.
Kaye stated that the Police stated at January meeting that they would monitor Westbank Park parking as several children cross between cars on a daily basis. Awaiting Police update.
A920 Closure
It was reported that the A920 road is remain closed for approximately one more week due to unforeseen work required. Kaye also stated that there is a huge number of vehicles ignoring the Road closure signs. There was an accident on this road when closed which raises questions of Safety of workers?
A947 Anti-slip Road Surface
Andrew McCartney reported that the remedial work on the last corner before Mosshead on the Fyvie road was very rough and queried if this was safe for Motor Bikes etc? Andrew contacted the Ellon Office and (David confirmed he was aware of the situation and explained that the tar had been laid too hot but confirmed it was up to spec.) Andrew also noted that when Police were contacted they cannot make comment.
Planning Report
John gave a very detailed planning report. The Local Plan will be published on the 28th March. We as a CC need to check Text and Maps and make any representation required.
A Wind Turbine which was applied for at Ardconnan which planners objected too but this was over-turned by elected members. Andrew asked if there was Planning Gain from Wind Farms – Cllr Gifford stated no.
CC Forum Meeting
This meeting was attended by Andrew. Please see report attached.
Andrew noted that Developer Obligations report is going to be circulated to all CC’S from Area Office.
MAIG Report
Andrew stated that the Plug Plants will be arriving at the end of March and there is a lot of work to do – if anyone is interested please contact Andrew direct. Tulip planters will be put into the Square in March. After this current year Andrew stated that MAIG may loose their Premises which would then in turn affect the beautiful floral displays that Meldrum have each year – any ideas please contact Andrew.
Secretary Report
Dog bins were requested and will be put in Meadows Vale after Jenifer Seniors assessment of requirement.
Kaye received a questionnaire from Inspector Jamie Harrison (Police Scotland) which has now been returned (25/02/2015).
Andy Farquhar who is Development Coordinator for Aberdeenshire Young Carers Service will be attending our March Meeting to give a short talk to explain this Service.
Kaye contacted Meldrum primary in relation to reports of Children running across the road/crossing (one in front of a tractor)! Linda (office) has confirmed that a message regarding Safety has gone out in the School newsletter. No written reply from A Beaton (Head Teacher) received. Police agreed to contact School Liaison Officer but as no Police in attendance we are unsure if this has been done?
Kaye requested an update from Mitch Good on Greenbelt issues but to date Nil update received.
Kaye requested update from Philip Leiper (Roads) on Chevrons being put down on A947 at Aberdeen end of Village. Ian Daniell’s has confirmed that the work was due to be carried out in October/November but due to the early salting of roads (which effects the materials) this will now be carried out in April (weather permitting).
Kaye stated that she had requested from Olwen Fraser and Andrew Travis a member of Meldrum Academy to represent our younger Community to join the CC but to date no interested parties have come forward.
Kaye sent a query to Olwen Fraser at the Academy in November 2014 ( regarding the Academy Buses going through the square to access/exit the Academy regarding the safety of walkers in the village and congestion of vehicles. An earlier reply on this from Jeff Goodhall who had contacted the bus companies indicated that they will not do it for fuel costs. Kaye stated that this is not acceptable that Safety surely comes first - not cost. We are awaiting reply from Transport Unit (4 months)!!
Andrew asked the Cllrs if they knew anything about Rosebank as the kerbing is loose and the grass is a torn up mess. Denise stated that several Lorries do go down Rosebank. Kaye to email Brian Shand regarding this. ACTION KAYE
Irene asked “what was in place for Communities when the AWPR commences”? This will be asked of Police at March meeting.
Storm Drains
Andrew asked the Cllr’s what was being done regarding the drains at the Town Hall, the Bank Building as the pavement gulley drains are choked and the Strip Grids in front of the shops collect all the rubbish (square lipped instead of rounded edges) and are not fit for purpose?
This problem has been reported by CC before. Kaye will email Philip Leiper
Irene received plans from W Lippe for x 2 housing developments in Oldmeldrum.
The first being at Chapple Park for 38 houses and a Parking Hub to consist of 68 Parking Spaces and a lay-by on the road for the buses to stop.
The second being at Newbarns for 164 houses.
These houses are not allowed for on the Local Plan - and were met with very mixed reactions from the CC. Several questions were raised as to the provision of School Spaces as both the Primary and the Secondary are nearing maximum figures. Is the Parking Hub/Spaces being offered in return for planning? In the plans it shows that there would be alterations required to the existing roundabout to allow the flow of traffic – this included ground which currently belongs to Meldrum House estates. This will be further discussed at March meeting.
Date and time of next meeting
24th March at Meldrum Academy 7.30pm