Name Vocabulary #17

Word / Part of Speech / Definition
assuage / verb / To soothe; to ease pain
atrophy / verb / A process of wasting away that makes something useless
disintegration / noun / The process of breaking down into many small pieces
fallible / adjective / Likely to make mistakes
corridor / noun / a passageway into which compartments or rooms open
corrosive / adjective / tending or having the power to weaken or destroy
brittle / adjective / having little elasticity; hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped
imperceptible / adjective / impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses
puny / adjective / Little; tiny
cerebellum / noun / A large portion of the brain in the back that serves to coordinate voluntary movements, posture, and balance in humans
illusion / noun / something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality
loathe / verb / To strongly dislike
vestige / noun / A hint; a trace
unadulterated / adjective / pure
trepidation / noun / A state of fear or anxiety
formidably / adverb / Done in a way to cause great awe or fear
jeopardize / verb / To endanger; to put at risk
pungent / adjective / Having a sharp taste or smell
reverberate / verb / To echo
temporal / adjective / Relating to time; limited by time

Vocabulary Activities

Directions: Complete 3 of the activities to turn in on Thursday.

1.  Write a sentence that contains each spelling word. The sentence must demonstrate the meaning of the word and each sentence must contain correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

2.  Make a flashcard for each word. The front of the flashcards must contain the word and a sentence containing the word. The back of the flashcard must contain the word’s part of speech and its definition.

3.  Write a story using 15 of your words. The story must contain correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

4.  Draw a picture to represent the meaning of 10 of your words.

5.  Write a synonym or antonym for 10 of your words.

6.  Create a word search using Puzzlemaker on or graph paper that includes all of your vocabulary words. Then, solve your words search by highlighting each spelling word.