Syllabus ~ Human Development 8: Orientation to College and Educational Planning
SPRING 2014 ~ SECTION 2446
March 26 – May 14 Wednesdays, 1:00-3:05 p.m. Room SS 204
Instructor: Mrs. Nancilyn Burruss, M.S. (Mrs. “B”)
E-mail: Virtual Phone: 301-532-3670 Ext. 4404
Note: Email works best ~ Use your ECC account for sending email (to insure delivery), please put your Section Number in the subject line
à As a Part-Time Instructor, I do not have an office or office hours.
à Please make an appointment, speak to me after class, or email me for assistance.
Website: The HD8 course link is on the left side of my homepage:
Dean/Division Office: Social Science Room 101 (No Homework Drop-offs!)
Please see your grade keeper and homework packet for specific points and assignments.
My rules are the way they are to protect the learning environment of our classroom. Please follow them to give everyone, including yourself, respect and a chance to succeed!
Last Day to Add/Drop without Notation / Last day to Drop with a “W”4/1 / 5/6
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." ~Theodore Seuss Geisel
“What an amazing man he was. During WW II he wrote Animated Military Cartoons for Warner Bros called ‘Private Snafu’. Snafu had brothers named Tarfu and Fubar. You can sometimes see them on YouTube.”
This syllabus, like life itself, is subject to change.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s):
1. Students will identify and apply resources, tools and procedures to create educational goals and an educational plan.
2. Students will analyze personal qualities and skills necessary for success in college and demonstrate how to apply these to achieving academic goals.
3. Students will be able to identify resources and apply strategies for cultivating an effective support network on a college campus.
Learning Objectives:
The primary objective for this class is for you to learn how to be successful in college and in life. Through active participation in this class, you can expect to…
1. Analyze the personal qualities and skills associated with success in a diverse college setting.
2. Examine individual learning styles and personality types and determine how they apply to student success in college.
3. Identify and implement the components of successful goal setting.
4. Assess and develop personal, educational, and professional goals.
5. Identify strategies for effective time management and develop a time management plan.
6. Evaluate the components necessary to create an individual educational plan.
7. Identify and access available resources and support services.
Required Course Materials ~ (Course Materials Due by Day 2):
Bring all materials to class every day
1. Human Development 8: Orientation to College and Educational Planning – El Camino College (2007), Houghton Mifflin: Boston, MA. Note: Limited copies of the textbook are available for 8-week loan. See your instructor for more information.
à Loaners that are not returned will be charged for both the book and a restocking fee of $10
à There are also books available for 2-hour reserve that may not be removed from the library.
¯I highly recommend purchasing this book for current and future reference, as the information in this text can last you a lifetime.
J Student Survey comments re: purchasing the book
o “The free book was great because of the lack of funds ($) that college students have. However, once I started doing the journals and readings I felt that I should've bought the book.” 8/4/2010
o “I didn't get a free book, Extremely happy to be the proud owner of a book I can review for years to come. Its a book I would never sell.” 8/4/2009
o “I bought my book and I'm really happy that I did!!!” 8/9/2008
o “Just to let you know I did purchase the book for future references. Thank You” 7/31/2008
2. El Camino College Catalog ~ 2013/2014 or for the year you began college
à You may check online and print out pages for your college catalog (worst choice)
3. You will be expected to maintain a course notebook (a 3-ring binder) that will be filled with required materials.
à See the notebook/supply check off list and guidelines on the homework schedule.
4. See the Homework Schedule for other needed supplies.
Attendance Policy:
1. After only ONE ABSENCE or TWO TARDIES you may be dropped, which means you may earn a “W” (Withdraw) or “F” (Fail) on your transcript, which is your permanent academic record. Please contact me via ECC email if you are absent!
2. Show up on time; you are marked “tardy” for arriving late to class or leaving early.
a. If you arrive late or leave early, you must sign in or out quietly to avoid an absence.
i. Two Tardies = 1 Absence
ii. Leaving Early or a Tardy of over ½ of a class session = 1 absence!
b. Do not disrupt your classmates’ learning environment during class (see Student Code of Conduct below); find out what you missed after class from your classmate
c. If you come in after roll is taken,
i. you must sign in, or you will be marked absent
ii. you will miss the points on the assignment(s) checked during roll
3. If absent, it is your responsibility to let your instructor know if it was due to illness or not.
a. Find out what you’ve missed and get notes from your study buddy outside of class.
4. One late assignment will be accepted at the very next class turned in with a completed Late Homework Pass (LHP).
a. Try other ways to get your assignment in on time (email, study buddy, or friend).
b. The LHP will not be accepted the last two weeks of class.
c. The LHP will not be accepted for the following assignments: Catalog Questionnaire, Educational Plan Project, Final Exam, or Collage.
d. All homework in on time and an unused late pass will result in 10 Bonus Points!
5. El Camino policy: If you fail to drop or withdraw from class by the deadline (see homework packet), you may receive an “F” on your permanent academic record .
Respect and Student Code of Conduct:
As a member of the El Camino community and our classroom, you are expected to follow the Standards of the Student Code of Conduct as described in the El Camino College Catalog. Offenses include:
o Cheating, plagiarism 1
o Tardiness
o Uncooperativeness
o Continually leaving one’s seat
o Eating and drinking
o Reading unrelated materials
o Soliciting of funds and/or signatures
o Conduct that jeopardizes health and safety
o Private conversations or inappropriate displays of affection
o Use of all unauthorized electronic devices such as personal CD players, phones, beepers, palm pilots, iPods & MP3 players 2
o Profanity
o Pornography
o Children or pets in class
To maintain our learning environment, there will be consequences for any activity that is interfering with the learning experience of all students. Students who exhibit these behaviors or any others that create a distraction or disruption in any course-related activity may be removed from this class.
1In regards to cheating/plagiarism, please do not share your answers with other students unless asked to do so by your instructor. If a classmate comes to you for information, it is fine for you to tell him/her where you found your answers. It is not all right for you to let them copy your answers and pass these off as their own work. You are hurting that student, and both students involved will end up with a zero for the assignment. If you use words or ideas from another source other than yourself, please give credit to that source by simply typing something like “According to Skip Downing, there are three keys to college success: showing up on time, doing my work, and participating actively!”
2There is zero tolerance in the classroom for the use of ALL unauthorized electronic devices such as cell phones, headphones, laptops, tablets, MP3 players, etc. See me before class if you have a compelling reason for silencing your phone instead of turning it off. Otherwise electronic devices must not be audible or visible during class.
1st incident of disruptive behavior: verbal reminder to respect our classroom community
2nd incident: FORM A, written notice of disruptive behavior, copied to the dean
3rd incident: FORM B, removal from class, meeting with dean’s approval required to return to class
4th incident: expulsion from class
Reasonable Accommodation:
I am deeply committed to creating a learning environment that is positive and stimulating for all students. Therefore, in support of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), any and all reasonable accommodation will be provided to any students who are registered with the El Camino College Special Resource Center (310-660-3295). If you wish, you may disclose information regarding your needs to me on the back of your 3x5 information contact card where you may/may not give me written permission to discuss your needs with the SRC, counselors, parents, etc. Note: All students in class are expected to meet the same criteria for assignments and attendance in order to pass this class.
Online Resources:
A copy of the syllabus, homework schedule, and grade tracker may be found on the course website along with helpful links to increase your success in this course and others. Please follow the link in the blue column on the left of my homepage listed below. ECC students are required to check their ECC email on a regular basis. Please watch for updates to this course and helpful information by checking your email regularly.
Grading/Assignments: These are NOT optional, except for the Extra Credit!
In order to pass this class you must complete your assignments. The grading system is as follows:
A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% Below 60% = F
Please see your grade keeper and homework packet for specific points and assignments.
- 161 Points: Homework & Classwork: Reading, Notes, Enrichment Packet
à You will write TEXTBOOK NOTES about key points of each chapter as you read. These must be legible for credit. Type them if your printing is illegible or questionable.
o These will be checked at the beginning of class and added to with Chapter discussion/lecture
o If you arrive late or do not have these at the beginning of class, you will lose those points
à There will be IN CLASS assignments that cannot be made up if you miss class
à There will be multiple graded homework assignments to cover the objectives and SLO’s of the course
- 90 Points: Success Journals
à Journal assignments are in your textbook and online
à Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will NOT be factors in earning points.
o Please proofread just the same
o Clarity is important for me to know you understand the concepts
à Points will come from answers that show effort, focus, and an understanding of concepts. Concentrate on expressing yourself. Dig Deep for answers.
à Journals must be typed and include the question/Journal prompt (illegible assignments will not be counted for credit)
à Follow Directions!
- 316 Points: Long Term Projects/Special Assignments Breakdown
- 40 Points~ ECC Catalog Questionnaire -DUE NO LATER THAN WEEK 5 (may be submitted early)
à This assignment can be found in your Course Enrichment Packet
à Answers may be found in the El Camino College catalog
à Questions may be answered directly onto the questionnaire and must be legible
- 60 Points~Life Story (Collage) Assignment -PRESENTATIONS DUE WEEK 8 (Collages ready on WEEK 7 will be given extra credit)
à This assignment will be discussed in class and includes a class presentation
à You will need a manila folder, glue, and old magazines/pictures for this assignment!
- 160 Points~Educational Plan Project -DUE NO LATER THAN WEEK 6 (may be submitted early)
à This assignment will be discussed in class and no one will pass the course without having this completed as follows:
o Obtain the Major guide-sheet and create an Ed Plan draft
o BEFORE meeting with the counselor, complete an Ed Planning Worksheet and Ed Plan draft …10 Points
o Make a counseling appointment online:
§ Bring items above to your counseling appointment
§ Obtain a Counselor’s official, signed and dated Ed Plan!
§ Revise your worksheet, and submit the Official
Signed/Notated Ed Plan, Draft, and Revised Complete Worksheet … 150 Points
- 56 Points~Take Home: Final Exam -DUE NO LATER THAN WEEK 7 (may be submitted early)
à This FINAL EXAM should be worked on throughout the semester
à Do Not share your answers with others (see cheating and Student Code of Conduct above)
¯ Plus 47 Bonus Points: Extra Credit Opportunities turned in on time
à See the Homework and Course Enrichment Packets for Five Extra Credit Opportunities
Course Contract for Success
After a complete and thorough reading of the class syllabus, please sign and return this page to the homework folder at our next class meeting.
Top 3 Strategies for Success in College
1. Show up! To support my success, I choose to be punctual and attend every scheduled class period in its entirety.
2. Do the work! To support my success, I choose to do my very best work in preparing all of my assignments and handing them in on time.
3. Participate actively! To support my success, I choose to stay mentally alert in every class, offering my best comments, questions, and answers when appropriate. I choose to develop interest and enthusiasm in the subject, be involved in class activities, and treat other members of the class and the instructor with respect.
By remaining in this class, you understand the terms of the syllabus:
þ Check each item to indicate you understand before signing. Ask questions if needed.
q Learning objectives for this course
q Materials required for this course
q My responsibility for attendance, class participation, and to officially drop by the
drop date if I stop attending the class to avoid a grade on my transcript