Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics Syllabus
Course Overview:
Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics is intended for students who wish to complete studies in high school and test for college credit. The course is developed to help prepare students for the AP exam in May. Consult find out the AP credit policy for each college or university, and additional details on the AP program.
The course is designed to give students a critical perspective on politics and government in the United States. Studies involves both general concepts used to interpret American politics, as well as analysis of specific case studies. Mastery of this subject requires students to become familiar with institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that make up the American political reality. To accomplish this, students will develop an understanding of relationships among the political participants and institutions. Students will acquire strong, diverse, and usable writing skills as well as sharpen their analytical and interpretive skills on tables, graphs, charts and political cartoons.
Course Requirements
- Daily reading (notes, Test Prep Notebook, quizzes, etc)
- Participation in class activities (Discussion, mock trials, simulated hearings etc.)
- Exams at the end of each unit (mid-terms-all comprehensive and follow the AP format of half multiple-choice and half FRQs)
- Current Event Assignments
- Internet Assignments
- Creation of a Portfolio
- Chapter Vocabulary Quizzes
- Analysis and Interpretation of statistical data (tables, graphs, and charts)
- Semester Exam (Comprehensive on all topics covered up to that point)
- Final Exam (Comprehensive)
- Required Review Sessions for AP Exam
Units of study: (percentage of AP Exam)--[allocated class time]—See below for specifics
- Political Beliefs & Behaviors (10-20%)--[approx. 4 wks.]
- Political Parties, Interests Groups & Mass Media (10-20%)--[approx. 4 wk.]
- Constitutional Underpinnings (5-15%)--[approx. 2-3 wks.]
- Civil Rights & Civil Liberties (5-15%)--[approx. 2-3 wks.]
- Public Policy (5-15%)--[approx. 2-3 wks.]
- Institutions of National Government (35-45%)--[approx. 11 wks.]
Edwards and WattenbergGovernment in America: People, Politics, & Policy, 16th Ed.Pearson, 2016
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution, Center for Civic Education, 1995.
Some Suggested Web Sites for Review:
(Open source database for every candidates activities, full text of bills, voting records, and more.)
(candidates position on current events issues)
(links to major news sites)
(Citizens against government waste. Great examples of pork barrel for unit on Congress)
(Congressional record)
(Report cards on Congress)
(connections to state and national candidates and parties)
(case law)
(case law)
(American Civil Liberties Union)
(conservative site for current issues)
(First Amendment Website)
(current events as well as historical sites)
and (political cartoons)
(links to state and local government)
(single most valuable site on Oregon)
AP Government and Politics Outline (27 Week Curriculum Guide)
Unit1TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Constitutional Underpinnings (5-15%) [2.5-3 weeks]
- Factors Influencing Adoption of the Constitution(2)
- Natural Rights Philosophy1-2
- Classical Republicanism3
- British Origins5-6
- Declaring Independence7-8Dec. of Independence Activity
- OriginalState Constitutions9
- Theories of Democratic Government
- Changing the Articles of Confed. 10Beard Essay
- Constitutional Convention11Miracle at Philadelphia
- Virginia Plan12Constitution Activity
- Separation of PowersFederalist #51
- Principles of the Constitution21
- Powers of Each Branch13-14McCulloch v. Maryland
- Federalist vs. Anti Federalists15-17
- Organization of Government18
- Federalism(3)
- Origins of Federalism
- Structure(22)Fig 8-1: Number of Government Employees
- Federal grants & MandatesWelfare Reform Act, Unfunded Mandate Reform Act
- Practice Exam (beginning of unit)
- Teach Free Response Writing prior to unit exam—score points
- Vocabulary
Unit2TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Political Beliefs/Political Behaviors (10-20%) [4 weeks]
- Beliefs held about Government and Leaders(6)
- Growing Distrust
- Changing Demographics
- Political Socialization
- Public Opinion: Nature, Sources, and Consequences
- Polls
- Role of Polls
- Political Ideology
- Liberal vs. Conservative
- Demographics
- Participation in Political Life
- Citizenship35-36Putnam and Bowling Alone
- Voting, Protests
- DemographicsGet out the Vote Activities
Trick or Vote
Adopt a Precinct
Unit2 (continued)TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Political Beliefs/Political Behaviors (10-20%) [4 weeks]
- Elections and Voting Behavior(9)Fig 1-1: Voter Turnout Rates
- Primary ElectionsTable 1-2 Voting Age Population
- General Elections
- Policy Elections (Initiatives & Referendums)
- Changing Elections
- The Electoral CollegeElection 2000 Bush v. Gore, Video Elections?
- Who Votes?
- Demographics
- RegistrationMotor Voter Act
- Changing Voter Patterns
- The Nomination Game(9)The War Room
- The Process
- Primaries
- The Campaign Game
- Money and CampaigningFederal Elections Campaign Act, Buckley v. Valeo, McCain-Feingold
- PACSTable 2-12: PACs: Receipts
- How to take Multiple-Choice Tests
- Vocabulary
Unit3TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Political Parties, Interest Groups, Media (10-20%) [4 weeks]
- Political Parties and Elections(8)Federalist #10
- FunctionsPolitical Party Quizzes
- OrganizationPolitical Party Research Assignment
- Historical Development20Hatch Act
- Effects on Process
- Strengths & WeaknessesTable 3-1: Partisan Identification
- Third Parties
- Party Reform
- Interest Groups(10)
- Range of Interests
Represented or Underrepresented
- Activities (lobbying, litigation, PACs)26
- Effects on Political Process
- Characteristics/ Roles of PACs
- The Media(7)
- Functions and Structures
- Impact on Politics
- Timed Writings
- Vocabulary
Unit4TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Institutions: Congress, the Presidency, Bureaucracy, Federal Courts (35-40%) [11 weeks]
- Major Formal and Informal Institutional Arrangements and Powers
- Relationships Among these Institutions
- Links Between these and Parties, Groups, Media,
Sub national Governments and Public Opinion
- Congress (4 weeks )(11)
- Intentions of Founders
- Overview
- Incumbency AdvantageBaker v. Carr, Shaw Reno, Wesberry v. Sanders
- Structure and Powers(13)U.S. v. Lopez
- Leadership in Congress
- Influences on Members
- How a Bill becomes a LawVideo: School House Rock, Simulation Activity
- Committee System
- Congressional ReformThe Simpsons, Congress (videos)
- Presidency and the Bureaucracy (5 weeks)(12)American President,
- Presidency
- Evolution of PresidencyTable 4-3: Presidential News Conferences
- Overview
- Growth of Presidential PowerTable 6-9 Presidential Vetoes
- Roles of the PresidentClinton v. New York
- Support StaffWest Wing (EC)
- Making the Presidency Safe and Effective Table 9-1 Treaties & Executive Agreements
- Congress vs. the President
- Imperial PresidencyU.S. v. Nixon
- Congressional Response to Imp. PresidencyWar Powers Act, Budget Impoundment Act
Unit4 (continued)TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
- The Bureaucracy(14)Iron Triangle Assignment
- Structure
- Growth
- Influences on Bureaucratic Behavior
- Controlling the Bureaucracy
- Evaluating the Bureaucracy
- Vocabulary
- Timed Writings and Test Taking Skills
- Current Events
- Courts (2 weeks)(14)(15)Federalist #78
- IntroductionMarbury v. Madison
- Attorneys and Judges
- The Supreme CourtMock Supreme Court
- Judicial Activism & RestraintExamples
- Timed Free ResponsesTable 7-12: Laws Declared Unconstitutional
- Practice Exams
- Vocabulary
- Case Briefs
- Prepare Review Packets
Unit5TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Public Policy (5-15%) [2.5 weeks]
- Policy Making in a Federal System
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Types of Policies
- Formation of Policy Agendas
- Role of Institutions in Policy Enactment
- Role of Bureaucracy and Courts in Policy
Implementation and interpretation
- Linkages between Policy Processes and:
- Political institutions and federalism.
- Political Parties
- Interest Groups
- Public Opinion.
- Elections
- Policy Networks
- Managing the Economy(16)Budget Process Diagram
- Regulating Business / Deregulation& Simulation
- Managing the Environment(17)
- Social Welfare Policymaking(16)Table 10-3 Social Security Beneficiaries
- Government Subsidies
- Health Care Policies(17)
- Foreign Policy(18)
- Vocabulary
- Current Events
- Civil Discussions?
Unit6TopicsWTP LessonsEdwards ChaptersOther Resources
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (5-15%) [2.5 weeks]
- Civil Liberties(4)Bill of Rights Activity
- Rights found in the Constitution &19
Passage of Bill of Rights
- 1st Amendment Bill of Rights Incorporation Graph
- Religion 29
- Expression30
- Assembly, Petition, Association31
- Due Process
- Procedural32-34
- Right to Privacy?Griswold v. Connecticut, Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey
- Civil Rights(5)
- Era of Slavery23Dred Scott v. Sanford
- Reconstruction 24
- Importance of 14th Amendment2513th
- Era of Civil Rights
- Plessy v. Ferguson & Brown v. Board of Ed.
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- The Right to Vote15th Amend, 24th Amend, Voters Rights Act of 1965
- Extending Civil Rights
- Native Americans (Citizenship), Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans
- Women19th Amendment, ERA, Title IX,
- Disabled, HomosexualsADA,
- Public PolicyAffirmative Action
- Teach Congressional Hearings
- Vocabulary