Pasadena PTA Meeting
January 9, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Welcome and Thank You - Welcome to our 5th PTA meeting of the 2017-2018 school year.
There is a brief outline of our agenda on your tables. If you’d like to review the minutes from our
last meeting, they are available on our website. Please sign the attendance book circulating
during the meeting. If you have any questions relating to school operations, procedures or
policies other than those sponsored by Pasadena PTA, kindly address them to Mrs. Heitner at the
conclusion of her report.
Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve minutes? Jamie Vine Second? Lori Bornstein All in favor? Opposed?-No. We will be posting approved minutes on our PTA Website.
Principal's Report
School will now be open on March 29 and May 25 because of the snow days. If there is one more snow day, teachers will report to school on June 26.
ZSpace is now here in our computer labs. This is 3D computer program that is fun and educational.. Ex. In 3rd grade, they are learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We now have extra IPAD carts and chrome book carts in the hallway for all classes to use.
January cultural arts program for 4th graders was learning about Native Americans on Long Island. Squeaky Clean will be coming to school kicking off Parp- Reading rocks! Parent Academy is scheduled for 1/17 about ways to reduce stress at Mattlin MS 7pm. Childcare is provided and there will be a keynote speaker and small group sessions.
OCET will be given to 2nd graders soon which is a test for project challenge.
Fourth graders started their clubs at we are at full capacity. Clubs include- sculpture, ceramic, basketball and kids on the run.
Book of the month is the “Most Magnificent Thing,”
Safety Patrol is in full swing with our 4th grade Ambassadors, led by Ms. Marchese. Violators will be giving tickets. Third Graders can apply for fourth grade soon.
Teacher’s Report
Kindergarten: In Reading the children are exploring the story elements of fiction texts and using a 5 finger retell to help them better understand the stories. They are going to begin discussing the differences between fiction and nonfiction texts.
In writers workshop they just began their nonfiction unit How To Writing. They are learning that writers organize their nonfiction writing in a how to book by using words like first, next, then and last.
In Math they have been learning how to identify, count, and compare numbers 0 to 10.
In Science they have learned about the 5 senses and how they help us to learn about the world around us.
In social studies they are continuing to discuss how we can be good citizens in and out of the classroom using the character words of the month to guide us!
They are looking forward to learning about animals in the winter and how they hibernate and migrate in the winter.
First Grade
In math they are working on adding doubles, doubles plus one and two, making ten to add, adding three numbers, two question word problems, and word problems with three addends.
In subtraction - making ten to subtract, using related facts, fact families, using addition to subtract and subtraction facts.
In Fundations, they are continuing with base word and suffix "s" and learning six more glued sounds. Keep reviewing trick words
In Science they are learning about animals and survival. They have
Live hermit crabs to help teach this.
Grade 2:
In math: Finishing up Topic 8- 2 digit addition
Reading: Continuing to study of non-fiction
Writing: Author Study- Discovering the works of Gail Gibbons
Fundations: using y as a syllable, open syllables, combining open syllables with closed and vowels consonant -e syllables
Science: Beginning the study of the Solar system
Social Studies: Geography/ map skills:
Third grade is beginning their non-fiction unit in reading. In writing they are beginning to write folk tales, fairy tales and fables. In math they are continuing multiplication and division. In Ss the focus is on our culture and the culture of others around world.
Grade 4:
Math- They are beginning division and understanding divisor, dividend, and quotient. They are also looking at how division is related to its inverse operation, multiplication. Soon they will be looking at remainders and how to interpret them in a word problem.
ELA: They are reading using their nonfiction lenses (main idea, key details, text features). They are requiring all students to read the nonfiction genre in school and “most the time” for reading logs. They will begin writing well developed, organized opinion texts. They will support their arguments with a claim and details.
Science- They will be looking at heredity and how animals pass on traits through DNA
SS- They are continuing our study of Inquiry 2: the purchase of Manhattan and the colonization on NY. They will also explore the Revolutionary War and how a new nation can survive and thrive.
Membership Report - Kim Berkowitz 367
Treasurer's Report - Michael Rosenstein - the financials have been reviewed and reconciled. Balance is currently at about 49K with many expenses currently pending payment (PARP, Cultural Arts, etc)
President's Report
January 17th parent academy - keynote address and then 2 choices for breakout sessions. Babysitting will be provided free of charge.
Family night will be moved to Halloween starting next year
Survey will be sent to 5th grade parents with questions about the middle school transition - looking at the possibility of treating 5th grade as elementary rather than middle school model
Calendar was approved – Feb 18 to 21 break, with a later end date now that NYS has moved the Regents grading day
PARP- will kick off with Squeaky Clean and author David Adler will visit the kids. Reading Safari - start an adventure every time you open a book.
Pupil Personnel moving to Stratford Road (front of building with separation from student areas)
Night PTA meetings please enter by the doors closest to the library (NOT THE FRONT)
Clubs – Karen Heitner discussed in Principal message
Class Funds – Karen Heitner discussed that moving forward parents will no longer be giving teachers any money for craft
Correspondence - Share Folder
Fundraisers Results – Coupon Books $1,687.50, Prestige $1,370, Holiday Boutique $, Book Fair $1,500.92
PTA Event Reminders – Parent Academy 1/17, PARP, Grade 1 night out 1/26 (Slime Fest), Grade 2 night out 2/9 (BINGO), next pretzel sale is 1/12
Reports of Committees/Open Chairperson Positions
Community/School Service – Sharon (book drive associate with PARP - all levels of books accepted)
Cultural Arts – Gena (Native American Day for 4th grade, Squeaky Clean Fun Band and David A. Adler for PARP)
Curriculum Committee 11/22- Jaime Vine and Steve Lindenfeld
· Joyce Barry discussed Next Gen Science in depth.
· The new standards began in 2014 in NYS but science consortium has NYS pause so that the standards were not ties to Common Core
· In 2016 Next Gen science standards were published with clear and defined goals Pre-K – 12
· On the next gen website there are hyperlinks for the standards
· There will be a 3 to 5-year rollout
· Current K and 1st grade students will be the first group with the new science test in 5th grade
· 8th grade test and regents will be different
· Parents are encouraged to go to the NYS science consortium website
· Standards are explained
· All based on phenomenon without necessarily having background knowledge
· We worked on an example of one of the models – designing a perfect lunchbox
· This lesson could be done in K and in AP Chemistry (with variations)
· Students are encouraged to draw models
· In K and 1 we are using Oneida Herkimer Madison Boces science kits
· The district can track hoe much it is being used by teachers
· In 2 – 4 the district is looking at activities to use
· In 5 – 7 the district is using Houghton Mifflin science dimensions (this is the 1st year)
· STEAM night was discussed
· POBOTS will be very involved
· TV media students from the HS will be producing videos
· Activities will be science Olympiad type activities
· The STEAM committee is an extension of the curriculum committee
· Middle School changes were discussed
· 5th grade students will receive some coding lessons from codesters and this will continue in 6th grade.
· Flip classrooms are being considered
· NYS now has keyboarding guidelines
· Music being reduced in 5th grade for language
· Parents are encouraged to look at the proposed MS changes on the board of education minutes
· Elementary clubs are being rolled out
· 4 clubs per building
· Students cannot be guaranteed choice of clubs
· 5 weeks per club (can be before or after school)
· Clubs may not be the same between buildings
Health- n/a
Nutrition – Sara
~Parent requested there be a meeting in December, going forward, as there seems to be a flow of progress with the committee and with the long gap in between Nov and then Jan, she doesn’t think it’s good. Rich said he would make a note for next year’s calendar. All seemed to be ok with it!
~ Children came in the room- Alexa 4th, Matthew 3rd, Kevin 4th, Evan 3rd, Marko 2nd, Chaya 2nd. Comments are – don’t love the pizza, either too much sauce or too much cheese. Matthew loves the breadsticks. Kids agreed that they don’t like broccoli, green beans and spinach. They would love scrambled eggs for brunch for lunch. Would like to see more carrots. Would also want cornbread.
They started talking about some things the kids eat for dinner and some ideas for the menu and then Chinese food came up. They want Chinese food on the menu 2x a month. Whitsons suggested in having Chinese food for the guest chef day. The kids loved the idea.
~Guest Chef Day – Jan 22-25. They will have Chinese food in each of the elementary schools. Will need to choose 3 different items. A parent had a concern about soy (or any other) allergy with the Chinese food. Whitsons said that they would look at all recipes prior to deciding on the items for that day.
`Whitsons said they may try eggs on a bagel instead of an English muffin.
~Hunger Healthy Act has a waiver that allows some whole grain items to be swapped with white flour. So, they are looking to change the pizza crust from WG to white, pasta and also rice. Possibly some other items but those 3 are the main items that were discussed. A parent suggested to make it known to the kids that these are changed so if the kids that may not like these items, can now try it again. This will prob start in February. Let’s see how it goes and see if the kids like it better.
~ OB has a wipe board by the kitchen to display what the kitchen will be serving. This has been talked about….what and how to make the kids aware of the food choices in the cafeteria but no final decision has been made so OB decided to do this. Let’s see how it works out.
~The length of lines in the cafeteria is always a problem. The elementary students got or will be getting a card with their number on it. Schools will be giving it to the younger students who don’t know their numbers. This will hopefully help the line go a little bit smoother. All the kids have to do it to scan their card and get their food. Pasadena started with the cards and had to teach the kids how to use the cards. They put a pocket chart in the cafeteria and the kids were given the cards on line and then put back after they got their food.
A concern with the cards is that it’s not affording the kids to learn their numbers, as they aren’t printed on the cards. The district is thinking about trying to incorporate the lunch cards with other things (i.e. Library) that they need their number for. That may be in the future.
~A comment Pasadena had was …. There seems to be more pork options and a lot of meat/cheese options on the menu this year. Whitsons response to that was…
The only pork option on the menu is ham. All sausage/bacon is turkey, not pork. Also, any sandwich or nachos etc. that have both meat and cheese can always be altered. The student can ask for no cheese or no meat on that item. The student should tell the teacher when she is taking the lunch orders and the student should tell the lunch ladies when they are on line and getting their order as well.
Ex- Nachos can be made without the meat and the kid can have just nachos and cheese. Or a ham and cheese sandwich can be just a cheese sandwich.
~No other rep from a school had any comments or questions for Whitsons.
Rich collected the sign in sheet with the attendees.
Title IX
Technology - Michael
Transportation - Steve
POBMS- Mary Poppins is 2.1-2.3
High School-8th grade working on their schedule for next year. Due 2.28
Project Challenge
PTA Eblasts – If you are not receiving PTA eblasts, please email us at
We send weekly reminders, community news, etc.
PTA Website –
Due to the recent snow days, there is now school on March 29th and May 25th
Our next PTA Meeting is on March 6th at 7:30 pm. Pta Council will be at Pasadena on 2.27.
Adjournment - Motion to adjourn? Jamie Vine Second? Kim Berkowitz
Meeting adjourned.