1. Save this template to your school network or computer and alter it for your own assessment design or copy the below information into your school-based assessment instrument template.
2. Delete the information that is not relevant to your assessment, e.g. if the task is for Year 11, delete the Year 12 conditions. Information is provided in tables, so to delete, highlight the row you wish to remove, right click, and select Delete Rows.
3. Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.
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- Delete this instructional text.
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Business Management 2013
Examination: Short/Extended response
Insert contextQuestions/items
Insert seen or unseen questions or business situationsSupporting documentation
· Stimulus material that may be seen or unseenConditions
Year 11
· 1–1.5 hours· Short responses:
50–250 words per response
seen or unseen questions or statements
seen or unseen stimulus material
· Extended responses:
400–600 words per response
seen or unseen questions or statements
seen or unseen stimulus material
Year 12
· 1.5–2.0 hours· Short responses:
50–250 words per response
seen or unseen questions or statements
seen or unseen stimulus material
· Extended responses:
600–800 words per response
seen or unseen questions or statements
seen or unseen stimulus material.
- Replace the red text with your school- and task-specific information.
- Make the standards instrument-specific. Words may not be added to the standards except to specify the issues, problems, concepts, recommendations, and audiences and purposes. For example, the issue may be stated as marketing opportunities for businesses.
- The following words may be used in the singular: concepts and theories, business situations, management processes and strategies, trends and patterns, issues, recommendations, audiences and purposes.
- Ensure all information has been completed, i.e. no red text remains.
- Delete this instructional text.
Insert school-specific information (if required)
Instrument-specific standards matrix
/ Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard E /Knowing and understanding
business management / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
· thorough definition and discerning use of relevant business management terms, concepts and theories / · detailed definition and appropriate use of business management terms, concepts and theories / · definition and use of business management terms, concepts and theories / · simple definition and use of some business management terms, concepts or theories / · use of some business management terms, concepts or theories
· thorough description of business situations using a comprehensive range of relevant examples / · detailed description of business situations using a range of examples / · description of business situations using examples / · simple description of business situations using few examples / · statement of elements of business situations
· comprehensive explanation of complex management processes and strategies. / · detailed explanation of management processes and strategies. / · explanation of management processes and strategies. / · cursory explanation of simple management processes and strategies. / · statement of management processes or strategies.
Applying and analysing management strategies / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
· purposeful selection and organisation of business information from a comprehensive range of valid primary and secondary sources / · purposeful selection and organisation of business information from a range of valid primary and secondary sources / · selection and organisation of business information from primary and secondary sources / · partial organisation of business information from sources / · statement of business information
· discerning and systematic application of knowledge in business situations to identify a comprehensive range of issues / · systematic application of knowledge in business situations to identify a range of issues / · application of knowledge in business situations to identify issues / · simple application of knowledge in business situations to identify issues / · statement of issues
· thorough and discerning analysis of business information and management strategies, and accurate interpretation of a comprehensive range of trends, patterns and relationships. / · detailed and informed analysis of business information and management strategies, and accurate interpretation of a range of trends, patterns and relationships. / · analysis of business information and management strategies, and interpretation of trends, patterns and relationships. / · partial analysis of business information or management strategies, and identification of some trends, patterns and relationships. / · statement of trends, patterns or relationships.
Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard E
Evaluating and communicating
management strategies / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
· thorough and insightful evaluation of management strategies to formulate valid and purposeful recommendations / · detailed evaluation of management strategies to formulate valid recommendations / · evaluation of management strategies to formulate recommendations / · simple evaluation of management strategies to state recommendations / · description of management strategies or statement of simple recommendations
· well-reasoned justification of recommendations using relevant evidence / · valid justification of recommendations using relevant evidence / · justification of recommendations using evidence / · simple justification of some recommendations / · statement of opinions
· coherent communication with discriminating use of language conventions to suit audiences and purposes. / · clear communication with appropriate use of language conventions to suit audiences and purposes. / · communication using language conventions to suit audiences and purposes. / · communication using inconsistent language conventions. / · communication that impedes meaning.