AP Statistics Syllabus 2016-2017
Teacher: / Jordan Wade / Email: /Room: / 2322 / Phone: / (832) 668-7200 ext. 72322
Tutorial Hours: / Mon.-Fri.
8:00-8:40 am / Conference: / 2nd Period
AP Statistics is a college level class for students who have been highly successful in Algebra II and English courses. It covers the topics needed for the American College Board AP Statistics exam. Students passing this test may receive college credit.
Course Overview
AP Statistics is equivalent to a one semester, introductory, non-calculus based, college course in statistics. This course will introduce participants to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.
Course Topics
First Semester / Second SemesterGraphical Methods for Analyzing Data / Random Variables and Distributions
Numerical Methods for Analyzing Data / Sampling Variability
Summarizing Bi-variate Data / One Sample Confidence Intervals
Least Squares Regression / One Sample Hypothesis Testing/Errors
Studying Central Tendencies / Two Sample Confidence Intervals
Sampling Techniques and Simulations / Two Sample Hypothesis Testing
Experimental Design / Chi-Squared Testing
Probability / AP Exam Cumulative Review
AP Exam
The AP Exam will be given on Thursday May 11, 2016 (afternoon session). While not a requirement of the course, taking the AP exam is certainly an expectation of the course. Students who participate in the class in the manner described will be well prepared to take the exam, and are strongly encouraged to do so. Whether or not a student takes the exam, he/she will still be required to prepare for it.
Good statisticians need to be effective communicators. Good communication is a major goal of the course. Students are expected to explain problems using proper statistical vocabulary and to express themselves clearly and efficiently. Finding the solution to a problem is not sufficient either in school or in the world beyond school; one must be able to explain why the solution is correct, and that the process leading to that solution is logical and well thought out.
Students who need help or have questions on homework may come in to Rm. 2322 on Mon.- Thurs. from 8:00-8:40am.
****Please to contact me in person or by email () if you will be coming to tutorials.****
Classroom Expectations
This is an AP course which means that it will be treated as a college course; therefore, the quality of work and the study habits for this course should be reflective of a college course. The average time spent studying, working, and preparing for a college course is approximately 3 hrs. for every 1 hour spent in class.
(ex. a MWF class meeting for an hour each day means you should spend 15 hrs on it each week).
Miscellaneous Need to Know Information
· Students wishing to drop an AP course are required to have a parent-teacher contact prior to the schedule change.
· Notebooks will be a requirement for all students to maintain and will be used in the 3h and 4th nines weeks as part of their study material for the AP exam
Grading Policy
South Campus grading policy assigns the following weights to assignments:
Test/Projects / 70%Homework/Participation / 15%
Quizzes / 15%
Test will be modeled after the AP Exam, and will therefore consist of part multiple-choice questions and part free response questions. All tests must be completed in the allotted time. If you should fail a test, an opportunity to raise that score to a 70 will be given in the form of a retest. Retest scores will not exceed a 70, and no curve will be given to the score; therefore, it is strongly encouraged that you do your best on the original test.
Homework/Lab assignments are DUE every Friday. Homework/Lab is graded on a combination of effort, percent of work completed, and a spot check for correct answers. You will be held accountable for all material in the homework the following day it is assigned even though it is not turned in until Friday (i.e. material maybe given on a pop-quiz) . Not all homework/lab will be graded, but it is essential for learning the material. Late homework will be accepted (for a reduced grade) until the test is given that the material in the homework/lab covers, then it will no longer be accepted. Late assignments may or may not be put in the gradebook immediately; however, they will be put in before a grading period ends.
Quizzes may OR may not be announced ahead of time and may happen at any time. Quizzes must be completed in the time allotted anything left blank or not completed will still be graded.
Cheating will not be tolerated. You are expected to turn in original work for each assignment. A grade of 0 will be given to any person cheating on an assignment, quiz or test, and a referral will be sent to the office to document the incident. Only test may be retested (following the retest policy) if cheating is discovered any other grade will remain a 0.
Make –up Work (excused absences and school sponsored absences only)
Ø You are responsible for asking and receiving any and all assignments and if possible notes from EVERY day that you missed on your FIRST day back to my class. This should take place before or after school.
Ø Any assignments due while you were absent are due the day you return and must have ABSENT written at the top to receive full credit.
Ø You must put all absent work in the absent folder or it will not be treated as absent work.
Ø If the only day you miss is a review day, you WILL still be REQUIRED to take the test when you return, unless we have discussed the issue prior to your arrival back to school.
Ø All other quizzes and/or tests must be made-up BEFORE or AFTER school by appointment.
Ø Feel free to email me to receive any missing work for an unexpected absence.
Extra Credit Opportunities
No extra credit projects or assignments will be given to raise grades for individual students. IF extra credit is given it will be an opportunity for the entire class. I will assign extra credit opportunities at my discretion. Please do not ask for or expect them, especially last minute.
UIL Eligibility
Please stay on top of your grades and do not wait until the last minute to attempt to raise your grade to meet UIL requirements. There will be no grade manipulation/inflation on my part to help you meet requirements for UIL participation. Please do not have a Coach or Sponsor conference with me over eligibility the day or days before grades are due. I will gladly have a conference but this should be done BEFORE the last week of the nine weeks.
Rules and Procedures
Ø South Campus tardy policy will be followed
Ø NO CD/MP3/IPODS allowed…if any of these items are seen and or are being used they have the potential to be taken up with no questions asked. (UNLESS for BYOT with teacher permission)
Ø NO cell phones allowed. The South Campus cell phone policy will be enforced. (UNLESS for BYOT with teacher permission)
Ø Any foul, obscene, or distasteful language will be reprimanded and face a possible office referral.
Ø Any other policy/procedure put in place by the administration of DPHS will be followed
1st Offense / Verbal warning2nd Offense / Verbal warning and discussion with student on inappropriate actions
3rd Offense / Contact made with: parent/guardian, coach/sponsor/director (if applicable), and or assistant principal
Severe Disruption or Habitual Offenses / Immediate referral to assistant principal for disciplinary action
or I.D. VIOLATIONS / Immediate referral to assistant principal
Cell Phones, CD/MP3/IPODS, etc. / Will be given to Assistant Principal at the end of the school day
Calculator Policy
***TI-84 calculator will be used significantly for the material covered in this course. I cannot loan calculators from my classroom, so if you do not own a TI-84 my suggestion would be to check one out from the library IMMEDIATELY.
In class Calculator Policy:
Because of the increasing number of calculators being taken, a tougher calculator policy will in effect for this school year. It is recommended, however not required for students to bring their own calculator. The following guidelines are how calculator usage will be handled:
1. You must use your designated calculator. Do NOT take anyone else’s calculator.
2. If your calculator is not there at the start of the class you must inform me immediately.
3. At the end of each class ALL calculators must be turned in before anyone is allowed to leave.
4. You will not be allowed to use my graphing calculators when there is a substitute. (you may use your own)
5. During your class period YOU are responsible for your calculator. If your calculator is missing I am holding you responsible and a referral will be written to the Assistant Principal.
I. Conditions for retesting:
A. Test Grade less than 70
B. Successful completion of a remediation assignment
C. No cheating occurred on the original test
II. Retest date will be determined by the teacher
III. Maximum retest grade is 70.
IV. Only two tests per nine weeks may be retested.
V. CBA’s cannot be retested.
Student Name______
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Please sign below indicating that you have received and agree to the terms of the AP Statistics syllabus. Also, please be aware that the following procedures will be enforced in my classroom:
· Dress Code Procedures
· I.D. Procedures
· Cell Phones & all Electronics Policy (will be taken up and given to Assistant Principal unless BYOT applies)
· Tardy Policy
· Any other procedure/policy mandated by the administration of DPHS
You may email me at any time regarding your student at to check on grades or information about my class procedures. Working together we can make this the best year in math for your student. Thank you for your cooperation.
Jordan Wade
AP Statistics
Date (Student’s signature)
Date (Parent/Guardian signature)
I, ______, am in Mrs. Wade’s AP Statistics class.
I will be allowed to use one of DPHS’s (South Campus) TI84-Plus Calculators in class as long as I agree to the following guidelines and have a parent signature.
· The calculator will be used as an instructional tool, not a toy.
· It is to be returned at the end of each period into the appropriate place.
· The back of the calculator is NOT to be taken off and batteries are NOT to be removed.
· Any of the following will result in denial of calculator privileges:
1) Damage in any form to the calculator and/or parts
2) “Text Messages” entered into the calculator
3) Programs loaded without the teacher’s permission
4) Loading or playing games on the calculator
Mrs. Wade will explain the procedure for distribution and collection of the calculators in class each day. If you do not
agree with this contract, it will be your responsibility to provide your own graphing calculator.
Please Circle:
Please sign confirming for your decision
date (student’s signature)
date (parent/guardian signature)
This form must be signed and returned to Mrs. Simon by Friday, August 26, 2016.